How did your pet make you laugh this week?

LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
Let’s have some laughs today. Tell your funny pet stories!

So the other night, as I was standing checking something on my phone, out of the corner of my eye I see Hansi try to climb onto a small wicker table where a bag of food was (key word being "try"). He almost made it when his apparent hunger (despite having 3 bowls of this same food in various places throughout the house) became so intense that he forgot about gravity and reached for the bag with his front paws.

Since he had, up til that point, been using his paws to cling to the wicker and scale the 2 foot table like a very awkward animal spiderman, reaching for the bag was not his smartest life decision ever.

(to be fair, Hansi jumped into the toilet once when I let him in the bathroom with me, so it wasn't his dumbest life decision either...)

Before I could get from the doorway to the table, Hansi was reminded about gravity as he proceeded to tumble a short distance to the floor where he promptly sought revenge on said floor by peeing on it and hissing at it, because he was going to show that floor who was boss. The floor didn't hiss back so I guess Hansi won.

As I approached, trying not to laugh at his proud bravery, he flattened himself out lying still on the same floor because everyone knows you can't get in trouble for climbing on the table if mommy can't see you and laying flat like that makes you invisible, obviously.

He did manage to knock the bag of food over so I got to spend my night cleaning up a puddle and spilled kibbles. It’s a good thing he’s so darn cute.

Here’s a picture of Hansi doing his best to steal some booze a little bit later on...


So what did your pet do this week to make you laugh?


  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    OMG that is so cute and funny! My cat Pebbles (who passed away last May) used to "squeak" all the time. Because my husband and I always laughed when she did that, she was the little commedienne and just started doing it all the time. She also like to claw up said hubby's bare legs while he sat on the couch. She never did it to me, just him because she always got a reaction from him. He would go "Ahhh!!!" and I swear she would sit back and smile.
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    That was a funny story. I love it when pets do funny things.

    I adopted a puppy, Molly, less than 2 weeks ago from the humane society....she has A LOT of energy. I went outside my sliding glass door...when she saw me outside she ran FULL speed at me (not realizing there was a glass door) she hit the door, let out this yelp..not in pain..more like a "what the he!!" , ran back, shook it off and then looked at me like I was playing a cruel joke on her.

    Funny thing is my cat did the same thing before she passed away and I thought it was from senility...(she was an OLD cat)

    She definitely learned to pay attention next time that is for sure.

    Here is a picture of her with her favorite toy (that she stole from my older dog)...

  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    hahahaaa I love squeaky pets and when pets run into inanimate objects and get all huffy like, "wth, CHAIR???"

    My friends dog routinely runs into walls because he is the most uncorridnated Jack Russell terrier in the history of dogs.
  • eyestylemom
    eyestylemom Posts: 107 Member
    My big ol' 110 Akita got told off by a squirrel the other day. I don't know what that squirrel was saying to him, but my dog sat watching him intently as the squirrel in the short tree chatted endlessly for a good 20 minutes. Every so often my dog would tilt his head as though he was trying to comprehend what the squirrel was saying. Funny as all get out to watch.
  • Blackbird16
    Everyday when I walk up the stairs in the afternoon my cat runs up and latches onto my leg (playfully) and when i look down at him he drops down onto a step and flattens himself towards the side and pretends he's invisible haha
    super cute to watch :)
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    when i was taking a wiz, my cat zoomed in from behind and ran between my legs and put his paws on the toilet and head in the bowl to watch. I tried so hard not to pee on him. lol
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    We have a boxer named Bullet that we got 2 years ago. Outside we have parrots in a big cage, 2 of them are African Greys that we had for over 10 years.
    Well when I let Bullet outside to pee and I went to get something out of the shed, we went to go back into the house using the deck.
    When we were by the door to get into the house I heard from the distance "Bullet!" in which I immediately responded,
    "Babe, I got him, he is with me". As soon as I said that I was like, Damn Bird got me! HAHA, my girl was tending to the kids and if anyone knows anything about African Greys is that they mimic to the T sounds they hear.
    My girlfriends mom was in the kitchen and heard me respond to someone, and when I told her that the Bird got me, she started to crack up, and so did I... haha
  • eyestylemom
    eyestylemom Posts: 107 Member
    Everyday when I walk up the stairs in the afternoon my cat runs up and latches onto my leg (playfully) and when i look down at him he drops down onto a step and flattens himself towards the side and pretends he's invisible haha
    super cute to watch :)

    LOL! I love cats. Mine do crazy stuff like this too.
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    Was watching tv earlier with my cat, and the Insanity advert came on. His face = :noway: it was priceless!
  • AlotOfSweatAndPain
    I farted and he looked at me like he was saying "you nasty mofo"
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    My dog ran into the sliding glass door from the backyard. He thought it was open! hahaha Afterwards he wouldn't come inside for fear that he'd run into an 'invisible wall' I shouldn't laugh, it did look painful...haha
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    On our morning walk she started growling then barking at someone's halloween decoration. it wasn't there yesterday & she was so smart to notice it was something new there that didn't belong plus it was scary looking! LOL!
  • branson101
    branson101 Posts: 173 Member
    I have psychotic cats. I have one that plays fetch. You throw anything and he'll keep bringing it back to you. Princess, his sister, likes to lie on her back with all four of her feet in the air. She's not sleeping she's just lying there, against the wall, watching the world go by. She also has a hate-on for my son. All he has to do is walk into the room and she starts screaming what sounds like "NO!" at him. EVERY TIME! Once in a while she'll throw in a hiss. He's the one that put her in the cat carrier when he and my mom took her to be fixed. SHe is a major grudge holder.
  • gottagettagrip
    My Australian Shepherd mix was "herding" a mouse she caught in the yard. It would run away, she would follow, catch it and carry it in her mouth by its tail back to the "corral" (which was really the sandbox under the swingset.) I laughed all day.:laugh:
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    My dog ran into the sliding glass door from the backyard. He thought it was open! hahaha Afterwards he wouldn't come inside for fear that he'd run into an 'invisible wall' I shouldn't laugh, it did look painful...haha

    Same here, and I laughed my *kitten* off too. :laugh:
    Now she creeps up to it and looks up at me waiting for me to show her it's open LOL
  • samlankford
    Lola the German Shepherd vs. Chance the golden retriever... puppy WWF in the backyard... they get extra hyper with the cool air!!
  • gio407
    Actually, mine did not. My 1 year Labrador decided to totally destroy my living room set. She is house broken (was lol) and I guess she had a bad day. So now I have to buy a new one lol
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    My Australian Shepherd mix was "herding" a mouse she caught in the yard. It would run away, she would follow, catch it and carry it in her mouth by its tail back to the "corral" (which was really the sandbox under the swingset.) I laughed all day.:laugh:

    Pebbles used to carry her toy mouse around in her mouth and howl. Then, she would place it in the middle of the bed. That was her "contribution" to the family food supply.
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    Sassy, our 6 year old Jack Russell Terrier, has discovered toads in our backyard. We rescued Sassy, and she has always been afraid of anything that moves (or doesn't move in some instances). So when we first found the toad, and she started playing with it, we were thrilled.

    She does the pounce thing for a little while, and then when the frog isn't really moving as much anymore, it is as if she gets nervous or scared she did something wrong. So she will stop, tilt her head, look at me, and then try to nudge the thing to make sure it is still alive. I love that dog.
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    My cat, Gigi, so named because she is a "Gorgeous Girl." A long haired Siamese, she developed a problem this week with matting fur in an unfortunate area and she was not willing to let me groom her. Best I could do was coat the 'area' with olive oil, which did not go over well.

    Had to take her to the vet to be groomed because she was very annoyed by her condition, and she certainly did not smell nice either.

    So...there we are at the vet, (her first time at that particular office) and out come the clippers. Buzz, buzz, snip, snip...a better Brazilian has never been done on a female....with one exception.

    As the fur flew, the area became entirely visible and the sordid truth came out. Turns out that "Gorgeous Girl" is actually "Gorgeous GUY," nicely neutered. Yup, the cat I have treated as a refined lady for the past three years IS A DUDE!

    Hey, the 'area' has always been a massive ball of fluff and I was told the cat was a girl when we adopted 'her.' It never occurred to me to do a microscopic examination.

    During the past month, I have adopted two more stray kittens. Gidget and Saucy. Girls. I think. I am taking them in to be fixed next month. Who knows? They may very well turn out to be George and Sam!

    So, Gigi made me laugh this week. I don't mind that she is a he....he's still the same kitty I have loved for three years!