Lost almost 200lbs natural in 1yr... Now I need some advice

PukaD312 Posts: 9
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello My Name is Anthony H...

Im 38 yrs old male and I reside in Northeastern part of Conn. I've sucessfully loss nearly 200lbs from diet and exercise.. I've been featured in newspapers & Ive been a guest speaker at 2 very large radio stations as well as high schools and colleges to inspire & help other become and maintain a happy sucessful lifestyle.. But most importantly to let other no it can be done.. I NEED YOUR HELP>>>Im new to this site (just joined today 2-6-10) but I have a few key issue... Its been a yr since I joined World Gym and I no the machines quite well... I always workout between 5 and 7 days a week.. lately 5days a week,,, I workout very hard & very aggresively... Heres my issue's after being over 400lbs at one point and as low as 223, I'm currently 231 and im finding it harder and harder to lose weight... I want to get down to atleast 195lbs to see what it feels like to say the least.. Secondly using this website I found to be a little tricky as well as not all the stregnthning machine my gym offers were not available on this website(free weights as well),,, Lastly as I mentioned above I was a big boy last yr and loss all my weight from PURELY diet & exercise(manually wrote in my diary everyday along the entire way) but now that my body frame is smaller I have alot of extra excessive skin... Im totally against any kind of surgery(never had one in life) and want to keep it that way, so if anyone could pls tell me how to lose this skin in my belly area mainly & my nipples pls respond... YOUR HELP IS DEEPLY APPRECIATED !

Ant H


  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Congratulations on your amazing weight loss!

    Strength training tools aren't as detailed here but I've entered the information on my work outs into the "notes" section under exercise so I can track my progress.

    You might have more luck getting down to a low weight by increasing your aerobic work rather than your strength training - make sure you talk to someone who can help you determine if 195 will work for your frame.

    Good luck and welcome aboard!
  • email me at PukaD312@comcast.net
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    First off, congratulations!

    I agree with mstahl that increasing your cardio workouts will help. I'd suggest trying a variety of cardio activities, like running, swimming, and various machines. If Golds offers cardio classes, that might help too.

    About the skin... it will fix itself, given time. Because you lost so much weight so quickly your skin, while naturally elastic, hasn't had time to adjust yet. There is a network of tissue that anchors your dermis to the tissue beneath; when you were overweight, fat deposits stretched this tissue out. Now that you've lost the weight, the tissue is contracting very very slowly, and will continue to do so as you work on those last few pounds. It should go back, given time. If it really bothers you, consider taking supplements. A, E, and B-complex are all thought to help healthy skin.
  • thanks for the tip... Btw I do tons of aerobics.. 1hr cardio (min) 1hr weights 1/2hr abs (sitsups, pushups, crunches, etc...)
  • Sunshine thank u very much, I guess I didnt mention all the cardio machines I use... golds has a wide variety, stairmaster, row machine,etc... I use the kettle bells, rubber balls, etc... I especially like the note about the skin will go back in time.. your the 1st that has given me a straight positive answer, everyone else see to jump quickly at the tummy tuck/surgery... ILL check into those vitamins you reccomended.. I take a slew of them now... between the fish oils, multi-vitamin, green tea, ginsing, vitamin c, etc...

    you have a sparkling day ( and i hope u look great for the wedding! ) :wink:

  • Puka D,
    I have done my homework on excessive & loose skin, like you I am NOT interested in surgery, but I didn't wanna be really really saggy either. The 2 best pieces of advice I EVER recieved were:

    1. Give it time, BUT take care of your skin in the mean time. I recived this info from a burn unit nurse.
    It is said that the BEST way to treat your skin is the same way they treat burn victims (strip away the dead cells, & then feed/mosturize/ heal the growing ones). This can be done by Dry Brushing your skin (especially problem areas), you can get a good horse brush at your local feed store or a natural natural bristle brush from Target/Wal-Mart (be sure to check the abrasion level to be sure it is to your likeing). Before your shower AM & PM if you can swing it, you wanna brush your skin all over, but especially trouble areas, take some time doing this, maybe a good 5 min. or so (under arms, belly, under belly, inner thighs, ext...) & be SURE NOT TO PULL ON YOUR SKIN, you DO NOT want to strech it more. Your want to create a "ROSEY GLOW". Once in the shower use a GOOD body wash (Olay has one with Olive Oil, ext...) & use a soft scrub sponge, find a good bath oil & use it after you are done washing, then when you get our of the shower, pat yourself dry only (you want to still be VER) moist), then add a GOOD mosturized try a variety until you find a really good one if you have to (Palmer's Cocoa Butter Mosturizer Oil is said to be a good one). You want to mosturize everywhere generously. Take your time. Some people have more sensative skin & can not tolerate this 2 times a day or even every day, so try it & see what's right for you.

    You can also find some really good home recipes for body wraps & the idea is to pamper your skin.

    2. Find a GOOD body suit (girdle type as firm as you can live with), this is PRICELESS if you are wanting you skin to tighten up. When our skin is left to hang, so to speak, it streches & has to really fight gravity, but a good body suit will keep everything lifted & tight, this not only helps with the tightening process, but it helps your clothes to look better on you in the meantime. THIS ABSOLUTLY WORKS, YOU WILL SEE YOUR SKIN TRANSFORM BEFORE YOU EYES. Again, it does take time... it is said that time heals everything. :wink:

    Hope this helps. Shannon
  • Shannon thanks a bunch.. im on it.. never ever heard a drop of what u said... and I been soul searching,,, I even have 2 different high end personal trainers on it.. and they came up empty... thx..
  • I was in such a hurry I didn't even check my spelling... I'm sorry!!! Glad it helped. I'm doing it with ya!!!
  • The moisturizing sounds like a good idea. I have very sensitive skin, but my estetician uses a product called "Murad Body Firming Cream". I bought some and LOVE it!! I found it on ebay, since buying from the spa was really expensive. I think on ebay I paid about $40 for a professional size bottle. It is wonderful stuff. I bought my mom and my sister one each for Christmas, and they LOVE it, too. It lasts a long time, as well.

    This stuff has elliminated the red bumps on my upper arms (the ones that looks like acne, but aren't). I have tons of stretch marks on my belly from three pregnancies, so I'm starting to use it there, too. I think it might be great for your skin, too.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    wow, this is really good info...thanks for sharing all the advice...I have lost 50, from my highest wt ( in about 8 yrs). been a yo-yo with 15-20 lbs in the last few yrs....and had 2 large babies ( in the early 90's) on a very short waist-ed frame. (5' 3 3/4"), and my entire lower ab area is all stretch marks. I have skin that hangs on my lower abdomen as well, mainly on the outer sides above my legs. I had read in a Marilu Henner book, many, many yrs ago about dry brushing. Guess I should have kept with it! Thanks again!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    great info, I was just talking with my husband about this, I have heard about the mosturizer and about stimulating the area...this is a great way to do a complete pamper...Thanks, I'm giving myself this gift basket for Valentine's:bigsmile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Puka D,
    I have done my homework on excessive & loose skin, like you I am NOT interested in surgery, but I didn't wanna be really really saggy either. The 2 best pieces of advice I EVER recieved were:

    1. Give it time, BUT take care of your skin in the mean time. I recived this info from a burn unit nurse.
    It is said that the BEST way to treat your skin is the same way they treat burn victims (strip away the dead cells, & then feed/mosturize/ heal the growing ones). This can be done by Dry Brushing your skin (especially problem areas), you can get a good horse brush at your local feed store or a natural natural bristle brush from Target/Wal-Mart (be sure to check the abrasion level to be sure it is to your likeing). Before your shower AM & PM if you can swing it, you wanna brush your skin all over, but especially trouble areas, take some time doing this, maybe a good 5 min. or so (under arms, belly, under belly, inner thighs, ext...) & be SURE NOT TO PULL ON YOUR SKIN, you DO NOT want to strech it more. Your want to create a "ROSEY GLOW". Once in the shower use a GOOD body wash (Olay has one with Olive Oil, ext...) & use a soft scrub sponge, find a good bath oil & use it after you are done washing, then when you get our of the shower, pat yourself dry only (you want to still be VER) moist), then add a GOOD mosturized try a variety until you find a really good one if you have to (Palmer's Cocoa Butter Mosturizer Oil is said to be a good one). You want to mosturize everywhere generously. Take your time. Some people have more sensative skin & can not tolerate this 2 times a day or even every day, so try it & see what's right for you.

    You can also find some really good home recipes for body wraps & the idea is to pamper your skin.

    2. Find a GOOD body suit (girdle type as firm as you can live with), this is PRICELESS if you are wanting you skin to tighten up. When our skin is left to hang, so to speak, it streches & has to really fight gravity, but a good body suit will keep everything lifted & tight, this not only helps with the tightening process, but it helps your clothes to look better on you in the meantime. THIS ABSOLUTLY WORKS, YOU WILL SEE YOUR SKIN TRANSFORM BEFORE YOU EYES. Again, it does take time... it is said that time heals everything. :wink:

    Hope this helps. Shannon

    Thank you for taking the time to write this out. I suggest you copy it and save it on your computer-because this will not be the last time someone will ask!!

    It was super sweet of you to take the time to help us, thank you. Jeannie
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Thank you, Shannon!

    I've been using a good moisturizer but I'd never tried dry brushing. I'm going to give that a try--sounds like it would be really good for the skin!

    I've been losing weight slowly and have not had the problem I thought I'd have. At my age you hear that the skin won't bounce back as much. Well, that may be true but mine isn't too bad. (Besides, I decided I'd rather have saggy skin over a healthy body than firm skin over a lot of fat!:laugh: )
  • SnakePlissken
    SnakePlissken Posts: 34 Member
    I've got no advice on skin but i wanted to give you congrats for losing as much weight as you have. Pretty amazing,...... and remember, people die all the time from being overweight. I don't think anybody ever passed away from to much skin. Keep plugging.
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    Puka D,
    I have done my homework on excessive & loose skin, like you I am NOT interested in surgery, but I didn't wanna be really really saggy either. The 2 best pieces of advice I EVER recieved were:

    1. Give it time, BUT take care of your skin in the mean time. I recived this info from a burn unit nurse.
    It is said that the BEST way to treat your skin is the same way they treat burn victims (strip away the dead cells, & then feed/mosturize/ heal the growing ones). This can be done by Dry Brushing your skin (especially problem areas), you can get a good horse brush at your local feed store or a natural natural bristle brush from Target/Wal-Mart (be sure to check the abrasion level to be sure it is to your likeing). Before your shower AM & PM if you can swing it, you wanna brush your skin all over, but especially trouble areas, take some time doing this, maybe a good 5 min. or so (under arms, belly, under belly, inner thighs, ext...) & be SURE NOT TO PULL ON YOUR SKIN, you DO NOT want to strech it more. Your want to create a "ROSEY GLOW". Once in the shower use a GOOD body wash (Olay has one with Olive Oil, ext...) & use a soft scrub sponge, find a good bath oil & use it after you are done washing, then when you get our of the shower, pat yourself dry only (you want to still be VER) moist), then add a GOOD mosturized try a variety until you find a really good one if you have to (Palmer's Cocoa Butter Mosturizer Oil is said to be a good one). You want to mosturize everywhere generously. Take your time. Some people have more sensative skin & can not tolerate this 2 times a day or even every day, so try it & see what's right for you.

    You can also find some really good home recipes for body wraps & the idea is to pamper your skin.

    2. Find a GOOD body suit (girdle type as firm as you can live with), this is PRICELESS if you are wanting you skin to tighten up. When our skin is left to hang, so to speak, it streches & has to really fight gravity, but a good body suit will keep everything lifted & tight, this not only helps with the tightening process, but it helps your clothes to look better on you in the meantime. THIS ABSOLUTLY WORKS, YOU WILL SEE YOUR SKIN TRANSFORM BEFORE YOU EYES. Again, it does take time... it is said that time heals everything. :wink:

    Hope this helps. Shannon

    Thanks for all the good info. I have a lot of friends that would love to have this information, besides myself.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    What a great contribution!!!! Thanks!!!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    sorry...I would be remiss if I didn't congratulate you on the weight loss! 200 pounds is astounding!!!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Hey Anthony,

    My ex-husband lost a staggering 175lbs, and congrats on your lost. He was left with lots of sagging skin, moisturizers didn't work, and he did wear a supportive "girdle" for awhile, but that didn't help much either. His weight loss doctor suggested vela shape, and it worked a blasted miracle on his stomach and arms, it's a non invasive NON SURGICAL! procedure. It's a laser therapy, he did 6 treatments over a yr for his arms, and a few more for his tummy, almost all of the sagging is gone, the laser therapy tightens and improves the texture of the skin.....he looked so good after the weight loss that he found himself a new woman! lol! oh well, as long as he's happy I say! But it truly worked a miracle for him, there was also fraxel available another laser, no down time, little if any discomfort...just an option for you,
    take care, and good luck!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    congrats on the weightloss!

    I lost 225lbs in about 4 years time I am guessing. I was left with a lot of sagging skin and I had 4 procedures done...neck lift, arm lift, tummy tuck, male breast reduction. I had to pay out of pocket 100% for it which came to about 23,000. If I had to pay 100,000 dollars I would of. The surgeries were painful but it really made me happy in the long run.

    Without surgery, I don't think you will lost the majority of your loose skin.
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