what can i eat?

Im having a hard time understanding what i can eat. im trying to plan my meals ahead and go to the store with a list of things that i will need through out the week according to my meal plan, but im having a hard time planning my meals. im unsure of what i can eat, what is healthy, what wont make me gain weight etc. im not a cook & neither is my husband. If i dont cook then we wont have dinner BUT the hard part is we have opposite schedules so i work nights and he works days. Anyone has eating suggestions, meal plans that worked for you, lunch & dinner suggestions? im really struggling with my eating.


  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Focus on unprocessed food as much possible and you can't go wrong. Along the lines of clean eating. I have a green smoothie for breakfast, salad, brown rice or sweet potato, and protein for lunch and for dinner. I eat quite plain food - no recipes or hours of cooking required.
  • Feel free to friend me and browse through my diary if you like. I eat mostly clean foods but like most am not perfect. Here is a recipe for oatmeal whey protein cookies that are pretty tasty. I made them tonight. Welcome to a healthy lifestyle. Google and MFP are your new best friends :)

    I got the recipe from some site on-line but then altered it to my liking. You can do the same of course, but here is the rough layout of the recipe:


    1 3/4c. rolled oats (I used multigrain)
    4 scoops chocolate protein whey (could substitute vanilla - my brand is myofusion)
    3/4c unsweetened applesauce (this takes the place of canola or vegetable oil in most recipes)
    1/2c egg whites = about 6 shelled eggs
    1 packet truvia or stevia sweetener
    1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
    1 tsp cinnamon spice or to taste
    1/2 tsp. vanilla extract (not necessary if you dont have it)
    pinch of baking soda
    2 mini boxes of sunmaid raisins (could use shaved almonds, cherries, chocolate chips..possibilities are endless)


    Preheat oven to 325*
    Spray cookie sheet with pam
    Mix all dry ingredients in large bowl, add wet ingredients and mix well. If it seems a little too dry add a couple tsp. water or unsweetened silk.
    Spoon mixture in cookie form onto baking sheet and place in oven for aproximately 10-13 minutes depending on the size of the cookies. I did 12 minutes for 13 cookies. The larger and less the cookies the longer the bake time. Be careful not to cook them too long or they won't be as nice an and chewy.

    If you plug this into your recipe builder for 10 cookies it is roughly 130 calories per cookie. So if you make smaller cookies you can obviously get them to be around 75 calories each! Horray!

  • There are tons of good recipe's and instructions/demonstrations for healthy meal ides on youtube!
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    For the most part, you can eat everything if it stays in your calories. I wouldn't recommend a day of chips/candy but, in theory, you could.

    I rotate through about 4-6 meals...but I live 60 miles from town so what I get, has to be able to last a week or two in the fridge/freezer until I get back to the store because there is no running out to the store real quick. You are more than welcome to look through my diary! If you have any questions, don't hesitate!
  • Research! I spent HOURS online searching for recipes starting with my favorite foods - just a healthier version (example - healthy pork chop recipes, healthy meatloaf recipes, etc). Start with google and you'll find a bunch of websites with great ideas.
  • deltsea
    deltsea Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there,
    Eat anything you like in moderation i.e. weigh items like rice, noodles etc and put in a cup so you have some idea how much
    you are eating ( Buy only brown: i.e. brown rice, brown noodles, quinoa, millet etc). Shop only around the perimeter, i.e. fruit and vegetables section, avoid 90% all packaged foods. Add a bit of
    chicken, stir fry and add to steamed vegetables ( any vegetable you like/ potatoes only occasionally) and moderate amounts of starch i.e. noodles etc.( to replace protein I eat chickpeas, beans or have yoghurt (o%) Buy skim milk ( at the most 1%), unsweetened almond milk, no soft drinks. Drink green tea, Roiboos tea, camomile, peppermint, puerh tea etc. Avoid wheat,
    anything you really crave ( do not bring into the house at all). Oils: Rice bran oil, sesame oil, olive oils ( avoid corn oil, canola oil = I do anyway because of gmo). All above oils cold pressed.
    I often make a curry sauce or buy the Indian Type and throw in with my chicken.
    Identify what you really want to eat a lot of. Do not bring into the house or buy small portion in store and eat that i.e. if you crave icecream buy one and do not bring a package into the house.
    Anyhow this is what works for me and believe me I fall down on my eating mostly when I bring items into the house which I know I want to eat, one such item for me is cheese and I usually just look at it.
    I go for an extra walk if I have eaten too much but like all of us I am not perfect and certainly not thin yet.
    Eat organic popcorn in between when hungry, no oil, no salt just plain.
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    One of my favorite dinners is baked chicken, quinoa and steamed broccoli. I chop up the steamed broccoli and chicken and mix into the quinoa. Goes great with a spinach and veggie salad. check out some of the online recipe sites like cooks.com, allrecipes and you can also check out sites like Penzeys, they have simple savory and sweat recipes that (like the pork noodle soup) are inexpensive, filling and <200 cal/serving.
  • Danied13
    Danied13 Posts: 117 Member
    1) Find food blogs that follow the dietary lifestyle of your choosing
    2) During down time, spend time looking at their recipes
    3) Bookmark recipes (I create sub-folders by the main ingredient or type of cuisine. ex- chicken, beef, veggies, Italian, seafood, ect.)
    4) Chose the number of recipes needed for the number of days for which you are buying food
    5) Make your shopping list based on those recipes and whatever staples you need to purchase
    6) Profit :-)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You can eat whatever you please, barring intolerances or medical conditions that would require you to stay away from certain foods
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    when i first started on the healthy eating track i actually downloaded an app that gave free meal plans of varying types of preferences. I believe on my android phone it was called DietPoint, and it's free. if you pay for it then you get "bonus" meal plans, but i found there was enough variety in the free stuff that there was no need for the bonus stuff.

    but it was great. you could get 3, 5, or 7 day meal plans, with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks (usually) planned for you. and there was even a grocery list to pick up everything you'd need for the week. and the other thing i liked was that it would tell you how many calories you'd consume per day on said plan, AND how many pounds you could lose by following the plan. it was a very informative app, and i highly recommend it! :)

    hope that helps!