weight gain?

I have been on a steady 1.4 weekly loss, every week since March this year.
i weight everyday, the up and down sort of interests me, but i take 1 weight a week as my measure
Last week I had actually gained 2 pounds (167.5-169). no biggie, right? i weighed the next day. SAME THING. 2 days later, SAME THING. i am eating the same way. i chalked it up to not drinking enough water. so i made a point to drink WAY more H2O than before, AND nothing. I, from time to time don't "go" as much as i should.... so i also did a round of metamusal one day... and still weighed about the same the next day.
I have been back at work about 1 month now, I'm a vet tech, so i'm on my feet, and westling dogs all day. but my weight loss has still been steady. until now...
this morning i'm finally back to 167.5.
i'm kinda bummed that i missed 2 weeks or so of weight loss, and i don't wanna see this happen again.
i'm just curious if thats normal, if other people have experienced a spike in weight, etc..... ? just need someone to tell me i won't be dodging 170 FOREVER. ;)


  • You have new stresses added to life. I know I don't lose as much with stress. Also you might of been carrying water from higher sodium... or period.. lots of reasons for those two pounds. Exercise will help. Trick your body. :)
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    You're getting close to your goal have you re-calculated your numbers recently? I swear if I wanted to I could change mine with every pound...that's probably a bad idea but as you way less your caloric needs will change too. Also the closer you get the slower it seems to go but you can do it, just don't give up.
  • donnakcraig
    donnakcraig Posts: 23 Member
    Yes yes yes, I feel your pain. I started July 27th. I lost a fast 26 lbs at first. lossing every single week and down from day to day. now for what seemed like no reason, I am up 4 lbs. I ha 5 days vacation. I was so very careful what I ate while I traveled. I felt like I had done good and was thinking I would loss as I was not eating th same thing each day.

    I was shocked to be up 4 lbs! more shocked as to the fact that it has taken two weeks and I am trying to get it back off. the scales stand still. I added water, I added biking and every day it is the same.

    after two weeks of this my diet parter looked at my diet sheet and called me out on a few things. Iwent to setting and added sugar and salt to be counted in. I was shocked to find out how much salt I am taking in. Way way too much. I thought I was working so hard and doing so well.

    now I am cutting way back on the salt and trying hard to stay in my limits. I pray it makes a differance, because like you I still want to lose (alot) and I feel I have waisted two weeks. more than that, I felt like I worked so hard that two weeks.

    Ithink we should take a close look at everything. try to see if there might be somthing we think we are doin good that puts us over in sugar or salt. also, I need to also doing somthing about the "not going"

    good luck don't feel alone.
  • thanks guys!
    I log my salt and sugar, and make sure to stay under both most days, salt is easier than sugar! LOL

    i am now down to 167.0 even this AM.

    I will try recalculating my calories and see what it comes up with....

    I feel better that i'm not the only one!