Returning to running...


I am returning to running after 20(?) years. In the meantime, I gained weight (245 .lbs) and got old (45)! I have lost 25 .lbs (yay me!) and my doctor cleared me to start running. My goal is to run a race in Providence, RI on 12 May. There are 5K, 10K half-marathon and marathon lengths. I am not deciding yet which length to run.

So, what do I need to know?I am sure there have been changes in the running world in 20 years? Specifically:

Any links to training plans?
Equipment ideas?
Clothing for the "plus-sized runner?" (I'm still a little pudgy)
Suggestions for iPod headphones?
Online training logs?
Anything else I need to know?

Finally, who's with me??



  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Well, go and get fitted for shoes. I could tell you my favorites, but it wouldn't really help you!

    For apps, I use Jog Log. It has a built in Couch to 5K program, but you can also design your own. It will call out lots of different statistics at any interval you specify. You get to pick what it calls out. I love how customizable it is. It syncs with my Run Keeper account which has some great reporting and charting options.

    For headphones, I have these and love them: buds&cp=1&lp=9

    I have this arm band, but I find it pinches my arm so I wouldn't really recommend it: buds&cp=1&lp=11

    I have some decent running clothes from Old Navy. I assume they have men's stuff too, but honestly haven't looked!

    I'm currently doing the Galloway method and training for a 10K. It's a run/walk interval program that allows you to go faster and farther with less injury. I'm liking it!

    My favorite piece of running gear that keeps the sweat out of my eyes and the sun off my face:

    One of my favorite online stores to buy from:
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I am also returning to running, after 12 yrs. I sort of pushed myself. I signed up for a 10k (normally against my better judgement) and started training 4 wks ago. I don't have any advice as of yet, but feel free to add me as a friend. We can exchange progress and updates as well as info. It's a real uphill climb so far, I'm hoping this old body can remember the things I did when I was younger!
  • CammyDeAnne
    I like You will find plenty of motiviation and support there. I started the c25k Oct 2011. Two weeks ago, my long run was 12 miles. I LOVE to run! I don't use headphones for running. I just like it that way. :) I do use a Garmin 305. It keeps up with how far and how fast you are running as well as a bunch of other stuff. It also comes with a heart monitor.
    I would say, go to your local running store to be fitted for shoes. My favorite pair of running shoes is Altra. They are zero drop, minimalist shoes. I am still transitioning so I run in Mizunos every other day.

    I will be 50 next month. :) I buy alot of my clothes at Academy sports.I don't know about plus sizes but you could check online. They have great clearance sales.

    Get some good socks. That is very important.

    Happy running!
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    Best wishes on returning to running. I am trying to get back to it myself, as of this week. So far, I can only slow run for 1 min., then walk fairly briskly for about 3 min, alternating. I am trying to get back to it after 10 yrs, hypothyroid and hypoadrenia and it's not so easy, but I am determined.

    I have no advice for you at this point, except to say just hang in there and don't give up. And hey, you're not old -- I'm going to be 50 in five months!! :noway:
  • gamommaof3
    That's great! Definitely get fitted for good shoes, I did and love my Brooks! I started running in June and did the Couch to 5K training program. It is a great program!! I ran my first 5k last month, my second one yesterday, and I have another one in a couple of weeks. I am now training for a 10K that is at the end of October. I have never really been a runner, but I love it. I think you will get right back into it with a little time. I use apps on my phone to track my runs (Runkeeper, Mapmyrun). Good luck!!!
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    My husband was buying from Wal-mart, he didn't want anything to expensive as he was slimming down and just going to need new stuff. We are currently buying from Winners as he finds it.....

    I use the app c25K I like it but the sounds of the jog run that the first lady posted about. I am going to look into it.

    and I second the good shoes and good sock (loving ones from the running store that are seemless and very thin and awsome to wear). I bought one pair when they were on sale, now wishing I had purchased a few pairs I can completly tell the difference.

    And a strong mind! Mind over matter, even when your body doesn't want to go make it.

    Good luck
  • Jennaissance
    I just returned to running too (after a foot injury).

    I went to the "running store" and had them help me with shoes, which I WILL replace completely in probably 3 or 4 months (but now that I know what to get, I'll buy cheaper online).

    I also got a heart rate monitor so I can make sure I'm keeping a good pace but not overdoing it too much b/c I'm more interested in distance than speed (it tells me both, but it took almost a week to get it set up so it was accurate).

    I use a Camel type system with one of their backpacks and an MSR dromedary that has a fabric coating over the plastic.

    In my current state, I've been looking for loose clothes that dont hold a lot of moisture. I'm a woman, so I tend toward Athleta but I've found some good stuff at Target in terms of tops... not pants though.

    Oh, and b/c of my foot deal and I'm still in constant pain, I tried the five fingers but they are awful. You can feel hot pavement burning your feet and they get pretty moist if you have sweaty feet. I wish I could return those things!
  • danimal5867
    Target features Champion's C9 line of athletic clothing. Great prices and all the sizes. I've been buying them for the last 30+ pounds. I figure as long as my size keeps going down, there's no need to get the expensive stuff unless I find great sale prices.
  • Maurey
    I ran my first ever 10 km back in may. had surgery end of June and am just now getting back into running again. I just started training for a half marathon (planning on running it next september). The app I am using is hal higdon 13.1. When training for the 10 k I did both the c25k and bridge to 10 k running apps I think by bluefin.
    One of my favorite sites for info is
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I'm coming back after a 9 month lay off due to injury... definitely get good running shoes from a running shore. Run more often than you think you need to, slower than you think you should. Warm up/stretch and cross train.\

    I love my Garmin HRM... I'm an accountant and really can't run without it! I love trying new routes and logging my workouts.

    I scour sales racks and websites for clothing deals.

    I can't stand ear pods... i get cheapie over the ear headphones at target for about $15.
    Good luck!
  • JennyJStewart
    JennyJStewart Posts: 13 Member
    I love the Couch to 5k program. I ran in high school....20 years ago. In the mean time I've gained 25 lbs and had 8 children. I am back into it now - I've lost 7 lbs and I'm on week 4 of the program. I feel GREAT.

    Saucony shoes have nice wide widths and are very comfortable - but that is something you just have to try.

    The Running Room is so helpful! Also a good place to meet running partners or take learn to run courses. I haven't done those as I live in a rural area.

    Good luck!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    1. Get properly fitted for shoes by someone who understands the mechanics of running.

    2. Obtain and follow a plan. There are many out there... Specifically couch to 5 k, Jeff Galloway, Hal Higdon or Running Room Plans. Lack of planning usually leads to failure.

    3. Commit to an attainable goal. People who run marathons have been running for years. People who haven't run for years and try it without a lengthy commitment, usually get injured.

    4. Equipment...Good shoes! Also remember Cotton is rotten. Look for clothing made of technical fabrics like dryfit. A good Gps watch is also helpful for measuring pace and distance.

    5. Don't be afraid to join a running group or take a clinic. Most clinic are filled with people like yourself and have instructors with a wealth of information. Its also a great motivator having a scheduled appointment and people to run with.

    Good Luck! Feel free to add me if you need advice.

  • Jennaissance
    Oh, and I think running on the treadmill is awful. When I have to go to the gym, I use the stairmaster or I walk/run on the treadmill at an incline. Interval workouts are the best if you have to go to the gym... it's not like we're on a flat track when we run outside!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I took a class through the YMCA (I wasn't a member) Interval Training for Runners (I think it was 6 or 8 weeks long 1x per week, but the instructor provided us a workout schedule for the rest of the week); this was how I prepared for my first 5k...well technically, it was the Warrior I did a lot of playing at the playground too to get my upper body into shape! That was 2 years ago...I did great!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Congrats on getting started again!

    I agree with what others have said - get fitted for shoes (at a running specialty store).

    As far as clothes go, I buy the dri-wick clothes at Old Navy and Target. It's affordable and they carry a wider range of sizes than most sporting goods stores.

    I like the ear buds that hook over the ear - JVC is a good brand and pretty affordable. I got mine at WalMart.

    I use the Nike+ app on my iPhone. It plays music, tracks mileage on my shoes, has a GPS, updates to Facebook, and has stats about your pace, fastest mile, total miles run per month, total miles run since starting the app, etc. It's user-friendly and FREE! :)

    And Couch-to-5K is a great program to get started again. After you master that, there is a Bridge-to-10K program that can take you to the next level.

    Happy Running!!!
  • knittinggrad
    I'm thinking about running the same race!