Help! Diet Coke Addiction!!



  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    i dont see a prob with diet soda. i love my diet cherry coke (:
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    ... detriment to your digestion and overall health.

    Link to clinical study that backs up your claim?
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 542 Member
    RANDOM - but this article just happened to pop up on my Facebook newsfeed this morning...
  • I drink a coffee every morning...and I like to try the different blends. I recently found a pumpkin spice one that's delicious with a little skim milk. Also, Jamaican Me Crazy is really tasty! I also drink a lot of green tea and La Croix. La Croix is sparkling water in a can with just a hint of flavor and no artificial sweeteners. My favorites are the grapefruit, coconut, and berry flavors. It kind of gives you the feeling of a soda (carbonated, in a can), but without any of the extra artificial stuff.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Canned flavored selzer/club soda! Ice cold!
  • I too was a HUGE diet coke addict. I now have 1 diet coke first thing in the morning, and then I drink 1 or 2 Diet Rite's through out the day, and the rest of the time it's water. I tell myself that for every soda I drink I need to have an extra glass of water (on top of what we are required to drink daily). It's hard!!! Quitting smoking was MUCH easier than even just cutting back on diet coke.
    Good Luck!!!
  • Please note that I too LOVE Diet Coke... However, I stopped cold turkey about 2 weeks ago and have already started seeing a significant drop in my bloating, significant improvement in my skin, and more energy. I know water isn't the same, but our bodies are truly meant to run on water. Also, ice water in the morning is great for waking you up, so maybe we don't NEED coffee either (but I won't take it TOO far ;) )
  • erinekball
    erinekball Posts: 4 Member
    I gave up diet Coke as a short-term "deal" with myself a few months ago. Turns out, it was giving me headaches that I didn't even notice - although they were happening EVERY DAY. I feel much better without it, but I do allow myself a can now and then when it just sounds good. The resulting headache reminds me that it isn't worth it.

    I wonder if you could identify some kind of negative side effect of your diet coke consumption, convince yourself to give it up short-term, and then focus on the side effect when/if you resume consuming? For example, I have a friend who gave up diet coke recently and within weeks had lost 10 pounds...?!?? She had no idea that some of her overweight was due to diet coke, but now that she knows, she is motivated to stay away. Just an idea.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    The only way I know is to go cold turkey. I used to drink between six and eight litres a day! (No wonder my teeth were stained back then). I woke up one morning and said enough - I too got horrendous headaches from it. Twelve and a half years later, I have not touched a drop since and cannot even abide the smell of it now.

    Good luck x
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    If you can quit for awhile, you can lose the taste for it. I did. Now I only drink a can maybe once a day, possibly two if I am tired and feel like a pick me up.

    You will get conflicting opinions but in moderation I don't think its so bad.

    I drink green tea now in place of diet coke, water with crystal light, plain old water.
  • Alr080389
    Alr080389 Posts: 38 Member
    I have this addiction as well. It's not so much the taste for me as it is the carbonation. Some people like beer...I LOVE diet soda. When I try to quit I get headaches and my body feels super tired. People suggest carbonated water but I don't like that at all. If you do then that would be a great replacement as it's healthy.
  • denise032
    denise032 Posts: 108 Member
    Great choice on quitting it cold turkey! If you're looking for a fizzy taste, maybe sparkling water with a squeeze of fresh orange, lemon or lime? Also, tea is a good replacement for the caffeine. I would say coffee too, as long as it's organic since coffee is a heavily sprayed crop. If you don't drink either of those, maybe try an all-natural energy booster like e-boost. Whatever you decide, good luck and keep remembering that once you're past this, you're body will thank you and you'll have a ton more energy. :)

    For those saying "I don't see why it's a problem." Here is the main reason I don't drink soda:

    Diet coke (or any kind of soda for that matter) has a bunch of artificial sweeteners and colors that not only cause cancer, but also throw your entire biochemistry (metabolism) out of whack. If you're skeptical, please look it up as there are tons of studies on it. If you don't care about possibly getting cancer or having problems losing weight, carry on with the soda.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    eliminating something from your diet with ZERO calories will not help with your weight loss, if you enjoy it, keep enjoying it
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Why is having one diet coke a day problematic? I'd say carry on as you are.

    yes. ^^^^
  • allnaday
    allnaday Posts: 54 Member
    i am on day 3 of breaking my addiction and right now everything looks like a diet coke. my pen, phone, etc........i dont have any "super" remedies......i just keep thinking about the big picture....or should i say little picture. :)
  • Alr080389
    Alr080389 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for the support, I usually stick to one a day, I'm thinking it just has to be cold turkey, but I need a plan in place when the craving hits ... cause it sure does ...

    My job has a soda machine and canned sodas are 75c. I stopped carrying change and cash to work that way I CAN'T buy one. I also stopped buying them at the store. My fiance drinks regular coke and since I hate regular coke it doesn't even tempt me. If it's not there then I can't drink it :-D
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I had to go cold turkey. I had a habit of drinking regular soda, then switching to diet, drinking 2x as much, then having no willpower and switching back to regular. Haven't had a soda in 2 years and I don't miss it one bit...
  • Wean yourself off of it. Little by little is easier. So, here is the idea: Mix your diet coke with sparkling mineral water *I personally like St. Pellegrino. Start to mix a little bit, then more, then more until you are doing mostly the Sparkling water. REMEMBER it takes 3 weeks to get off a bad habit or to get used to a new one, so take it one day at a time and keep posting here for support. Tell us what you are doing, tell us your plan and we will cheer yoo up and support you until you get to your goal!! You can do it!!
  • elsalily
    elsalily Posts: 47 Member
    Why is having one diet coke a day problematic? I'd say carry on as you are.

    I was thinking the exact same thing :)