What to do when going on vacation?

Hello everyone, I would like to hear from any of you who have been on MFP for a while now and already had to take a vacation, mine starts tomorrow, I don’t want to lose focus, any advises? What do you do when you travel and have to eat out possible no daily exercises and perhaps limited internet to track down the food intake…


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Usually, I just enjoy it. I'll workout daily if it's easy and it fits in with everything. If not, I don't care. I just do what I want. It's a vacation.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    you already got my opinion on it lol
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    Make the best choices that you can. You have the knowledge. When I go out to eat I only eat 1/2 of the serving. Plus usually when you're on vacation you're doing exercising like lots of walking & swimming. Just make the best food choices and drink lots of water, but going on vacation is about enjoying yourself, so please do! Also watch the cocktails. It kills me how many calories are in most of the darn fruity cocktails that I love. Me personally I'd rather eat my cals than drink them. If all else fails, you will get back on track when you get back. And good luck!
  • Rodap9631
    Rodap9631 Posts: 38 Member
    my wife get a life and just dont worry about it
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Hey Cherora,

    Been there before. My favorite place is Hawaii, they have everything I love including some of the best "unhealthy food" that I love. To answer your question.
    1) not access to MFP, then write down what you eat on in a notebook or something along those lines.
    2) hopefully you will be doing a lot of walking so at least that is better than nothing. Or are you going to be at the beach. Take a dip and swim. A few yards of swimming doing the breast stroke will work muscles that you never used before. Really stretch and kick your legs hard, or if you want I can suggest some hotel room body weight exercises. Just let me know.
    3) eating out. It will be ok if you miss a healthy meal and sub in for something else. Just try to exercise portion control when eating the unhealthy stuff. One trick is to down 2 glasses of water before your meal. You will be semi full an not eat as much. Those worked for me on our most recent trip. Hope that helps.

  • Louttie
    Louttie Posts: 138 Member
    Im going on holiday tomorrow also, i dont want to ruin my holiday so im going to eat what i want when i want. I have the rest of my life to burn it off when i get back.
  • FinFoxPT
    FinFoxPT Posts: 106 Member

    After we all get to that goal weight we have to go on, not reduce food, eat normally and use fitness as a routine, for life. However we all need a break now and again. Don't be harsh on yourself, just recognise what you're eating and if it's more than you need. At the end of the day you can order almost anything but decide to only eat what you want of it. On almost anywhere you can find 10 mins to jog on the spot once a day. That way you're aware of what you're eating and you're keeping your heart pumping for a while during the day.

    Seriously, enjoy yourself, don't worry too much, if you've been on here for a little while, i'm sure you've got an idea of what you should be eating, run with it, don't go mad, just enjoy.

    Oh and bring me back a tan!

    Fin x
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    Good plan getting your head in the game before you go. If vacations are all about pampering yourself, or doing what you want, me me me in general, then why throw your goals to the wind!? Perhaps take the mindset to maintain, instead of loose, so you can have a few margaritas, some GOOD quality food that's good for you too. The body needs a break sometimes, but use thoe enulgences for nutritious food that you deserve.

    Plan fun activities like swimming and hiking etc. You'll be enjoying yourself, keeping yourself busy, and doing yourself good :).

    Don't stress too much over it. You'll spoil your vacation :)
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    enjoy the food whereever you are going...and try to do a lot of walking already a lot of countries other than america you are mostly walking anyway. but enjoy it! :D
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    Pack lots of Luna bars.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I have MFP on my phone. I keep logging but don't really worry about going over. I just don't want to get out of the habit of logging.
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    Strangely enough, I always lose weight on vacation. I went to France for a month this summer and came back 5 pounds lighter (which encouraged me to get back on MFP here and is not reflected on my ticker).

    I attribute this to two things:

    1) I walked everywhere. Boy did I walk. Hours and hours each day.

    2) I let myself eat whatever I wanted. I just didn't go crazy. Every day I had an ice cream or a pastry. But I didn't have two scoops and I didn't have two pastries. For me, permission to eat as I want equals less eating. And I've only just finally started to be able to harness that mindset at home.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I go and have a good time however I remain focused on my life goals as well. So making good food and beverage choices as well as plenty of activity remain part of my vacation enjoyment and I feel enhanced the enjoyment.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    what works for me is packing stuff for breakfast when i can (like oatmeal, protein bars) and then for the other meals, stay away from bread and carbs. get meals with meat if you eat it or some other protein if you don't. if you do eat bread, cut it in half. stay away from heavy salad dressings. just by doing those things i can make my eat out meals a lot lower in calories. also look for grilled/broiled and not fried.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Lol if im on vacation I'm going to eat any damn thing I please.
  • battynat12
    Make the best choices that you can. You have the knowledge. When I go out to eat I only eat 1/2 of the serving. Plus usually when you're on vacation you're doing exercising like lots of walking & swimming. Just make the best food choices and drink lots of water, but going on vacation is about enjoying yourself, so please do! Also watch the cocktails. It kills me how many calories are in most of the darn fruity cocktails that I love. Me personally I'd rather eat my cals than drink them. If all else fails, you will get back on track when you get back. And good luck!

    Great advice about the cocktails! I'm going on a cruise next month and I know I will be tempted by the yummy cocktails on board.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I took a mini 4 day vacation a few weeks back and actually ended up losing a pound still. I had what I wanted but kept it in control portion wise and was lucky and was able to work out one day and walk a lot another day. Since I have the app on my phone it made it easy to still log everything I had and my exercise. Enjoy your vacation but don't go crazy, or if you do, get back on track when you get home :smile:
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    you don't have to splurge on vacation to enjoy it. You will just go back to step 1 after you get back and you will be DEPRESSED because you pigged out all vacation. You can still enjoy it but the most important rule to follow it stop before you feel full! There is no reason to eat everything at one time, spread it out to every 3 hours and boost your metabolism so you can eat more of what you want! And eat more of the yummy fish that they usually have at vacation spots!
  • CoachSamB
    CoachSamB Posts: 40 Member
    My wife and I just went to Hawaii for a vaca, and I did not want to go backwards...and I still wanted a mai tai/pina colada, etc every now and then. So I tracked them in, logged all my calories like I always do, and had a blast in Hawaii. We "cheated" by having desserts/drinks here and there, but we hiked our butts off, had a blast and were still around our calorie goals. Came back from vaca, and had not gained a pound.

    Keep on trackin'!