don't lose sight of the big picture



  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Totally bumping this...very well said.

  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    Great post. We all need to realize what works for one of us does not mean it works for everyone. I used to get frustrated because I would follow what one of my friends did, they'd lose fast & a lot & I wouldn't. Now I just look at "this is me, this is how MY body works" and I am much happier. Everybody-Keep up the good work!!! We are in this together.
  • careyannal
    Great post!!

    Reading through the forums, I often find myself obsessing about all the little things I *might* be doing wrong, it is very easy to beat myself up and forget about everything I am doing right, and all the positive changes I have already made.

    THANK YOU :flowerforyou:
  • I'm at a plateau and even sometimes gaining a few pounds and I do get frustrated. I won't quit, but when I go from no exercise to three to five days a week of burning up the treadmill for three to five hours/week, no sugar hardly, low sodium, no junk foods hardly, no soft drinks- it does get aggravating at times. It is nice to have a reminder about keeping the big picture in mind. It's kind of like the old saying about opinions and everybody has one. HAHA

    Everyone you talk to has different opinions and ideas. I like brainstorming with people and the support and knowledge on here is awesome! Thx for the nice reminder! Good post!
  • StartingOver12
    I wholeheartedly agree with this logic. About 10 years ago, I lost 80 pounds and was in the best shape of my life. All I did was eat better and walk every day for 30 minutes. I did not worry about EXACTLY how many carbs or grams of fat or freak out about every little detail or obessess about how others were losing weight faster than me. Then at one point I became over the top obsessed with working out and percentages and I gained a bunch of weight back because every time I wasn't "perfect" I would throw in the towel and decide to start over again the following week.

    My dad always used to tell me to apply the KISS method to everything when I was growing up (keep it simple stupid). I should have listened.