How do you count what soaks into your food?

I'm cooking a pork roast, only 120 calories for 4oz, but my husband likes it cooked in the pot with salt. Does anyone know how much of that salt in the water actually cooks into the meat? Doesn't do me any good to watch my calories without watching my sodium intake.

Also, If I marinate a meat, how much of the calories and sodium actually gets into the meat? How do I track it?


  • brodi3man
    brodi3man Posts: 61 Member
    I would count this the same way i count cooking with oil. measure what goes in and assume it is all absorbed.

    example: if i fry one egg with a tablespoon of oil. i would count that entire tablespoon for that one egg. IF it were two eggs i would count 1/2 tablespoon for each.

    Use the MFP recipe calculator and add every ingredient and split it into the proper amount of servings.