Frustrated – What am I doing wrong!!!!

Hello everyone,

I have been with MFP for a few months; I stopped for a while because I first got sick then fell and hurt my knees. I started working out once again at first just on my own without logging in. It has been about 5 weeks now. When I started I weighed in at 159 but for some reason I have been going up and down between 160 and 163. I am watching my calories and exercising at least 5 days a week, the MFP tells me I will be XX amount of weight in 5 weeks but I can’t stop the yo-yo. I have had people tell me I am gaining muscle that is why I am gaining but my clothes still fits me tight.
I feel like quitting, but I don’t. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I am thinking about going to see my doctor if this does not change soon. Has anyone experienced this before and how did you break through this problem.


  • cmacohio1975
    cmacohio1975 Posts: 74 Member
    open your diary so we can see what you log and maybe we can help. Also, make sure you are switching up your routine and eating back most of your exercise calories, as well as drink lots of water. Try taking measurements and then tracking that over time too, not just the scale.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    My log is open, feel free to look at what I eat and do. I am a 41yo 5" 11" man.
  • biddy249
    biddy249 Posts: 76 Member
    I would say your issue is with your diet. Open up your diet tracking and you will get all the feedback you can handle. Stay with it!
  • Ekboriqua
    Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member
    Morning Everyone,

    I have opened my dairy so everyone can see what I am eating right now my exercise consists of bike riding for an hour or an hour & half in the morning and at night. Sometimes I walk on my treadmill for an hour with speeds between 3 to 5 at time and an incline of 0 to 5, burning about 300 to 350 calories doing this. I do some workout videos and floor exercises. But right now I am just trying to drop some pounds before I start weight lifting for more toning.
    I did not exercise this morning had a really bad night and didn’t sleep well but if it is not raining tonight I plan to go riding for 2 hours to make up for missing this morning.

    Well take a look a give it to me straight if I am screwing myself up. Thanks for your support.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Working out EVERY DAY is not a good thing. Your body needs time to rest and repair. You are not gaining 'muscle' doing cardio and eating at a calorie deficit. Have you calculated your BMR /TDEE or are you relying on MFP? For 90% of people here 1200 is NOT enough food - unless you really short and really thin already?? Without knowing other stats (CW and height) there's not enough data to say much more.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Read the Well Blog in today's New York Times about the effects of just exercising without calorie restriction on weight loss.
  • Ekboriqua
    Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member
    Well I am short only 5 feet even and If CW means current weight I am weight in as of this morning 163. I am relying on MFP. I am not sure what BMR/TDEE means, if you tell me what this is and how to figure it out. I can let you know.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Cw was current weight yes ;) BMR = the very smallest number of calories that your body needs to function (breathe, blink, pump your heart etc..) TDEE = the number of calories you burn in a day from all your other activities (exercise and lifestyle). There are many calculators out there - much of this information can be found at the top of this forum in the stickies. Just running your BMR quickly in one website tells me that you are not eating nearly enough.

    Your BMR is closer to 1400 and with all your activity you're probably closer to 2300 TDEE (different calculators will vary so it's up to the individual to tweak for themselves) - This will put you somewhere around needing 1800 calories a day (at a 20% reduction of TDEE)

    Read the stickies - do the research.

    Best wishes.
  • Ekboriqua
    Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member

    Your BMR is closer to 1400 and with all your activity you're probably closer to 2300 TDEE (different calculators will vary so it's up to the individual to tweak for themselves) - This will put you somewhere around needing 1800 calories a day (at a 20% reduction of TDEE)

    Please bear with me; I am trying to understand this so I can get this right. I found a formula which is telling me my BMR is 1425, my TDEE is (looking at Moderately Active (exercise 3 to 5 days/wkly) is 1987.

    If I continue with exercising 5 days of the week at an hour each time I must then consume 1987 calories to lose weight? When I bike ride my bike I burn about 400 to 450 and when I walk I burn about 300 to 350, providing that I do one of these activities per day for 5 days/wk. So the more I work out then I need to up my calories by the amount of calories I am burning. So if I continue to work out twice a day, I need to add in those extra calories burned to show progress in my weight loss.

    Is this correct? I did print out a few articles off the internet and will read them tonight. I really do appreciate your input.