Interesting Weight Loss Trend

I started looking at my weight loss over the past 6 months and noticed an interesting trend.
I lose about 5 pounds in a month, then 10 pounds the next month, then 5, then 10.
Not complaining but don't understand. I've been very consistent with my diet and exercise program.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Hmmm - interesting. I just chalk it up to our bodies are weird and they do what they want. Also I tend to look at weight loss as an average over time - so over a span of several months you're pretty consistent...
  • tstuker
    Hi Jack! Okay, so I nanny for a huge fitness person. Her name is Lashaun and she works for Equinox Fitness, it's some big fitness group out of New York. She even gives advice in the "Health" magazine. Anyway, she told me that after a while your body will hit a plateau, which is why you need to mix it up with your workouts. She said you need to surprise your body. She told me if you do 20 minutes of high intensity on your days off, like jog for 1 minute, walk for 3, jog for 1, walk for 3....and continue this for 20 minutes, or even 30 if you can, that you will see a huge difference. You could even find a good work out video and do that a couple days a week in place of your walking?? That's what she told me! You should be so proud of yourself....50 POUNDS HOLY CRAP!!!! THAT'S AWESOME!!!! I AM SOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU!! I idolize you actually!!

    So, hope maybe that helped. That's what a professional told me. :) Hope all is well!!! I miss you guys!!!!
  • jbraglia
    jbraglia Posts: 4 Member
    Sounds like good advice. We all miss you too. Can't wait till next summer.