My first 10K Marathon

I can't believe it, I am actually gonna do this. I just signed up for a Night Race 10K Marathon, taking place on March 27th 2010.
Now I am so nervous and excited at the same time!!!! My goal is to complete it within the alloted time of 1hr 30mins.

Any tips for first time runners like me?


  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I don't have any tips because I am miles and miles and miles away from my goal of one day running a 10k, but congratulations on getting there! You will do so great! I hope you reach your time but even if you don't, doing a 10k is amazing!! Just believe in yourself, and when you feel like you're slowing down or you're tired just keep pushing and think of how amazing it will be to finish and get your goal time - which you will! GOOD LUCK!!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    thats awesome. A marathon though is 26.2 miles.
    Just dont skip your longer runs.. Dont start out to fast in the beginning. Have fun!
  • johnmcfarm
    How exciting!!! I dream of a day when I can run again...what a wonderful achievement you are about to make! Congratulations!!! The only advice I have to offer is...finish the run!
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I think a 10K is the easiest of the races actually. Its a long enough distance to not get zoomed by yet not so long that it seems daunting for a first race. I love hill training, its agony but it makes the flat stretches seem like a cake walk, so focusing alot on hill repeats is good for a 10K cause in my 10k there arent alot of hills but at 4.5mile marker its a steady grade up up up, youll appreciate the hill training for that!!!! and my first 10K honey I was shocked when i did it in 1:08:15!!!!
  • ITMom
    ITMom Posts: 2
    First, double check what you signed up for. A 10K is about 6 miles, while a marathon is just over 26 miles.
    I just ran my first 1/2 marathon January 17th. I know how good it feels to hit a major goal. You can do it! You are 2 months away. Look online for free training schedules, find one you like, and stick to it. Set a reasonable goal, like....just finish even if you have to walk. Stretch, lots of stretching. Stay hydrated and take your vitamins. Also, look online for some exercise or running forums. Reading about what others are doing can help keep you motivated. Immerse yourself, and have fun, the only one you are racing against is you.
  • CinthyNair
    Thanks ITMom. Yes, it's a 10K and they call it a Night Race ... but personally for me, it feels like a Marathon! LOL ... but thanks for the tips.
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    Good for you! I hope I'm walking...(running??) in your shoes come september!