Going to the gym late?

I'm 17 6'0 and 195 pounds right now. I'm a shy person so I'd feel awkward going to the gym in the afternoon (it feels like everyone's staring at me, probably all in my head) I've been doing Independent Study this semester because my bad grades and the past 2 months have made me sick of my lifestyle...I mean I still sit at home and all but I'm definitely doing more (don't have a job, looking to do some community service soon) So the other day I started walking my dog more instead of 20-30 minutes a day, I started walking her 15 minutes in the day, 20-30 in the afternoon, and 10 at night. Better than nothing! Anyways I'm trying not to eat bad and lately I've been trying my brother's healthy foods which aren't actually that bad :tongue: Yesterday I decided along with eating less junk and walking my dog more that I should check out my apartment's gym. It's 24 hours so me being the awkward shy person I am I went at 12 AM :laugh: I spent about 15 minutes on the treadmill at 3.8...at the end losing about 80 calories. I went on the bike for probably 5 minutes to try it out. I did some basic lifting but not much. Now today I went again around 12:30 until 1:20 :happy: I planned on going on the treadmill for 20 minutes today but I decided **** it and went 30 minutes...lost around 170 calories when I was done and I did some basic lifting again. After that I went on the bike for around 10 minutes and lost around 30 calories. Now should I stop going late or does it matter? I think I'll be more comfortable with it in a few days. I also started having just 1 cup of coffee in the morning instead of my normal two which I think should help :smile: Any suggestions guys? Help :wink: THANKS!


  • bump
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Sounds like you've got a good plan
  • As long as you are getting proper rest and recovery everything is good when I was deployed in Afghan I was night duty for 3 months and worked out around 2-4am I was basically living like vampire and had normal results.
  • BlueEyedTXmom
    BlueEyedTXmom Posts: 179 Member
    Anytime you can exercise is a good time! I would just make sure you're not sacrificing sleep for it because being well rested is important in losing weight too.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    There's a lot of 24 hour gyms around me - so other people must be going in the middle of the night too. If it works for you then keep it up!
  • Thanks everyone :) I'm going to go again tonight...I'm not really sacrificing sleep I always sleep late anyways!