beginnner home exercise~please help



  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    just keep moving :) i know i had to stop and start many times when i first started! but i just push through and keep on going...try not to get frustrated....eventually you'll get to the point where you just push through the pain :) its all worth it in the end! to be happier and healthier
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    I started off with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I will be honest with you, it's far from.easy to begin with and you will ache, but omg, it was amazing how quickly my strength and stamina built up! Jillian was the first "at home workout" I completed, after many failed attempts at other DVDs due to boredom, the shred brought results FAST!

    There are lots of other free workouts on YouTube, my favourites are ones by Denise Austin...they are slightly lower impact but have good cardio bursts for calorie burn, and there's lots to choose from... for all levels and tastes, I enjoy the kickbox ones best!
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    Nothing wrong with starting slow! I think walking is absolutely the best idea to start with - sounds like some good shoes and stretching should help with the calf pain. I second Leslie Sandsone Walk Away the Pounds (basically walking in place) - nice for days when you need to be inside.

    Wii has some great games - Wii fit is very much geared towards beginners - there is jogging in place, some basic strength building exercises, and boxing. I love the tennis - you can get a good workout from that!

    I had surgery in April, which put me out of commission until July - so I know what it is like to start over. I could barely walk up and down my street. But I just gradually upped my walking and then started jogging - now doing Couch to 5k! You can do it, too!

    Good luck.
  • Tmoorey
    Tmoorey Posts: 3 Member
    I can only walk for about a block atm without shear pain ripping through my shin area. Does anyone have any advice on how to get past this difficult first stage?

    I had his problem too until I bought the right shoes. I have always hated walking fast or running because I would get shin splints so bad, but having a good pair of shoes really helps to stabilize your foot and ankle. I never thought this would make a difference until after I had my second knee surgery. I went to ****'s Sporting Goods and told the salesperson exactly what was done to my knee, and what I wanted to be able to do. I have not had any pain in my shins since! A little costly, but being pain-free is priceless!
  • I totally understand. Exercise for me was walking to the fridge but usually I just had someone get my sammwich for me. LOL I just started P90 about 2 weeks ago. It is not the P90X you see on TV. It is challenging but not to the extent that P90X is. Same guy but the original version more for the beginner. He is very motivating because he tells you "you have a pause button, use it if you need it" and "take your time, it is your pace." After just two weeks, I am almost to the same pace as they are. You just do what you can. I did try 30 day shred but I felt like a loser when I could not do it all at first. Tony Horton, the guy from P90 makes you feel like a champ. But mostly you want to find something that you enjoy and you know you will stick to.
  • If you have shin problems and some other pains, if you're bigger and out of shape and any excercise seems to be just too hard for you, I have only one suggestion: swimming. Pool is great for everything and the best for people with any pains.
  • Wow your story sounded alot like mine . The leslie sansome dvds are awesome but even they ca be challanging at first. She has one for senior citizens which would really b do able for you . Just do it untill you can move on to the more advanced ones. I will say Ive had to push and still do to make exercise routine , but the benefits you will reap are amazing you will see your body changing and feel your clothes fitting better . Good Luck !
  • I was feeling the same way you are back in June! I was soooo out of shape, and I'd just quit smoking so it was physically impossible for my lungs to handle more than a minute of cardio. I started with walking (like lots of people have suggested), but for some reason I got the WORST pain in my shins and calves after about 15-20min. I got through it with a combination of walking through the pain (a little farther each day), bike riding, and pilates/yoga to help w/ the soreness. I know you mentioned that you'd like to start at home, but if you can find a good restorative pilates class to go to once-twice a week, I'd highly recommend it for building strength, helping with soreness, etc.

    What has helped me the most, however, has been dramatically changing my diet. I followed the Wild Rose Detox meal plan (sans the supplements) for two weeks, and I was AMAZED at how much more energy I had. You can find the meal plan online - it basically involves cutting out gluten, sugars, and dairy products (except butter for some reason), and encourages fresh/whole foods. After two weeks of eating clean, working out was sooooo much easier and less painful. Plus, I think I dropped around 10lbs in 2 weeks. Mostly water weight and bloat, I'm sure, but it made me feel a lot better about myself and motivated me to start being more active.

    Try eating clean for two weeks while being more active in your daily life. Back in June I was working from home, so I started walking to a coffee shop to do my work just so I could get 15min of activity into my schedule. After two weeks of following a clean diet, I bet you'll feel ready and motivated to start adding in an exercise routine! :)
  • P.S. I still don't eat gluten, and barely eat dairy. If I slip up and eat pizza/pasta when I'm out w/ friends, the next day I feel AWFUL and have no motivation to do anything. I'm still amazed at how much of an impact diet has on weight loss! I always assumed that exercise ranked higher on the importance scale, but I've been proved wrong...
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    I was 250 when I started Walk Away the Pounds. I would do just the 1 mile and it whooped me! Here is is 8 months later I'm down 50 lbs. I can do the 4 Mile Super Challenge with ease and weighted gloves. Take little steps and you will get there! Just 1 mile 2x a week and before you know it you will be doing it every day. Not to mention you can do it at home so no need for child care(if you have kids), or having to deal with weather, strangers, clothes. All those little things that make being at home so nice.
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    I paid for a membership at a natatorium and swim laps. It never hurts and Is very good for cardio. I can swim an hour now before about 5 minutes.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Hi, have you tried Leslie Sansone walk way the pounds?? I like her it's not to hard but u do break a sweat . Hope this helps. :)

    These are nice, low impact workouts that will get you ready for more vigorous programs
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member

    I literally typed "commercial time workout" into google because you said you have a difficult time working out for more than a minute at a time, but if you can make it through an entire commercial break you're doing awesome . . . and for an hour long show that's more than 15 minutes of exercise time if you workout through each commercial.
  • Tony Horton's Ten Minute Trainer

    I started doing just one 10 minute workout, pausing the DVD every time I needed a break. At first it would take about half an hour to get through one but now I can do all 5 consecutively no prob.

    Since it was 'only 10 minutes', it was easy to talk myself into working out when I was less than motivated. I highly recommend it!
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    The one thing I found I can do even when I was not working out. Is the yoga ball. It is so easy to watch tv while doing crunches with it, side to sides and leg lifts with it. You can feel the difference as well.

    The sad thing is~ I am so out of shape, it is hard for me to continue exercise for over a minute without stopping for a few seconds to a minute. :embarassed: I am really looking for a beginner's out of shape workout program to start with, then when I can get through that, work my way up..I know it needs to be kinda fast-paced to burn calories, I have looked and looked, just wondering if anyone has anymore ideas..Also~ walking is a good source to burn calories? I can only walk for about a block atm without shear pain ripping through my shin area. Does anyone have any advice on how to get past this difficult first stage? I really need to get going. I feel like a failure because I cannot do much without the pain.( I really let myself get out of shape, it is embarrassing)..If anyone has advice or has been where I am~ please~ help me..Thank you for taking the time to read my story..and thanks for the previous answers girls~ those workouts are just a bit too much for me yet, but I'm trying to get there..Have a great day! :smile:
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Do you have Comcast of Fios? If so...the On Demand feature has TONS of workouts! It's an amazing, free tool. Go to On Demand>Sports and Fitness>Fitness Workouts

    From there, there's tons of categories to choose from. They have a beginner, intermediate and advanced section with aaaaaall different types of workouts. Enjoy!
  • squirmmonster
    squirmmonster Posts: 98 Member
    Sweatin to the Oldies, the original 30-minute video, is an oldie but a goodie. (Puns deeply intended.) I was using it a lot four months ago, when I as embarassingly obese. (Now I'm just sorta, normal obese. If that makes sense. Just you know, you see a lot of people my size now.) Course, if the tone of the video grates on your nerves it might not be for you... it depends on your personality. I like it, because it felt so hard to take the thought of ME doing EXERCISE seriously, that I needed a video that didn't take itself too seriously, either.

    Just my own two cents.
  • Hi, have you tried Leslie Sansone walk way the pounds?? I like her it's not to hard but u do break a sweat . Hope this helps. :)

    really low impact but still has an affect and burns cals. i did this for a month and now can do the harder exercises like Zumba.
    Good luck!
  • I too was where u are, I dont have time to read all the comments so I dont know if I am repeating what someone else said lol I found walking to b a GREAT exercise, I have lost 30lbs from walking and watching what I eat. Start slow and stop when u need to. When I 1st started I had to stop ALL THE TIME and seemed like it was probably pointless. I walk a track at a park and I rememer when I 1st started I had to stop at EVERY bench, EVERY water fountain and took all I had to finish 1 lap (1mile). Every couple of days add a little more distance and you will be surprised how quickly your body will adapt. I now walk that same track 31/2 laps each day, WITHOUT stopping, I chuckle to myself when I walk past those benches now. You CAN DO IT!!!!! Dont rush it because you will wear yourself out and most likely stop. Hope this helps you feel a little better. :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi, have you tried Leslie Sansone walk way the pounds?? I like her it's not to hard but u do break a sweat . Hope this helps. :)

    These are nice, low impact workouts that will get you ready for more vigorous programs

    Here's a video clip to give you an idea

    Anyone can start here .... you don't need a senior DVD either. These DVDs do not have "choreography" .... what that means is you can ALWAYS slow things down & move at your own pace. The Walk at Home DVDs are chaptered .... if you only want to do 1 mile ... just use your remote control to "skip" to the last mile, you never have to do the whole thing. These are available at Target, Wal-Mart, etc.

    30 Day Shred is too hard on my knees ... no way can I do that one.