MFPers with alot to lose 150 or more question

I have been morbidly obese for over 15 years now. I diet lose about 30 then think I got it and gain it all back then some. The most I ever lost without stopping was 79lbs. As you guessed I am back up there again. This is really bad for anybody including me who has endured 2 heart surgeries as a child and am dealing with health issues.
I want to know from the more to love crowd, how do you balance your day, feel satisfied and lose the weight even if you don't have time for exercise. When you do exercise what did you do and for how long? Please help. Maybe a basic rundown of what you would have eaten in a given day at around 1600 calories to use.

Thank you


  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I've lost just under 100 lbs over the last 5 years and still have about 75 to get to my goal. I average out to about 1800-2000 cals per day - feel free to check out my food diary.

    For me, these were/are some keys for me:

    - I don't look at it as a diet because that means there's an end to the diet and then I can go back to what I was doing before and that obviously didn't work. So I'm not on a diet, I'm changing my lifestyle.

    - Make 1 or 2 small changes at a time. If I tried to change everything at once it was just too overwhelming.

    - Start moving. And small changes count here too. Park farther away at the mall or the grocery store. All those types of little things add up. And then work your way up to exercising on a regular basis.

    - Become more aware of NORMAL serving sizes and their caloric value

    - It's a marathon, not a sprint. You didn't gain it all over night, and it's not going to go away over night. Slower is better, and your chances of keeping it off are better.

    Feel free to friend me!
  • mamaward64
    mamaward64 Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks, very wise advice. I am finding difficulting in the movement and will take it slow. I am trying not to do everything at once cause I have been burned out before.
  • Lmullaney79
    Lmullaney79 Posts: 21 Member
    for me, even just paying tight attention to my food (after I went to the dietician) was enough to get a slow loss going- when we have so much to lose, just diet (not a diet, but nutrition) can play a good starting roll. after a couple weeks of just being hyper about food and seeing 1ish per week, i *wanted* to start moving more to speed it up a bit. then I started more 1.5-2 lb...
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    Exercise will help so much. Its much easier to walk for 30 min and burn say 250 calories, than to cut that 250 from your diet. Granted that calorie goal is great, combine that with exercise at least 5 days a week and you will start to lose, guaranteed.
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    I've been on this since the end of May and have noticed the following:
    -Drink tons and tons of water. This helps me stay full longer
    -It helps to eat something every couple of hours.
    -Log every single drink or food that you eat. Even if you'll go over, at least you know what you have to change for the next day.
    -Decrease portion size. This way you can still eat many of the same items, just a lot less. This helps with cravings.
    -Exercise as often as you can but don't beat yourself up if you can't fit it in. Just be happy when you do and treat it as an extra added bonus.
    -I do not eat back all of my exercise calories. If any, I may eat under 100 of them. Otherwise, what's the point? Especially if you can't get to the gym every day.
    -DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP OR PUSH TOO HARD. Beating yourself up does not accomplish anything and pushing too hard will just burn you out. This goes for both diet and exercise.
    -Accept that you will not always lose each week knowing that you're body will adjust by the next week as long as you're doing the things that you should be. Especially being female and our hormones!
    -Good luck on your life changing journey!
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    the only way that ive found to be truely successful at losing weight and keeping it off is to remembe why you need to lose weight in the first place...

    i have a detailed profile page so check that out...

    you need to change your entire lifestyle and never, ever go back to the way that you were before...

    add me if you like...
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    I've been on this since the end of May and have noticed the following:
    -Drink tons and tons of water. This helps me stay full longer
    -It helps to eat something every couple of hours.
    -Log every single drink or food that you eat. Even if you'll go over, at least you know what you have to change for the next day.
    -Decrease portion size. This way you can still eat many of the same items, just a lot less. This helps with cravings.
    -Exercise as often as you can but don't beat yourself up if you can't fit it in. Just be happy when you do and treat it as an extra added bonus.
    -I do not eat back all of my exercise calories. If any, I may eat under 100 of them. Otherwise, what's the point? Especially if you can't get to the gym every day.
    -DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP OR PUSH TOO HARD. Beating yourself up does not accomplish anything and pushing too hard will just burn you out. This goes for both diet and exercise.
    -Accept that you will not always lose each week knowing that you're body will adjust by the next week as long as you're doing the things that you should be. Especially being female and our hormones!
    -Good luck on your life changing journey!

    This ^^^^^
    Excellent advice! I was going to write what the Poster wrote but she already said it! When you eat something every 2-3 hrs you keep your blood sugar up and you will not be hungry. I have to do this because of hypoglycemia and the symptoms are brutal if I do not. I sent you a Friend invite. :)
  • mamaward64
    mamaward64 Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks you all had amazing advice. This gives me hope that I can finally do this for me. :smile: