Hi Everyone!


I'm Adria and I'm 24 years old. My old roommate and I used to work out before work together and I have to admit it is just not the same with out her! I'm looking for friends to help keep me accountable like she does (we only live a couple blocks away form each other now). We've both had great success since we started working out consistently back in July and want to keep it going!


  • dave4475
    hey there. My name is Dave, 29 from mass. I'm in the same boat. Years ago i used to work out and play sports regularly but as people move on and grow up and i blew out both my acl's in sports related injuries I've had a hard time staying motivated and holding myself accountable. Need some motivation. I got your back if you get mine!!!
  • nasoowi
    I am Soowi. I am 15 years old. I am 143 pounds and 5'4'' height. Some say I am not fat but I have to lose more weight.
  • anniebonnie
    anniebonnie Posts: 71 Member
    Aww your name is soo pretty Adria!!:) Haha I wish mine was as pretty as yours...it's just Annabeth:P anyhow, welcome to MFP hun! x I hope you find this place to your liking, as I know I sure have! I wish you much luck on your weight loss, and great job sticking to exercising this long. That's a HUGE achievement:D

    P.S. Added you
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Hello :) names Shalla. currently 17 soon to be 18. Your lucky to have had someone to workout with you LOL. I can't find one stinking person who wants to even walk for 30 minutes. Maybe that'll change when I go to College? LOL. I workout at home with Turbo Fire. I play Tennis and Zumba etc. on the wii and I use to do Taebo. I walk just about every day for 30 minutes.Anyways, I like being on here for the accountability and support. I log in everyday so feel free to add me if ya like. I'll do my best to help support you! Good luck to you all!
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    bumping for you <3