Ready to start after HCG...

Hi all,

I've done every diet in the book including the fads. I just recently came off the HCG diet ,which is extreme, and I only made it 12 days (supposed to go 23 days). I was eating only 1300 calories a day. I did lose 15 lbs and 2 inches on my waist, but got tired of feeling starved all the time.

So...I'm going to use this tool everyday, and I'm going on Jorge Cruise's Belly fat Cure. I'm excited about it, and figure anything is easier than what I was doing!! I'm also off sugar completely, as well as white flours, processed foods, etc. I'm drinking 96 oz. of water a day, and feeling good, so wish me luck!


  • mommyjos
    mommyjos Posts: 98 Member
    Welcome to MFP! My suggestion would be don't go on diets! Find something that you know you can do for the rest of your life, not just something that you do to lose weight now and then can't maintain. Make it something you can do as a lifestyle. good luck! :)
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    May I make a suggestion?

    Instead of wasting time with yet *another* fad, simply try to eat at a reasonable deficit, move more, drink more water and get enough sleep. Then, in six weeks or 10 weeks, or 12, check in with us again on how things are going with your weight loss.

    It really is that easy.

    Also, read the first post in this thread because it's a very succinct way of looking at this process.

    Best of luck to you!

  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good luck. Just keep coming back. And I stole the quote from AA.
    It works if you work it.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I wish you the best, but I will speak from experience here.

    Ultra restrictive and fad diets just don't work. You're setting yourself up for another yo-yo.

    Have you tried eating the foods you like in moderation? Unless you are diabetic, there is really no reason to drop sugars and white foods entirely. I have been through years and years of yo-yo diets and have tried nearly every gimmick there is. Nothing ever gave lasting success. I have been on MFP for over a year now and have lost nearly 40 pound eating EVERYTHING I want. I just watch my portions and eat a little less of everything.

    Good luck! This is an absolutely wonderful place.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Welcome to MFP! My suggestion would be don't go on diets! Find something that you know you can do for the rest of your life, not just something that you do to lose weight now and then can't maintain. Make it something you can do as a lifestyle. good luck! :)

    I wish you the best of luck, but I agree with the above. When I started on MFP, I knew I wanted to improve my eating but I also knew that really restrictive "diets" don't work for me, personally...I do limit some foods that trigger binge eating, but overall I just work on portion control, balancing my macronutrients, making better choices, and trying new things--it's something I can live with for the rest of my life.
  • ronitabur
    ronitabur Posts: 178 Member
    Good luck to you. I too am sugar free (no more than 20g. of sugar per day) and no white stuff like enriched flour, semolina pasta, or white rice. It's a healthy way to be. Consider also consuming 30 g of fiber per day - this will help you make plenty of whole grain choices. If you find it hard to get that much fiber, try adding sugar free organge flavored metameucil. The type of fiber in metameucil helps your body eliminate fats while it's in your stomach before it's absorbed. It will also help fill you up and will help your digestion too.

    I think you'll find that eating this way is very easy and manageable - you can eat all the same things as long as you use sweeteners and whole grain food products. Have fun converting all your recipes.

    Hint: For making gravies and thick sauces, thicken with chickpea flour instead of white flour or corn starch - trust me, nobody will know the difference!


    P.S. Many people will try to convince you that low sugar is just another fad way to eat, but cutting out sugar will leave you with the ability to eat more food and make healthier choices at the same time. Yes, it's hard to say no to sugary foods. But, when you begin to see how much more food you get to eat within your allotted calories, you're going to like it.
  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    I thought the HCG was 500 calories a day. And now you're "on" a diet that claims you will lose 4 to 9 pounds every week (at least by the quick google I did on the Jorge Cruise's Belly fat Cure.

    I sincerely hope after hanging around these boards a bit, you'll be ready to put in the less, move more. That's what works. Sadly none of the get thin quick fads work. If they did, most of us wouldn't be here.
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    i would recommend reading Rachel Cosgroves book.. "the female body breakthrough"
    no fad diets, diets do NOT work (as you have already proven to yourself)

    eat sensibly, stay on track 85-90% of the time, allow yourself to "cheat" (with common sense limits) about 10% of the time, and start working out. Rachel talks about how each fad diet can actually make it harder for you over time (because you will loose lean body mass along the fat, so each diet makes it harder for the next one to succeed.

    my wife and I changed our relationship with food, we eat smarter, still allow ourselves a treat at times, and work out. we do NOT live in the gym (i put in about 5-6 hours a week total). we do not feel deprived, or like we are missing out on life, and we both feel better than ever.

    Best of luck to you!!

  • worthliving4
    worthliving4 Posts: 29 Member
    skip the fad and any labeled with quick results. You didnt get fat and unhealthy overnight so why would you think it would just go away that fast? It takes time.....time will be your best friend too because during that time you will learn about your body chemistry and what works for you. Being healthy is multidimensional. The first step is setting realistic goals. The next is bridging the gap between GOALS and SUCCESS.

    Lastly, educate yourself about diet and nutrition. It is 70% of the equation (20% exercise and 10% rest) so learn the science of how your body works. has tons of reputable information and can be the guilding light to lots of things from exercises, to diet, to supplements etc. I think everyone has a story but how your's unfolds is up to you. Make your own adventure and stop making excuses. Eat less, move more and be accountable.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I have basically catered my food intake to what I can do for the rest of my life. I am finally to the point that I am happy, no longer tracking my food, no longer weighing but exercise and live a very healthy lifestyle. Health, not losing weight, is the most imporant thing to me now.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Any money spent on HCG shots, drops, or anything else for weight loss is wasted.

    Many scientific studies have proven that HCG in ANY form does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help with weight loss, or to make a very low calorie diet safe.

    No doctor worth trusting would even SUGGEST that you attempt the HCG diet for weight loss. It is a TOTAL SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nearly everyone that does the HCG diet regains more weight than they lost in a short time

    In addition to that, taking shots of HCG hormone can cause other hormones in your body to go out of whack, which can cause a multitude of health issues