Forget the scale...focus on your body!

I joined MFP on a whim back in May 2011 but I haven't been seriously using this app/website till the end of July 2012. As I stepped on the scale at the Doctor's office back in July and saw that I weighed 256lbs, it was definitely an eye opener. It was time for a change. I joined a gym, changed my diet and began tracking my calories. It was amazing to step on the scale and go from 256lbs, then to 236lbs, 231lbs, and then 226lbs...then up to 234lbs. As a novice, I began to freak out that I was gaining back weight! But I knew that weight must have been from muscle mass. How do I know? I noticed that my pants and shirts are getting bigger, I have some muscle definition in my legs and arms, and I have more energy and endurance throughout the day. So don't fret if you are working out vigorously and eating right and notice some weight gain. Just focus on your body and how good you feel and eventually the scale will catch up.


  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks, I needed to be reminded of that today.
  • sandygaylegunn
    sandygaylegunn Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you for this. I relate. NSVs (non-scale victories) abound, if I focus on them and not the scale.
  • kelalvar111
    Couldn't agree more! Thanks for sharing the reminder. Had one of the moments last week myself, when the scale said I was up a couple of pounds, but the check in with my trainer confirmed I was down in inches. :smile:
  • NC2001
    NC2001 Posts: 17 Member
    I don't think I'll step on a scale any time soon...unless I notice a significant change in my body composition.
  • EricaCarmack
    i am having that problem right now! it is seriously irritating!
    it is almost enough to make me wanna quit trying!
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I couldn't agree more!

    I am losing inches, and my scale fluctuates between the same 2-4 pounds. Thanks for the reminder!
  • andiimarie
    andiimarie Posts: 114 Member
    I finally put my scale away. Everyone was telling me I looked like I was losing weight based on clothing, I was getting smaller, but the number on the scale would not budge. I'm just going to weigh once a month and focus on good decisions on a daily basis.
  • CDeRuyter
    CDeRuyter Posts: 75 Member
    Like the others, I agree wholeheartedly. The scale goes up and down the same 4 lbs but my clothes keep getting bigger.
  • Time4NUME
    Time4NUME Posts: 138 Member
    Yes indeed,,, I needed this today... Thank you
  • mvtrail
    mvtrail Posts: 13 Member
    It takes an act of God to move my scale, even though I work out 5 days a week and eat well. I lost 50 lbs but could stand a bit more, scale hasn't budged in ages. However I have recently noticed definition and when I just bought a pair of size 10 jeans for the first time in 15 years, it reminded me it is not all about the numbers!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    i am having that problem right now! it is seriously irritating!
    it is almost enough to make me wanna quit trying!

    I love that word almost. It means everything in your sentence. Looking at your pictures, I would say - you better not give up. Look at the changes!! If you give up - you give up all the hard work you have done. I would rather stay how I am right now than go back!!! You look fantastic - stay strong!
  • ThatMrs99
    I don't think I'll step on a scale any time soon...unless I notice a significant change in my body composition.

    I feel the same. The last time I weighed I was down, so I'd prefer to keep that mind set and work hard until something in my closet gets visibly too big. :)
  • EricaCarmack
    i am having that problem right now! it is seriously irritating!
    it is almost enough to make me wanna quit trying!

    I love that word almost. It means everything in your sentence. Looking at your pictures, I would say - you better not give up. Look at the changes!! If you give up - you give up all the hard work you have done. I would rather stay how I am right now than go back!!! You look fantastic - stay strong!

    thank you!
    i say almost- because i dont like the number but i do like the muscles!
    thank you so much! that got me in a real good mood!
  • NC2001
    NC2001 Posts: 17 Member
    I had to remind myself about this earlier today. I've been working out hard the last few weeks and haven't "seen" any results. At least my pants fit loose now... :-)
  • nhodge17
    nhodge17 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks so much for posting this! This would get me so frustrated! I wasn't sure if I should change my goals from a weight number or to a clothing size number. I was told once that you can't lose inches and weight at the same time. Maybe this is true. Not sure. Either way, I know every little thing counts towards.

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  • rscp11
    rscp11 Posts: 8 Member
    I usually feel like a fat blob, and have to push myself to excersize. I have all these fantasies of looking really slim. I joined MyFitnessPal to start my more mentally healthy journey to weight loss.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    NC2001 wrote: »
    Wow...It's been seven years since I posted that. About three years ago, I gained back all my weight due to stress and personal issues at home. I am proud to say that I refocused and lost 35 pounds since October 2019. I'm now at 225lbs and am looking to drop down to my goal of 170lbs.

    I know my original post mentions to forget the scale, but so much has changed over the years in regards to technology and weight loss. I purchased a RENPHO scale over the holidays, and that has helped track my weight, BMI, etc. Purchasing an Apple watch has motivated me to meet the goals I set for movement activities. It also helps to set competitions with friends and family as well. I've realized I should find motivation in any which way I can to keep going on weight loss journey. I encourage everyone to stay focused and strive for your goal!

    @NC2001 I usually decline comment on zombie threads, but kudos to you for coming back after so long, learning some things, and updating us. Good luck to you!