Anyone with PCOS?

Hi, Does anyone have PCOS? If so, how have you worked through it. I'm trying to lose weight in hopes to counter act it. Has anyone lost weight with PCOS and found it to be helpful?


  • 75Juniper
    I can't answer your question, but wanted to let you know that there are several PCOS groups on here. If you go to Community>Groups you can search. I'm sure you will find lots of support and advice. :flowerforyou:
  • aspahr11610
    Thank you!
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I do, Just prepare yourself that it will take much longer than someone without PCOS, so you do not give up. In the end you will reach your goal it just makes it a little harder!

    There are lots of PCOS groups here which can be very helpful!

    EDIT: I just re-read your question and yes it has helped with parts of my PCOS, My period is a little more regular. Not perfect but I know it will arrive at some point haha
  • kimmvpt
    kimmvpt Posts: 9 Member
    I have PCOS.....was told 7 years ago low carb no more than 50 total day would be best....I did that for long time lost weight but was very resticted. Than went to old eatting habbits weight piled on. I now focused on quality of food not what carb count is. I choise lower carbs and try to eat carbs prior to 2pm in the day so my body doesn't store them. Since Jan to may I only lost 7lbs gave up soda..than after easter saw photo of myself and joined gym and Myfitnesspal....I am down 48Lbs (55 total for year).....I work out most weeks 6 days week at gym Auqua class (Tue, Thu Sat) ....Strength class SUn...cardio Mon Wed with weights......if the weather is nice and we don't have alot going on we try to go for 3 mile walk on Fridays around our house near to a park....with PCOS you need to find out what is your tiggers...with it insuline resitance comes into play...alot time you can have all the signs of PCOS but once you get sugars in line and weight loss signs of PCOS go away. For me I have stressful job where I worked 80 hours week and didn't eat right or sleep right...lbs added on. My Pulitary glad was also producing 500% above normal. I had been on medicine to control sugar, the gland and fertility drugs.....I did that for a while and said heck with it.....I was blessed with my son .....instead of taking as sign to stick healthy lifestyle went back to old ways eating fast food soda.....As stated before I changed that again this year... my cycle is on track not as heavy as it used to be...You have to find out what works for you body and go with it. You can get pregant and have can improve your health ....with PCOS it will take longer to get weight off but Heck Juillian Michales has PCOS and look what shape she is. I think DR lable women with PCOS but there is different spectrumns of it. Good luck you can do it just make small reach able goal and then big goal...example my goal this month is 10lbs total loss my over all goal is by end this year to be 90lbs loss (total weight loss goal is 150) I don't use personal trainner (although my brother inlaw used to be one) I am just very driven person....My end weigh loss goal and reward is trip to Hawwi and trip to Holland I have goals set up for every month ever quarter... I have motivational rewards to go with it. Hope I didn't ramble to badly.