Hello everyone!! New friend please

So i've had a profile for a while, i would like to add new friends, im loosing motivation, i would like to have friends to motivate me and to motivate as well. I know it can be hard especially if you do it on your on, just like i've done so far!!


  • hauset
    hauset Posts: 1 Member
    ive been doing this on my own too and I've hit several roadblocks. I get sooooo frustrated but am determined to WIN my battle
  • I'd love a new friend :)

    I like your username btw. too cute.
  • I'll be your friend! I feel like I would be an ok motivator and I'm sure I could use the encouragement too!
  • Hi. I just joined MFP a couple of days ago. I desperately want to lose 40 pounds. I was doing weight watchers but with really no success and wanted to try something new. My health club recommeded I try MFP. So far I like it. How's it going for you?
  • dadof2boyz
    dadof2boyz Posts: 156 Member
    Don't do this on your own. It's sooo much more fun when you have awesome, supportive MFP friends. Feel free to add me. I will support and try to motivate and only ask for the same in return.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Hi! I'm on here ALL the time and I'd love to help you out! Feel free to add me! Same goes for anyone else too!
  • Hi!!! I have only been doing MFP for 1 week and i day and have lost 3.5lbs.....I would love to add you as a friend...I only have two...Oh and I LOVE MFP!!!!
  • shedthewt
    shedthewt Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I learned about mfp through my hairdresser. She is doing so good so I thought I'd give it a try. She is much younger than I am though so it makes a big difference.

    One of my issues are late night cravings......
  • ismiseciara
    ismiseciara Posts: 211 Member
    FR on its way :)
  • Hi! Feel free to add me as a friend( and anyone else who reads this)! I started my weight loss journey the first of June and was introduced to MFP mid June. I've lost 35lbs do far and have been as to stay very motivated; not only by my family but this site. It's such a great tool to monitor your food and calorie intake, but your excersise activities as well. The motivation others give is awesome! We share the trials and tribulations of our weight loss journeys, things we are doing or trying, and some laughs as well.
    My motto is 'one day, one pound at a time, this isn't a sprint it's a marathon'. Everyone has to do what feels right for them, my diet regimen may be a lot different then what others do. But we can share ideas and maybe incorporate something someone else is doing into our daily regimen.
    This site definitely makes this journey a lot more fun. So feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I just started this profile a week and a half ago. I have lost 7 pounds so far! I am looking to add more friends! Please add me or send requests. I could use some support and socializing,
  • I'm new to MFP as well and could definitely use some encouragement, and will surely give some as well! Anyone can feel free to add me, and good luck to everyone one their weight loss journeys! :)
  • jlcarter1975
    jlcarter1975 Posts: 13 Member
    A little motivation can go a long way. I sent a friend request.
  • YAY Friends!! lol.
  • LJSchmitt
    LJSchmitt Posts: 121 Member
    Add me - I've been here 10 weeks and love it. I need all the friends I can get -- I've got a long haul in front of me.
  • Ive only started today and went over only a little tho.i am under a lot of stress and food has always been my comfort time to change this.:flowerforyou:
  • Add me! I struggle daily; cannot motivate myself to workout at all. By the time I get home, I am so exhausted that I don't do it.
  • Hi! I just started today. I never really have been a workout "nut", I have been working out on and off for about 4 or 5 years, but never really had any goals or stuck with it. Funny thing is I work as a Firefighter/Paramedic, one would think I would be into working out more because of what I do for a living. I, for the most part have been fairly active all my life. Right now I weigh 172 lbs, the heaviest I ever have been was 192 lbs, so my over all weight isn't bad and the lowest I've been was 147lbs. What I really need is 1) stay motivated to be healthier, 2) I do carry a little bit in the gut and I wouldn't mind trimming that up, however I would just like to be healthier. Any advice is always welcomed and I would be friends with any one that wants to be my friend.
  • I just joined 10 minutes ago. Never used a site like this before. Excited to give it a try!!
  • I know the motivating part is hard, that's why I always stop working out and I eat when I'm bored and at work that's all I do is eat. I learned some time ago that when you least feel like doing something (working out), that's when you get up and do it. It still can be hard, but thinking back, I know once I got a routine down it was easier for me to follow through, so when I didn't feel like I told myself to get up and work out.