Best bike rides

Planning on an extended bike ride next year. for about 7 days.... thnking about Vermont in October... through Adventure Cycling... anybody ever done one of these??? if so what was your favorite or did you do something else you liked better..



  • rydn4h2o
    Thanks for starting this thread, i'll be interested to hear the responses
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    me too... hope to do Ragbrai.. but really wanted a leisurley "vacation" style ride also...
  • Brengild
    Ragbrai rocks! I did it a couple of years ago with my daughter(then 20, so no drinking). We had a blast! It can be a drunken frat party or a neighborhood block party. Its whatever you want it to be. I am from Iowa, so I might be biased!
    Mickelson Trail in South Dakota is also gorgeous, a little hilly but not bad.
  • rydn4h2o
    Ragbrai rocks! I did it a couple of years ago with my daughter(then 20, so no drinking). We had a blast! It can be a drunken frat party or a neighborhood block party. Its whatever you want it to be. I am from Iowa, so I might be biased!
    Mickelson Trail in South Dakota is also gorgeous, a little hilly but not bad.

    You describe Ragbrai to a tee!