Help, feeling down,I need true motivation.

I started at the end of Feb 2012
Height 5`7
Weight 194
Age 28
Goal 165 (right now)
Next goal (I'll see)

Feeling a little sad.I've lost 64 lbs so far,44 lbs with mfp.
Need help. I'm slowing way down and not meeting my short term goals as fast.
Need motivation and new ideas. Please help.


  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    You will do it!! You've made it this far. Just keep it going and add more motivators on your list.
  • Estefanie1102
    Estefanie1102 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been feeling the same way lately. Ugh, not the best place when you are trying to get in the best shape possible, but look how far you've came! That in itself is a wonderful thing! Keep pushing through, and you will get where you want to be =]
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Don't give up, but stop setting time-oriented scale goals.

    The more weight you lose, the slower it comes off. You just have to stay with it and set different, non-scale goals. Start setting fitness goals instead of scale goals.

    Stay the course with your calories and up your exercise.

    Weight loss (pounds) is not a linear, predictable process. It often happens in fits and starts. Some weeks you won't lose anything, and other weeks you'll lose 4 pounds. It doesn't make sense to set scale goals when you can't directly control the number from week to week.

    Do the right things over a long period of time and eventually you will get to your goal. Aim for permanent lifestyle changes as well, because once you reach your goal, you'll still have to do what you've been doing in order to maintain.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    You can do it.. I've slowed down as well, but I know it's because I've put fitness on a back burner b/c I've gone back to school. Which is scary to me. I just have to remind myself what I want, why I'm doing it, and not to give up. Though b/c I don't get support from where I want it I do have days I want to give up.. Then I sign on to MFP and see how amazing and motivational some of my friends are even though I've had to re-focus my attention on something else. The ones that truly care and are here for the "right" reasons understand, and continue to support, offer encouragement, and give me a push when I need it or feel down.
  • WOW! You have lost so much! How did you do it?