
Since I started on MFP, I've started getting more pimples. Not a ton, but two or three a week.

Anyone have any suggestions/advice on how to NOT have them? :wink: Foods to eat or avoid, for example?

I don't use clearasil or anything like that. It dries my face out horribly. I'd prefer non-medicated suggestions. Thanks!


  • kerikitkat
    kerikitkat Posts: 352 Member
    Since I started on MFP, I've started getting more pimples. Not a ton, but two or three a week.

    Anyone have any suggestions/advice on how to NOT have them? :wink: Foods to eat or avoid, for example?

    I don't use clearasil or anything like that. It dries my face out horribly. I'd prefer non-medicated suggestions. Thanks!
  • BigCityKittyz
    BigCityKittyz Posts: 378
    Great....some people are addicted to MFP....and other's are becoming allergic! LOL!


    Sounds like change of seasons going from cold to warm....or may be hormone fluctuations. I know we usually blame it on foods but it's generally not the case.

    Here is how you can make a toner at home. For quickly refreshing your skin, grate a cucumber. Then use a wash cloth and apply the cucumber juice to your face. Cucumber juice is a natural astringent. It can tone and tighten skin! Then use the rest in a salad...:tongue:

    Here's another!

    Rose Water & Glycerine Astringent
    1/2 pint olive oil
    1 ounce rose water
    a few drops of glycerin
    1 ounce vodka

    Save a vodka shot for yourself......OF COURSE!:drinker:

    I keep mine in the fridge and is especially nice for summer evenings. And don't worry, the rose water keeps you from smelling like a lush!:happy:
  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    I use Borba... it can be expensive though.. but the clarifying steps work wonders.. I have really good skin.. i don't drink the borba water or eat the gummies but everything else I use...
    check it out borba.net

    I used to use purity.. it was wonderful, but my body got immune to it since i started losing the weight.. i used it for about 4yrs though.. kept my skin very nice.
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    Do you wash your face after exercise? According to Modern Exercise.com, "It is also recommended to wash your face after hard exercise, because the excess sweat and oil will increase sebum production. Do not scrub your face, doing this will cause the problem to get worse because it agitates and inflames the pours, thereby causing more bacteria to grow in the inflamed areas and increasing acne. Washing hair is also vital if it falls into your face, as the oils from the hair can cause pours to clog and form acne."

    When I started to exercise, I had a few breakouts which are very uncommon for me. This is why my dermatologist recommended that I wash my face with Dove Moisturizing Beauty Body Wash for Sensitive Skin and Neutrogena's Moisture Sensitive Skin Non-comedogenic, Hypo-allergenic Facial Moisturizer to prevent clogged pores which can cause cause skin to break out.

  • nhoffman08
    nhoffman08 Posts: 28
    As you start to eat healthier and exercise more, your body will purge impurities(toxins) it has stored. They have to go somewhere and sometimes end up making us break out. For an inexpensive over the counter cleanser, I like Cetaphil or Phisoderm. They are very gentle and Ph balanced to your skin. There are some good acne cleansers as well, but if they are just small breakouts, you should be able to remedy it with a simple routine. There are some great cleansers from AVON as well that are gentle.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I sympathize with you. For me, the breakouts were running related. Aren't you in the runner's club? Someone advised me to wash my face with a mild antibacterial wash immediately after working out and that has worked great for me. If I am away from home, I actually use baby wipes so I can wash my face right away. I hope something works for you. As someone who had acne as a teenager and for a short time as an adult, I know how you feel. I almost stopped running b/c of my pimples:embarassed: .
  • kerikitkat
    kerikitkat Posts: 352 Member
    Thanks everyone. :smile:

    Perhaps you are right - it could be the running and sweating. I don't get pimples anywhere but my face, but lord knows that's been sweating a lot more than usual, too. I'll definitely try washing it after every run.

    And I love the 2 homemade idea BigCity!