Weekend: Always eat bad, never work out! Helppp

I have done soooo good this week. I have really stepped up. Butttt its friday and I ALWAYS CHEAT. It is more than that even. I dont cheat, I BEAST. I eat whatever I want and dont even act like Im on a diet. I also NEVER work out. I need help.
Can anyone say anything that will help me. I know this is the reason why I have been gaining weight and never able to lose it.


  • FitChickBritt
    FitChickBritt Posts: 161 Member
    Maybe you could start slow? Hold yourself accountable for ATLEAST one meal each day this weekend, and commit to atleast a 30 minute work out. I struggle with the weekends too, I just try to up my workouts to make up for it.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I hate to sound like a *****, but... If you want it bad enough, you will do what you have to do. The not exercising is a huge part of your problem and you need to get into a regular routine. You need to figure out when you're going to go to the gym at the beginning of the week and hold yourself accountable. No excuses. And as far as eating what you want on the weekends, it really is up to you. Do you really want to lose the weight? Do you want to be in better shape? I'm assuming you're tracking everything you put into your body, and seeing your numbers should be a huge help with keeping your behaviours in check. It really is on you, no one can make you do this. You need to want it bad enough and make some sacrifices.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    I hope your recording what you eat on the weekend, that should tell you enough the no no's. Reread your goals more over the weekend and remember summer is right around the corner, swimsuit time. Try eating read lite in the morning and afternoon so you have some extra calories to work with in the evening or for when you craving the most. Not sure how much you exercise, I exercise heavy 3-4 times a week and am ok with that, so if you get lazy on the weekend exercise during the week and relax or exercise when you get up, then your done. Good Luck
  • sheriz22
    sheriz22 Posts: 7 Member
    Ihave the same problem. I decided I have to have at least one day on the weekend. So whatever night I am going out I drink water all day and eat cereal for breakfast and salad and soup for lunch. Then that evening I do not count and do not worry. Sunday (the day after) I clean my house and do laundry and do my grocery shopping, so that I burn calories and my day is busy so I cant binge. It works for me.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I used to have this problem.... NOW the weekends are usually better for me since I have more time. (maybe not this weekend though, we are going away with friends uh oh).

    1) Log EVERYTHING you eat this weekend, when you see that red number it will make you see how much you need to stop gorging.
    2) its okay to treat yourself a bit but just log it so you know! I know that I like to go out to eat saturday nights and have a couple of drinks. I log it before hand and I WORK OUT LIKE CRAZY. Here is your key. I usually burn 600-700 calories saturday and sunday and it allows for yummy treats I miss out on during the week.
    3) if you start to feel unmotivated check out the victoria secret website... just seeing the models makes me not want to eat all those calories :D
  • LisaNBorchers
    I am going to have to agree with "allislefttogain" its all up to you.

    Is there a reason you are sabotaging yourself? Do you have someone at home that will push you to get up and exercise?

    I love my weekends and tend to go overboard aswell...but, I workout to compensate. 45 mins of cardio and 15-20 mins of weights, a fruit smoothie for breakfast, vegetable soup for lunch, a protien shake after my work out, all the cucumbers, celery and watermelon I can handle (very low calories). This makes way for me to indulge in a couple glasses of wine and a nice dinner.

    Good luck...set some goals and stick to it. I have also set myself a goal, once I loose 15 pounds, I get to go shopping! Can't wait!
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    For me, when I have cheated I felt horrible while eating. Like saying to myself, "I hope that this is worth it and is the best tasting thing ever, because you are the only one hurting yourself." I'm not saying you can't indulge yourself. And if you have really been wanting a candy bar for a couple days and the craving won't go away, go get one. Then sit down and eat it slowly and enjoy it, don't inhale it like we normally do.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    THese are great suggestions! I neverrrr actually track my weekend food because I have been scared! I will absolutely do that this weekend because it would kill me if I saw how manye calories I was actually eating. It would be baddd. Also, getting myself to the gym so that I can indulge a little! Wish me luck! Thank you for all the support.