fail for dinner

kittina Posts: 10 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
well i went out for dinner tonight with some friends. i meant be good but i couldn't help myself and ate way too much. i pretty much estimated my calories for the entire day at least 3,700 which is about 2,000 more than i usually eat. i was tempted with delicious food and gave in too easily and everything from appetizers, drinks and desserts adds up.

my question is how does one bounce back from this? should i eat less tomorrow? or just get back on the wagon with my regular amount of calories i allot myself?

to make matters worse i didn't work out today, but tomorrow i am attending a bootcamp workout class and doing some own personal cardio at the gym after wards. 3,500 calories adds up to a pound? i definitely gained one today! any help is appreciated.. heck even encouragement!


  • I go through the same thing but I try not to beat myself up about it. I know when you do Weight Watchers they allow I think 35 extra points a week for reasons such as this. I tell myself that if I have one "splurge" night then that is all I get for the week. I'm the type that if I can't have something I want it even more! lol My family and I don't go out as often since starting to eat healthier so I figure one night every so often won't hurt! I would say the biggest thing is, don't beat yourself up about it or feel guilty. Just start fresh tomorrow! :happy:
  • wildjoker81
    wildjoker81 Posts: 16 Member
    I just chalk it up as a loss. You win some and you lose some. Sounds like you really lost last night. Happened to me last week, same situation, cept it was at a Brazillian steakhouse. Red meat... my only weakness. I put it in my log as accurately as I could, (basically I just put a whole meatlovers pizza, figured that'd do the right amount of damage since theres no brazillian death dinner entry) and when I completed the day and saw that if everyday were like that in 5 weeks id weigh 30lbs more than I started out... kept me from doin it the next night. My oppinion, damage has been done, no taking it back the next day or compensating. Learn your lesson and do better next time.
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Where I live, there is a local speciality called the 'chicken parmo' which is deep-fried, crumbed chicken breast covered in cheese, cheese sauce and more cheese. They come with a huge portion of fries and a novelty bit of salad too. The thing is approx 3500-4000 calories and contains 150g of fat. They are simply gorgeous. Every week when I go out with my friends, the lure of this food is sooo great. I have eaten 2 or 3 of these in the last 8 months. Whenever it happens, I feel sick the next day mainly due to the grease and fat in my body but also partly the disappointment. All you can do, though, is keep up your healthy eating right after that. So what if you gain a little weight from your splurge? Everyone is allowed a treat now and again, it helps keep you motivated and not suffer too much with the healthy eating and exercising.

    Also, sometimes eating such a high calorie meal can shock your body somewhat and kickstart your metabolism - who knows, maybe you'll benefit from it! ;-)
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    wow can I relate, I just got back from a 3 day cruise and I blew it all 3 days, really 4 days just the alcohol alone put me way over in calories and thats not including all the food. So when I got back home i just started back in (like nothing happened) but I gained 4.2lbs back, and weight in again Friday so dont beat your self up, no ones perfect.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Just dust yourself off and carry on. I did a ba-a-a-a-a-d thing yesterday and succumbed to pan fried noodles, coconut shrimp and sesame chicken--way too much sodium and fat and carbs!! I went way over my calories, and today I didn't have any time to do any cardio. When I completed my food diary, it said I would weigh 15 lbs. more than I do now, :noway: if I did this EVERY day!!! That was not unexpected, but having it staring at me in black and white is definitely attention-getting!! When I got weighed this morning, it showed me up 1.5 lbs.

    I ate very light today, and will see if some of the damages are gone when I weigh in the morning. It is not something I plan to make a habit of.
  • I just started this and can say I have failed a day or two already myself. Just pick yourself up and carry on. I had a 2,000 calorie breakfast one day. It can happen. But look, we are making a difference in our lives. It is worth it!
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