Starting 30 day shred on Monday



  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I'll join you. I started it about 3 weeks ago but on day 2 I did some serious damage to my back from not having enough padding under it on the floor I think, and I struggled to even walk around the house for a week, then we went on holiday for another week. I started last year as well but fell pregnant 10 days in so stopped as I thought it was a bit much. Micro baby is now 6 months old (born 3 months premature at 1lb 15oz) and I have another 6 months to get in shape before I go back to my desk monkey job (Edit: That's her in my ticker, she's my inspiration to loose the weight to bring my blood pressure down as she came so early due to pre-eclampsia)

    I was the same! Fell pregnant last year & stopped! However my baby was the opposite! 9.10! Huge! Congratulations on your little miracle baby! That's wonderful.

    Farburnfred; don't give in, you have to do it all at once otherwise it won't have the same affect on your body! Just come up with your own modified versions of each exercise! I've changed the ab workouts to Caesar safe ones!

    Even if you walk in place instead of doing jumpin jacks its better than just standing still or worse yet quitting. I have so many medical problems it seems like a joke but let me tell you with everything I have I can do level one. Its all about persistence. Change things around to your own fitness level and every day try doing it the way they do in the video even if its just a count of 2 to 5 x's then switch to your modified version. Hey I've been doing it through my TOM and having horrible cramps! That plus MS, FIbro, RA, herniated discs, sciatica, numbness and fatigue etc. :noway:
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I'm well up for doing this, but forgive me if this is a dumb question - I've looked around but can't find details (are there any?) about what I need to do for the 30 days with regard to food/exercise?

    I don't have access to a gym but have a huge elliptical machine - does that matter?!
    Sorry and thanks in advance for your help!

    Its an exercise video series by Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.. Look it up on youtube. You don't have to buy anything. You can use soup cans instead of small hand weights. As long as you have a floor you can do the videos. I didn't even buy the videos I watch them on youtube. I have an internet ready TV and bring it up on my TV. If I want to exercise outside I can put my laptop outside and work out in my yard. My wifi reaches pretty far. Of course if you have the DVD's it wouldn't matter.
  • Mommyv45 you are an angel :)

    Thank you for that, I'll research as soon as I'm home from work and will get started :)
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    just ordered dvd!!
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    I've completed it once before and was going to start again on the first of this month, but unfortunately I didn't get around to it. But I'll give it a go this afternoon when I get off work! :-)
  • I would like to play along, I have tried it a few times before but have never finished it...maybe this will be the time to succeed.
  • 30 DS Day One:
    Lower reps than what they did, I wanted to concentrate on my form instead of trying to keep up. Used 3 lb wt to start.
    Could only do 8 push ups on my knees
    LOVE the side lunges, they might help get rid of the chub rub :)
    HATE the cardio right now, lungs feel like they are going to explode, did a modified version.
    Played my own music over Jillians voice, it made the circuits seem like they were going faster. Only 29 more days to go!!

    I feel mentally good right now....those endorphins are kicking in.....
  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    MAssively proud of myself to have finished day one, I did box press up and only 1 section of jumping jacks, i ran on the spot instead. And as yet no weights, will not add them until i can do all the arm movements easily as they would strain the back more :( A few niggles from my back but so far no worse than going for a swim, but will be surprised if I can move tomorrow having worked every muscle :(

    Is everyone logging it as 25 mins mixed circuits?
  • Day 2 completed.
    Did 10 knee pushups today on first set/ 8 on second. Took the cardio down a notch snce that seems harder for me than strength training. It feels so good to be doing this again.

    I log it as 30 min circuit/general because I add some extra warm up before I start the video.
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    30 DS Day One:
    Lower reps than what they did, I wanted to concentrate on my form instead of trying to keep up. Used 3 lb wt to start.
    Could only do 8 push ups on my knees
    LOVE the side lunges, they might help get rid of the chub rub :)
    HATE the cardio right now, lungs feel like they are going to explode, did a modified version.
    Played my own music over Jillians voice, it made the circuits seem like they were going faster. Only 29 more days to go!!

    I feel mentally good right now....those endorphins are kicking in.....

    Lol I have thought of playing my music over the top but I'm not sure to whether my baby is liking watching me or the voice that's loud coming through the tv. He just lays in his swing and stares lol.

    Good luck to all the other girls who have just started! Day 1 is the hardest! It will be Day 4 for me today! :)
  • Day 3 Level 2:

    I wanted to try a new challenge for myself so I am going to mix my levels up because I get bored with this quickly and havent completed this challenges in the past.
    My mind is telling me low, med, high instead of 1, 2, 3 so today was a medium feel good day and I enjoyed level 2 but I dont feel I gave 100 % so I am hopeful to be able to do this again this afternoon when I have more energy to burn. Level 2 isnt that bad if your wondering.

    Another observation: For those of you who are hurting alot, I did a few gentle warm ups prior to Jillians warm ups and by the time I got into circuit 1 with the weights and squats I didn't notice the burn.
  • Is it too late to join? I already have the DVD.
  • hey bethryn, Im sure you can join in

    Today should be my day 4 but unfortunately my body said "REST" is much needed, so I did some light waist video instead. I will feel better tomorrow and plan on amping it up then.
  • Kacey34
    Kacey34 Posts: 12 Member
    i'm on level 3 right now.. its great! making good progress:) good luck to you guys!
  • d4webb
    d4webb Posts: 2 Member
    You can count me in!
  • DAY 4:
    Had my rest day yesterday and today it was hard to get moving again BUT ...I added an extra few warm up minutes before the dvd started and I took the first circuit slow and focused on stretching it out vs trying to keep up with helped ALOT and by the second circuit I was better.

    Im finding I am having trouble making myself eat enought throughout the day. It almost feels forced.. Anyone else feeling it too?
  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    Def, i normally find my 1500 is enough, since starting the Shred I am much thirstier but not hungrier particularly. this is where the handful of almonds for 180 ish calories comes in handy. have started treating myself to a bedtime hot chocolate too :) Tomorrow I am going to get my DH to set me up with his HRM so I know exactly what I am burning as opposed to the MFP guesstimate.

    On a running forum I use lots of the women find that a wee run before shredding really helps, I did this today 9well just jogged back from school) and certainly felt much more warmed up
  • Day 5 for me today

    I feel its getting harder and I don't seem to have the cardio endurance yet...Im using 3 lb weights and they felt heavier today more than normal.....anyone else feeling this happening. I ate a good breakfast more than an hour before doing the video. I am wondering if I am not an early morning exerciser....I just didnt feel I had enough energy but I did make it through, with difficulty.
  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    have you had a rest day? although she says 30 days in other places she def reccomends one if not 2 rest days a week..
  • Roxie861
    Roxie861 Posts: 85 Member
    i'm in!!! Add me and we can motivate eachother.....20 minutes a day- got to be done :)