Weight GAIN when sticking to 1200 calories?



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Nope, it's the week after my period :-( I think I'm drinking a lot as well. I'm really confused. I've felt really tired this week and was hoping to see another comfortable weight loss so I could up my calorie intake a bit, but now I'm wondering what to do. I can't really go lower than 1200 calories but I'm not losing weight on that amount anymore.

    YOu have to feed the fire for it to burn :wink:

    I think you might be right. I've just had a look at some of those links, and maybe 1200 calories is too few for me. I might try 1400 and see if my progress is any better. Thankyou!

    angel, make sure you go in and change your measurements in your settings whenever you lose a few pounds, you will be given different calorie allocations when you have lost some weight. I don't know anything about your diet, your size, your exercise etc., so can't give speciific ideas, BUT.....up your calories for two weeks and see what happens. You just have to keep experimenting. 1200 cals for me was really tough. I'm 5'8" and medium frame - so that 1200 only worked for the first 15 lbs. It does encourage exercise, though, so you can eat! :laugh:

    We're here if you need us! :flowerforyou:
  • amanda_dee04
    I signed up for the Jillian Michaels (from the Biggest Loser) newsletter emails and today's suggested eating 12 calories for every lb you weigh. Example: 135lbs x 12 = 1620 calories per day. This helps increase your metabolism, especially after yo-yo dieting.

    She also suggested working out 3-5hrs a week and alternating your cardio workouts (walk, jog, run, elliptical, stairs, bike)

    Eat 45-60min before working out and 45-60min after working out. Your after workout meal should be high in protein and carbs.

    I hope these suggestions help you reach your goal!!!! :)

    Best of Luck and God bless!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    I signed up for the Jillian Michaels (from the Biggest Loser) newsletter emails and today's suggested eating 12 calories for every lb you weigh. Example: 135lbs x 12 = 1620 calories per day. This helps increase your metabolism, especially after yo-yo dieting.

    She also suggested working out 3-5hrs a week and alternating your cardio workouts (walk, jog, run, elliptical, stairs, bike)

    Eat 45-60min before working out and 45-60min after working out. Your after workout meal should be high in protein and carbs.

    I hope these suggestions help you reach your goal!!!! :)

    Best of Luck and God bless!

    This is such good advice! So many people think they need to workout 2 hours a day 5 days a week, and it's overkill. There is a law of diminishing return when it comes to over-working out. I hope some of our 'experts' here will chime in, because I've read it a bunch of times but I can't quote (or find) specific examples. If I find them, I'll repost them here.
  • swilson75
    swilson75 Posts: 12 Member
    Maybe you're not eating enough calories. If you're working out, you may require more calories than what is recommended to fuel your body. I have found my workouts difficult this week and I'm also tired and I honestly think I'm not eating enough to give me the energy my body requires.

    1200 calories is the minimum recommended for anyone to eat, regardless of weight and size. If I compare MFP's recommended calories with other websites, they are a little lower.
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    I signed up for the Jillian Michaels (from the Biggest Loser) newsletter emails and today's suggested eating 12 calories for every lb you weigh. Example: 135lbs x 12 = 1620 calories per day. This helps increase your metabolism, especially after yo-yo dieting.

    She also suggested working out 3-5hrs a week and alternating your cardio workouts (walk, jog, run, elliptical, stairs, bike)

    Eat 45-60min before working out and 45-60min after working out. Your after workout meal should be high in protein and carbs.

    I hope these suggestions help you reach your goal!!!! :)

    Best of Luck and God bless!

    Wait...275x12 = 3300...is double the calories they have suggested for me here? /lost
  • kiwiraz
    kiwiraz Posts: 34
    if you just started to be active the muscle you gained could account for the weight gain.
  • emom21
    emom21 Posts: 13
    Keep at it a while longer, and you've received lots of good advice here. But, if you continue to find yourself stuck, make sure you get a good physical. Your thyroid levels may be low, or something along those lines.

  • amanda_dee04
    I know that sounds like a lot of calories. The reason she suggests to eat that many calories is to increase your metabolism. When you don't eat enough, your body goes into starvation mode which lowers your metabolism which decreases the speed at which you burn calories.

    You probably won't see weight loss right away but you will provide your body with the nutrients it needs and will eventually lose weight as you progress and exercise. As you lose weight, you lower your calorie intake.

    Here's the link where I read the info :)

    ALSO ... I was just reading this right now. A lady is talking about how she's been on a 1200 calorie diet and working out, lost 37lbs but can't seem to lose the last 10lbs she wants to lose.

    In response, they tell her to keep doing what she's doing. Eventually the weight WILL come off, she's just at a plateau and her body is trying to stop the weight loss. If you would like to read more on this, here's the website http://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-specialist/weight-loss-plateau.aspx
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    o.O I think if i ate 3300 calories a day I would gain back everything I have lost *tear
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Amanda, thanks for that information. MFP suggests I eat 1240 a day and that just seems ridiculous. I think I am going to up it, even though I just started and won't weigh myself until Sunday. According to that calculation, I should be at 1771 calories a day. That sounds like a much better number to me.
  • amanda_dee04
    Allislefttogain: You're welcome! :) I really think you should click the link I included on my previous post and sign up to have them sent to your email. I've found them very helpful

    Bebhinn: If you're afraid you'll gain your weight back, I'd try just upping your intake 100calories or so. I know with a 1200 calorie diet you can be tired by the end of the day because of lack of energy and the calories add up fast. Apples and other fruits are a great source of sugar for quick pick-me-ups and proteins make you feel fuller. I can't find the link right now but this morning I read that a good calorie intake per day to lose about 1lb per week is from 1200-1400 calories.

    Hope this helps! And good luck sticking with your calorie intake over the weekend ... I know I struggle!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    if you just started to be active the muscle you gained could account for the weight gain.

    Women cannot gain much weight in muscle unless they work very hard for a very long time - and it has to be intensive weight lifting combined with a strict diet aimed at muscle gain. She has not gained weight in muscle to account for a "gain".

    This has been discussed many times on the boards by Sports Medicine peeps.

    It's just not true.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    I signed up for the Jillian Michaels (from the Biggest Loser) newsletter emails and today's suggested eating 12 calories for every lb you weigh. Example: 135lbs x 12 = 1620 calories per day. This helps increase your metabolism, especially after yo-yo dieting.

    She also suggested working out 3-5hrs a week and alternating your cardio workouts (walk, jog, run, elliptical, stairs, bike)

    Eat 45-60min before working out and 45-60min after working out. Your after workout meal should be high in protein and carbs.

    I hope these suggestions help you reach your goal!!!! :)

    Best of Luck and God bless!

    Wait...275x12 = 3300...is double the calories they have suggested for me here? /lost

    I posted the story from her link below...

    (from my thoughts) If you are 275, stick with the mfp recommendations. You do need more calories than 1200, and mfp should be giving you enough calories. What does it suggest you eat? Because the more you have to lose, the greater you can make your deficit (within reason!) as long as the food you are eating contains your needed nutrients. i.e. not just potato chips and oreos.
    Ask Jillian Michaels
    Pump Up Your Metabolism

    I've tried every diet under the sun in my life, and I'm really afraid I've ruined my metabolism. I seem to gain weight no matter what I eat now! Is there any way to fix this?

    This is such a good question — I'm so glad you asked! Many people suffer from the backlash that can result from years of yo-yo diets. What happens is this: When people let their calorie levels drop too low, their body's survival mechanism kicks in, lowering their metabolic set point (or basal metabolic rate). When they go off that crash diet and begin to eat normally again, they gain back any weight lost — plus. And what follows that? Yup, another crash diet.

    The cycle is often very frustrating, but it CAN be reversed with time, consistency, and patience. What you'll need to do is the exact opposite of what we call shocking the metabolism; you have to allow your body time to adapt to a new metabolic set point — by being consistent, you'll force your body to adapt.

    Okay, here's the game plan: First, set your daily caloric intake at 12 calories per pound of body weight. (For example, my weight is 117; 117 x 12 = 1,404 calories a day.) Then stick like glue to that calorie allowance for at least one to two months, depending on your metabolism. This will allow your body time to readjust your metabolic set point accordingly.

    Now, here's the other part of the equation: The absolute best way to pump up your metabolism is to EXERCISE. You'll be burning calories not only during your workout but also up to 48 hours after — all the while increasing lean muscle tissue, which speeds the metabolism over the long term. Aim for five hours of exercise a week if possible, but no fewer than three hours a week.


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    It is very frustrating to be doing everything right and Not feel like it was for something. Keep doing what you are doing; maybe try to add a little more physical activity. Don't drop below 1200 calories though and send your body into starvation mode. Don't let your mind games cause you to "throw in the towel". Just don't give up....keep on keeping on. I am counting on you seeing results next week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Nope, it's the week after my period :-( I think I'm drinking a lot as well. I'm really confused. I've felt really tired this week and was hoping to see another comfortable weight loss so I could up my calorie intake a bit, but now I'm wondering what to do. I can't really go lower than 1200 calories but I'm not losing weight on that amount anymore.

    YOu have to feed the fire for it to burn :wink:

    I am happy to see that this is a possibility that you are considering. For me, I am a very slow loser but if I do not eat most of my excercise calories (I wear a heart rate monitor) I stop losing. I was at 1200 calories and found that I started losing faster after I increased them to 1230 and as I said eating almost all of my excercise calories.

    One last tip...I don't let the scales get me down. They only show a small part of the overall picture. If you are doing the right things...eating healthy and excercising...it will happen. Not everyone drops a pound a week. the ticket is to persevere, be willing to experiment, and listen to those who are actually doing it.

    I think you might be right. I've just had a look at some of those links, and maybe 1200 calories is too few for me. I might try 1400 and see if my progress is any better. Thankyou!
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    I signed up for the Jillian Michaels (from the Biggest Loser) newsletter emails and today's suggested eating 12 calories for every lb you weigh. Example: 135lbs x 12 = 1620 calories per day. This helps increase your metabolism, especially after yo-yo dieting.

    She also suggested working out 3-5hrs a week and alternating your cardio workouts (walk, jog, run, elliptical, stairs, bike)

    Eat 45-60min before working out and 45-60min after working out. Your after workout meal should be high in protein and carbs.

    I hope these suggestions help you reach your goal!!!! :)

    Best of Luck and God bless!

    Wait...275x12 = 3300...is double the calories they have suggested for me here? /lost

    I posted the story from her link below...

    (from my thoughts) If you are 275, stick with the mfp recommendations. You do need more calories than 1200, and mfp should be giving you enough calories. What does it suggest you eat? Because the more you have to lose, the greater you can make your deficit (within reason!) as long as the food you are eating contains your needed nutrients. i.e. not just potato chips and oreos.
    Ask Jillian Michaels
    Pump Up Your Metabolism

    I've tried every diet under the sun in my life, and I'm really afraid I've ruined my metabolism. I seem to gain weight no matter what I eat now! Is there any way to fix this?

    This is such a good question — I'm so glad you asked! Many people suffer from the backlash that can result from years of yo-yo diets. What happens is this: When people let their calorie levels drop too low, their body's survival mechanism kicks in, lowering their metabolic set point (or basal metabolic rate). When they go off that crash diet and begin to eat normally again, they gain back any weight lost — plus. And what follows that? Yup, another crash diet.

    The cycle is often very frustrating, but it CAN be reversed with time, consistency, and patience. What you'll need to do is the exact opposite of what we call shocking the metabolism; you have to allow your body time to adapt to a new metabolic set point — by being consistent, you'll force your body to adapt.

    Okay, here's the game plan: First, set your daily caloric intake at 12 calories per pound of body weight. (For example, my weight is 117; 117 x 12 = 1,404 calories a day.) Then stick like glue to that calorie allowance for at least one to two months, depending on your metabolism. This will allow your body time to readjust your metabolic set point accordingly.

    Now, here's the other part of the equation: The absolute best way to pump up your metabolism is to EXERCISE. You'll be burning calories not only during your workout but also up to 48 hours after — all the while increasing lean muscle tissue, which speeds the metabolism over the long term. Aim for five hours of exercise a week if possible, but no fewer than three hours a week.



    Thank you SO much! I happened to pop over to the link too but I'm glad that you had the foresight to share this publicly (unlike me :S) because the last thing I would want anyone else doing is going and eating that many calories a day!
    I will and have been sticking to MFP's recommendations and its working just great :)
  • iamkaren
    I normally do not post . I have decided that weighing one self once a week is enough. As long as I am not gaining, I should be happy, but am not. I unfortunately work shift and average 50 -60 hours at work a week. I cannot believe how little I have lost, considering the decrease in calories. 1200 is really hard to do, but I am sticking to it to a T. I am down 5 .8 lbs in 4 weeks. Any other ideas that may help. I do yoga once a week and have increased my walking to 30 minutes extra per day. Too tired and not enough hours in the day to do any other extra exercise. Not an excuse, truly sleep 5-6 hours a day, otherwise at work, getting to work or just getting through the day to day necessities of life. No lunch breaks - eat when you can with the job I have. Love my job not complaining, just looking for more ideas to help increase the motivation. Thanks for the ideas in advance will look back for your advise.
  • kerrynev
    kerrynev Posts: 20 Member
    hello iamkaren,
    You did not say you were drinking your water. 64 oz a must, but 80 to 100 is better. I am attending a weight loss clinic. They recommended 80 to 100 ozs a day. :drinker: