Hello everyone. I am new the message board, but not new to MYFP. Upon reading some of the posts, looking at all of the before and after pics, which I must admit I am pretty damn impressed with you ladies & gents, it hit me. I've seen some say that they are ashamed, depressed, lost, and even scared. I AM HERE TO SAY THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO. I was once 575 pounds. I've starred defeat in the face. I used to DJ at night clubs. I was a high school athlete. I know what it feels like to have NO ONE in your corner. At the end of the day all it takes is YOU. YOU have to make the move. No one is going to do it for you. I was once told "It was sooo much fun putting the weight on, now its hell getting off". All you have to do is get up and say "I will no longer sit around and wish". It took me to hit rock bottom. I was in a slip and fall accident and left paralyzed at the age of 20. I didn't get to have fun so I locked my self up and ate. I became depressed, in a very dark state. It was until one day my wife said to me "Babe, you're going to die, and I don't wanna be a widow, so please do something". Seeing her shed those tears and say those words lit a fire under my *kitten* and here i am 236 pounds gone 40 more and ill be at my goal. YOU GUYS CAN DO IT TOO! I AM PARALYZED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. I GO TO THE GYM EVERY DAY WITH MY WALKER AND I MAKE IT HAPPEN!! So how about you? Will you get up and make your move? Or will you left obesity defeat you?



  • jessica182517
    jessica182517 Posts: 390 Member
    WOW!!! First of all let me say Congrats to you!!!! Thank you SOO much for posting this :) YOU are a huge insipration, i have just started my weight loss in july i am down 15lbs so far and i have days where i feel like i am never going to reach my goal and days where i want to just quit and say whatever to the whole thing. But this time im sticking to it no more excuses and no more giving up im making a life change and i WILL stick to it and i WILL get healthy for my daughter and my fiance. Reading your story just about made me cry (i had to hold it back, dont want anyone to see me cry at work lol) you have come so far and you did it even though you the odds were against you. I am truly inspired by this and im so happy for you workig so hard and doing it not only for your health but for your wife! Thank you for posting this :) Makes me realize i really have NO excuse what so ever to give up!!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    You are my new hero!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    You are amazing!
  • You sir make me ashamed of my lame excuses. Bravo!!! You are very brave.
  • kittybear86
    kittybear86 Posts: 341 Member
    Thank you for posting this :) Sometimes it's hard to lose weight,but you're right,there IS hope.You are a true inspiration :happy:
  • inspiring <3
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Simply amazing. Hats off to you and to your wife for loving each other enough to take care of each other!
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    You couldn't have posted this at a better time for me.. Thanks a bunch and
    Huge congrats to you . You are truly an inspiration..
    Good luck for the future and I look forward to reading your post when them
    Last 40 are gone.
  • YOU guys are all blessings to me. I always tell anyone who says that I inspire them, don't think I don't have my days where I wanna throw in my towel. I have my days where I want to EAT THE WORLD!! I don't tho. I think about the 2 years 5 months that I've invested into this. All of the blood, sweat, lots of tears, and money that I've sunk into supplements personal training, etc.. AND IT MAKES IT ALL WORTH IT!!! I honestly can say that I WOULD DO IT ALL OVER IF I HAD TOO.

  • WOW!!! First of all let me say Congrats to you!!!! Thank you SOO much for posting this :) YOU are a huge insipration, i have just started my weight loss in july i am down 15lbs so far and i have days where i feel like i am never going to reach my goal and days where i want to just quit and say whatever to the whole thing. But this time im sticking to it no more excuses and no more giving up im making a life change and i WILL stick to it and i WILL get healthy for my daughter and my fiance. Reading your story just about made me cry (i had to hold it back, dont want anyone to see me cry at work lol) you have come so far and you did it even though you the odds were against you. I am truly inspired by this and im so happy for you workig so hard and doing it not only for your health but for your wife! Thank you for posting this :) Makes me realize i really have NO excuse what so ever to give up!!

    Don't lose sight of what you're doing! Keep your eyes on the ULTIMATE PRIZE! Your daughter needs you, and so does your fiance. I have faith in you and your abilities. If there is anything you need please feel free to hit me up. Take care!
  • You couldn't have posted this at a better time for me.. Thanks a bunch and
    Huge congrats to you . You are truly an inspiration..
    Good luck for the future and I look forward to reading your post when them
    Last 40 are gone.

    Thank you so much!