Paleo/Low Carb people, thoughts on Intermittent Fasting?

I have now been told by a fellow Paleo-ist, that I should NOT COUNT CALORIES....only CARBS even with weightloss goals. This should be done with intermittent fasting.

I have done intermittent fasting if I know I will eat a bit more carbs by going out. But honestly, am afraid to ONLY count CARBS?

I know overdoing anything is bad....and I do believe I won't overeat on Paleo as it doesnt make me have cravings.

ANYONE else out there doing something similar?

What are YOUR results?


  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I'm paleo and I count calories. I tried only counting carbs and totally overdid it with butter, bacon, super-thick cream, dark chocolate, nuts , cheese, cold cuts etc. I gave up the dairy and started watching what i eat more carefully and strated to lose the pounds.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I almost accidentally IF every day. After my coffee in the morning, I usually don't eat until supper. By then it's hard to eat all of my calories for the day. This worked for a bit, but now that school started up again, I'm too busy to eat until really late so I've started eating more frequently throughout the day.

    There was a poll on reddit a few months ago that showed that those doing keto who did count calories lost more than those that just counted carbs. I like to keep track using MFP because I'm still learning how my body reacts to certain foods.

    What worked for me was to just use MFP with the HFLC macro goals instead of their default goals.

    I dunno, give it a try? See how it works for you, but if I were in your shoes I would take baby steps and not try to jump into it all at once.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member

    That was an interesting article! I'm trying to break my obsession with food, so I know the feeling of constantly thinking about it. I'm glad she found what worked for her!

    For now, I'll stick with eating throughout the day. I'm less cranky that way :)
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I have now been told by a fellow Paleo-ist, that I should NOT COUNT CALORIES....only CARBS even with weightloss goals.

    Terrible advice.

    Fat and protein still have calories and if you eat too many total calories you will not lose weight. Regardless of how many carbs you eat.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I have now been told by a fellow Paleo-ist, that I should NOT COUNT CALORIES....only CARBS even with weightloss goals. This should be done with intermittent fasting.

    What was their reasoning for such arbitrary rules?
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I have now been told by a fellow Paleo-ist, that I should NOT COUNT CALORIES....only CARBS even with weightloss goals. This should be done with intermittent fasting.

    What was their reasoning for such arbitrary rules?

    Probably that LCHF diets are very filling and keep you satisfied for longer amounts of time. However, I still don't trust myself to just "listen to my body" and give it what it needs without logging.

    MFP has been a very useful tool! Now if I could just trust my brain to not lie to me!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Is there a reason you're set on doing the paleo thing?

    If you're already tracking your macros there probably isn't a need to follow the latest trend.
  • Bighiker2
    I am not a Paleo/IF follower, but I lost 12 lbs. here on MFP by simply counting calories (I am on a 1200 daily total). I started on 7/16 and two months later I am just about 2-3 lbs. from goal! So, counting calories definitely works for me!!! I never counted carbs when trying to lose weight...
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I dont label myself as paleo or even primal or even low carb but I do some of it by default through the way I choose to eat.

    I also do IF.

    The idea of not counting calories is up to you and I would not listen to someone tell me that I dont need to do it. Its up to you.

    Dont let anyone tell you anything unless its also your choice.

    Counting calories is what got me here and basically what keeps me here. But its more than counting calories now. Its counting fat and protein more so than calories.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I have now been told by a fellow Paleo-ist, that I should NOT COUNT CALORIES....only CARBS even with weightloss goals. This should be done with intermittent fasting.

    What was their reasoning for such arbitrary rules?

    Probably that LCHF diets are very filling and keep you satisfied for longer amounts of time.

    Aye but high satiety levels are not exclusive to LCHF and spontaneously eating at a calorie deficit is not exclusive to IF - no need for arbitrary rules as a result....
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I have now been told by a fellow Paleo-ist, that I should NOT COUNT CALORIES....only CARBS even with weightloss goals. This should be done with intermittent fasting.

    What was their reasoning for such arbitrary rules?
    Probably that LCHF diets are very filling and keep you satisfied for longer amounts of time.

    Aye but high satiety levels are not exclusive to LCHF and spontaneously eating at a calorie deficit is not exclusive to IF - no need for arbitrary rules as a result....

    I totally agree!
  • thecapaccino
    Is there a reason you're set on doing the paleo thing?

    If you're already tracking your macros there probably isn't a need to follow the latest trend.

    I tried everything and was gaining weight...even exercising like mad. Then I got wind of Paleo and Low carb....

    I thought well I would give it a try, and after 2 days of hell eating maximum 50g carbs a day...I was fine, not hungry, no cravings, more energy etc.

    It just works for me....and I have lost in 2months about 25 lbs!
  • thecapaccino
    I dont label myself as paleo or even primal or even low carb but I do some of it by default through the way I choose to eat.

    I also do IF.

    The idea of not counting calories is up to you and I would not listen to someone tell me that I dont need to do it. Its up to you.

    Dont let anyone tell you anything unless its also your choice.

    Counting calories is what got me here and basically what keeps me here. But its more than counting calories now. Its counting fat and protein more so than calories.

    I do love MFP! It makes me feel "safe" with myself if you know what I mean. Even logging in bad days still makes me feel accountable.

    And like you said...knowing about what OTHER stuff I eat is important to me as well i.e. protein, fats, sodium etc.
  • MrsMcToad
    MrsMcToad Posts: 7 Member
    I follow a generally low (er) carb diet out of personal preference (I don't like bread or potatoes!) rather than anything else so I'm not paleo, and I'm not in any way qualified to give out any advice - however if anyone is interested about some apparent health vbenefit of IF, I just watched a very interesting and (I would assume) well researched documentary about fasting, IF, and the 5:2 way of fasting. The documentary is by the BBC. You can fid it here on youtube, great to watch if you have a spare 55 mins this evening!

    Best of luck!
  • thecapaccino
    I have now been told by a fellow Paleo-ist, that I should NOT COUNT CALORIES....only CARBS even with weightloss goals. This should be done with intermittent fasting.

    What was their reasoning for such arbitrary rules?

    Not sure if it was just "arbitrary". The bloke was from another Paleo Lifestyle Forum....and he, I imagine, was a strict Paleo and felt all you should be concerned about is "low carbs"...and then everything else would fit itself in.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    If your'e not counting calories, why are you on this website? For the amazing forum posts?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I have now been told by a fellow Paleo-ist, that I should NOT COUNT CALORIES....only CARBS even with weightloss goals. This should be done with intermittent fasting.

    What was their reasoning for such arbitrary rules?

    Not sure if it was just "arbitrary". The bloke was from another Paleo Lifestyle Forum....and he, I imagine, was a strict Paleo and felt all you should be concerned about is "low carbs"...and then everything else would fit itself in.

    Ah, I see. So basically, if you forcibly restrict a particular macro nutrient as well the amount of time you have available to eat during the day you are less likely to end up over eating and therefore don't have to worry about tracking calories.

    Makes sense. Give it a go. If it doesn't work there are many other options to choose from which require none of the above and are just as successful.

    Good luck!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    My thoughts are as follows:

    1) If you don't have insulin related medical issues then you don't need to low carb. You still can if you want to but if you're doing any sort of reasonably intense training I would advise against it. I would also advise against it if it conflicts with personal preference. If you find it EASIER to low carb, then you should definitely do it.

    2) IF is the new craze. Anyone suggesting it as mandatory or even desirable for fat loss without considering your preferences is basically clueless. Dietary adherence will trump any meal frequency protocol and it should always be your top priority to structure your intake timing on preference, gym performance, and obviously any medical need. If you get to the point that you're eating or not eating because "it's not 4pm yet", I firmly believe you're doing it wrong.

    Now that being said, my eating style most closely resembles a 16/8 IF, because it is my preference.

    You are required to create an energy deficit whether you track it or not, if you want to lose weight.
    You should consume macronutrients according to fitness/body composition goals, training intensity, and possibly any insulin related issues you have.

    I have nothing against people who do Paleo, or who IF, of who low carb, but you should understand what you're getting into and I would hesitate to take advice from anyone who may be making blanket statements that don't consider the above sentences.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm paleo and I count calories. I tried only counting carbs and totally overdid it with butter, bacon, super-thick cream, dark chocolate, nuts , cheese, cold cuts etc. I gave up the dairy and started watching what i eat more carefully and strated to lose the pounds.

    You're allowed dairy and dark chocolate on the paleo diet???