Anyone else always freezing when losing weight?

I've been losing a pound a week and I am always freezing now. Anyone else? Is it normal? My thyroid/labs are normal.


  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    Ive always been cold. My husband makes fun of me for it.
    I don't think it has anything to do with your weight, I was always cold even at my highest weight
  • Vicki685
    Vicki685 Posts: 69 Member
    I seem to feel the cold more when I'm losing weight, not sure if it's just because winter is coming up or because I have less insulation than I'm used to. It isn't something I notice until I've lost several pounds
  • Jadsiat
    Jadsiat Posts: 18 Member
    I know what you are going through. I don't remember being so cold when I was heavier. I have lost about 45 pounds and it had to be 85 or 90 before I would even think about wearing shorts and tank tops. I think a person's metabolism changes with a weight loss.
  • iwatts3519
    iwatts3519 Posts: 46 Member
    Me too - it's horrible. It leaves you wanting a big burger or something. Grrrrr
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I definitely get colder now that I lost my warming layer of fat.

    But also check that you are getting enough iron. Sometimes feeling cold or sensitivity to cold can be a sign of iron deficiency. My doctor checked mine for that reason when I'd laughed about being cold now when she asked about my weight loss and she got all medical on me and checked that it wasn't my iron levels. :) (it wasn't)