Big girls/boys doing Insanity

Hi I have just seen an advert on the TV for Insanity and I looks so hard lol. I was wondering if any bigger girls/boys have tried it or was it something they moved onto as they lost weight.



  • I've never done it. I want to, it looks crazy. But my cousin has done it. He weighed in at 350 pounds and he did it. It was tough at first but, his body adapted quickly. He came over to a family BBQ one days and was just showing us all of the stuff he could do now.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I'd be interested in the answer to this question!
  • HI! I'm a big guy and I started Insanity 2 weeks ago. I absolutely love it! I have lost 8 pounds so far, and my gut is down 3 inches. Also, my blood sugar is down from 284 to 128 (on meds). I have to wear a knee brace too, but I still do it! I have to modify some exercises, but like Shaun T says, the only thing that counts is if you are giving 100 percent. My whole family is doing it to get ready for a cruise.

    If you decide to do it, let me know and I will answer anything I can! You can sign up on their site too, and if you do, you can find me as ChaplainPagne there too.

    Good luck!
  • Insanity is tough but can be modified. The problem most people have is that they don't want to modify and feel bad that they can't keep up initially so they quit. IF you were dedicated and were working with a group/coach to help you through it then I think it is for anyone. IF you have problems with follow through or quitting because a work out it tough, it might be a good idea to start with something a little less intense. Like Turbo Jam or Slim in 6. However, you can modify all the moves in Insanity and it is for everyone. Does that help? Message me if you have more questions :)

  • thanks for the replies, do you also know how much it is and can you try any tester videos anywhere xxx
  • I started insanity monday and in 1 week i have already lost 2.5 lbs. I started at 197.5 so i am a bigger girl and i smoke (horrible i know) and i am able to do it. Dont get me wrong it is hard, but i do take breaks when i feel i need them, but then i get right back in to it. I go through 3 bottles of water in one workout and i am dripping with sweat at the end. Just make sure you do your own streches before and after (including the video streches).

    There are vids on Youtube you can watch to make sure its something you feel comfortable doing.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I weigh 280 lbs right now and I do Insanity from time to time. It's... pretty crazy. If I feel like I can't keep up, I modify the move, or just do something else for a few moments so I'm still moving, but get a bit of a break. There are times you even see the super fit people in the video looking like they're about to die and then taking a break, so I don't feel so bad! :)