Trying to lose 15 lbs. help!

Hi everyone! I joined MFP a week ago and I'm learning so much from the forums. I'm 5'6 and 143 lbs. I'm 44 years old and commute 4 hrs a day on a bus. Then sit at my desk for 8 hrs. My calorie requirement is 1200. So far I'm down a half pound and I'm a little discouraged. I don't have alot of free time to exercise but I am making an effort on weekends. Any advice is appreciated !!


  • stormsusmc
    stormsusmc Posts: 228 Member
    Calories in < Calories out...its about deficiency..Find time to work out. Whether its just simple core exercises at home, or a brisk walk. Diet is everything, you must create strength as your sitting most of your day. Use your muscle and gain, or lose it. Not to mention muscles burn more calories then fat. Start by trying an easy at home routine. Excuses are for people who need them, find the time you'll thank yourself.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    don't get discouraged. you don't have a lot to lose and b/c of that it usually takes longer. they say .5 a lb a week max. I joined last nov, started my diet at the end of oct to lose 20 lbs and i just hit 20lbs this sept. It's not as easy when you have less to lose, so don't give up, i am so glad i didn't b/c i was just as discouraged as you were in the beginning with it being so slow but even though it took me 10 months, i am so glad i stuck through it. I would rather be ME now then before by far!
  • scrapfrfun
    What do you do on your lunch hour? Maybe you could start taking a 15 minute brisk walk a day, then work up to a 20 minute's better than nothing.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    that is what i used to do, i'd go for a 30-45 min walk on good weather days but now i only get a 30 min lunch and that's just enough time to eat! :(
  • Lilly603
    Lilly603 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement and advice! I am happy to hear I'm not alone when it comes to slow weight loss. My work days are crazy and I usually only have time for a sandwich at my desk while I work. But I should be able to squeeze in a 15 minute walk. What are your favorite workouts ? I recently tried physique 57 DVD and wholly cannoli I was sore afterwards!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i do 30 day shred and ripped in 30 from jillian michaels. i only have 30 min a night to get any exercise in and i can get those done no prob. they are about 27 min with a warm up and cool down. You will be sore the very 1st time you do it within the 1st few days but it will go and you will feel amazing!
  • Lilly603
    Lilly603 Posts: 8 Member
    I have a Jillian DVD and it definitely kicks my butt but is longer than 1/2 hour. I've heard alot of good things about the 30 day shred so I'll check it out. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Another way to get in a some extra walking would be to catch the bus a few blocks away from home or work....walk ten minuters to the next stop down maybe....if that's an option.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Another way to get in a some extra walking would be to catch the bus a few blocks away from home or work....walk ten minuters to the next stop down maybe....if that's an option.

    ^ This! Every little bit throughout the day helps! Also, maybe get some hand weights to do bicep curls, tricep extentions, shoulder raises while you're at your desk reading? Use the stairs at the office, take the long way around to the bathroom, do a couple of squats while you're in between tasks. It all adds up!

    Even though you won't have 'big calorie burn' workouts, you'll be exerting your muscles, making them stronger and therefore burning more calories at a resting state. Plus you'll be toning and working towards some definition. :)
  • wannabeskinny27
    wannabeskinny27 Posts: 25 Member
    On your lunch break go for a walk outside and do some shopping or simply buy a sandwich
  • sue_886
    I also take the bus and usually walk to a farther bus stop. You can also try taking the stairs if there is more than one level in your building. I eat my lunch while working, and then spend my break walking. I also try to incorporate different things in daily life and got some inspiration from this blog:

    You could also look into getting an exercise ball to sit on at the office. I don't have room in my cubicle, but I know other people who use it (each office is different, so you'll most likely need manager approval).

    Those last few pounds are killer! I lost 25lbs two years ago and have spent the last year or so trying (off and on) to lose the last 20lbs. The first 25 came off due to months of sickness, so I know that the rest will take longer as I continue to figure out a healthy routine and balance between exercise and food. The best goal is to work towards being the healthiest you can be and taking care of your body.

    Hope you can find the balance that works for you!
  • Lilly603
    Lilly603 Posts: 8 Member
    Youve definitely inspired me to find ways to move ! I've started taking the stairs wherever I can find them. And weekends are great for longer workouts. After 10 days I'm happy to report that I've lost almost 3 lbs. drinking alot of water certainly makes a difference. Jillian is definitely a killer! Lol Good luck everyone! Oh and I tried my first chocolate vitatop last night. Wow ! Cured my chocolate craving and only 100 calories ! Highly recommend!!