How do you stay motivated?

How do you stay motivated to log your meals!? I kept up with it and then slacked off again, thinking I had trained myself to know how many calories I was eating or something (bad idea)

With kids and chores, etc, I get so busy I dont always think to log. Ideas to remind me?!


  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    For me my day does not begin if I don't "log on and track my meals"--practice makes perfect :):):)
  • SommerKMayorga
    I heard a saying once "You bite it you write it!" Maybe just keep that in your head? Its very hard, and will probably always be a struggle, but little mantras like that can help.

    Also, you could try planning out your food for the entire day and logging it all. Even if it changes some, starting your day out like that will help you stay on track the rest of the day.

    Good luck!
  • buzzcockgirl
    buzzcockgirl Posts: 260 Member
    some people suggest logging in all your food for the day the night before or early in the a.m. That way you know exactly what you can eat, don't deviate from it and it's easier to follow. Of course you have to PLAN out your meals and snacks-- but isn't that part of eating correctly? Plan, plan, plan!
  • bdur76
    bdur76 Posts: 155 Member
    Its not about motivation. Motivation will inevitably ebb and flow with time. You need to establish habits. Make small changes incrementally that are sustainable and eventually they become habits. I'm not motivated everyday to work out, but I do it six days a week. Its become a habit, part of who I am, and motivation is no longer a piece of the equation.

    I don't work out to get fit or lose weight anymore. I do it because it has become part of what defines who I am and it's just 'what I do.' You won't get there overnight, but take things one day at a time make changes and then make them habits!