People with sit-down jobs



  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    My job doesn't allow for "free" exercise. The last three months I've been walking before work and during my lunch. I started out losing like crazy but it has slowed down quite a bit. What are some other ideas besides sitting on a ball. It's a professional setting so that wouldn't look good.

    Yeah, I tried to get my boss to approve me using a stability ball instead of a chair and he said NO!!!
  • I was also facing this problem due to long hours of sitting in front of the computer, finally got neck pain and spondylitis. I decided to change the food habits and adopt it in my daliy life to be healty and active throughtout the day
  • LisaKunz
    LisaKunz Posts: 73 Member
    I have a desk job, too. All day long...9 hours a day. I drink a lot of water, so I need pretty frequent bathroom breaks. I use the bathroom on the floor upstairs, or I'll even walk over to another one of our buildings to go. I'll do the stairs a couple of extra times in that trip. It really only takes a couple of minutes longer - I don't think anybody really notices how long I'm gone. While I'm in the bathroom, I sometimes do jumping jacks or squats or wall-sits (well, after I'm done with my business of course!). I don't use the courrier anymore...I walk my own inter-office envelopes to the other departments. I park two blocks away from work. I walk on my lunch break - even to the post office and grocery store. I make myself take the 15-minutes breaks we're entitled to, and I do the stairs and walk. It takes effort and determination and commitment, but I lost the first 10 pounds by only making those changes, THEN I changed my diet and added real exercise.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Sometimes, when I go to the bathroom, I use the handicapped stall and do pushups and squats and stuff. You could sit on a balance ball. I knew a guy who did that. My boss keeps weights in her office, so I occasionally go in there and do a few bicep curls or something.
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    Keep in mind that your eating habits is the most important factor in losing weight.
    I have a desk job too, and if you're looking for exercise you can (1) wake up earlier to get a quick workout in, (2) if you have time work out on your lunch break (I prefer this option), or (3) find time after work or before you go to bed to get in a workout. It's not hard to find the time, but motivating yourself to do it is half the battle.
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    I mainly sit but I have to walk down the hall to the printer/copier and to the washroom and lunch room and to be honest, I make sure I get up and walk somewhere once an hour. I also have a height adjustable desk so I raise it and try to stand for a half hour every now and then. When I'm in a conference call and no one can see me, I usually pace back and forth while others ramble on. Sometimes when my computer makes me want to punch it, I lock my door and do a little yoga, it's safer for everyone. Most companies have a wellness policy, find out what yours is :)
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Not only do I exercise but I have changed my eating habits. I am trying to eat cleaner and very strict Monday through Friday. I don't go crazy on weekends - still eat within my macros but it allows me to have a few treats and still lose 1 or 2 pounds a week. Depending on your diet you could have also hit a plateau in which what others have already said could help - try varying up your routine. I go to the mall to walk when the weather is bad and make sure every time I see stairs I go up them and back down - it may look strange but I don't care. I also have started to add jogging to my walk in the mornings to get the heart rate up. Not sure if I will ever run a marathon due to some health issues but even jogging for 2-3 minutes increases the intesity and burn. Good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    Just keep yourself within your daily calories goal and do the lunch hour walk. I am also doing that. On top of that in the evenings if you can do some exercise 2-3 times a week minimum you will again start losing weight. Other than that you do not need to do anything fancy. I am also working at my office desk and losing weight at the same time with routine I mentioned above.
  • bowseramanda
    bowseramanda Posts: 58 Member
    Park further away
    take the stairs
    Do stretches
    Do 2 min. of air punches in the bathroom :-)
    Do 2 min. of squats in the bathroom
    Go to the bathroom every hour (see above lol)
    Stretch in your chair
    Be conscious of your posture
    Never keep junk food snacks at your desk
    Drink 4 oz. of water every hour
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    One thing no one's addressed so far (not that I saw in my quick scan) is your comment that your weight loss has slowed down. This is totally normal, especially for those who are quite overweight. The first 10-20 really melt off because it's mostly water weight and some weight you may have gained right before you decided to make a change. After that, a reasonable healthy weight loss goal is 1-2 pounds per week. Don't be in such a rush - trust me, if you stick with your new habits, it will keep coming off!

    Also, I agree with those that are saying the weight loss is more about diet than exercise. Make sure you're eating properly (not too much, not too little) and continue being as active as you are. You could mix things up during your normal workout times though. Make sure you're pushing yourself on your walks. If you have a fairly flat route, try to find a different way that might be hilly. At the very least, pick up your pace and maybe think about adding in running intervals (just for 30-60 minutes at first then more as you get accustomed).
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    makes a good point
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    My job doesn't allow for "free" exercise. The last three months I've been walking before work and during my lunch. I started out losing like crazy but it has slowed down quite a bit. What are some other ideas besides sitting on a ball. It's a professional setting so that wouldn't look good.
    I am a database administrator working in an office and I sit on a ball! The responses are usually "Hey, that's a good idea!" "That looks like fun" "Every time I see you, you're moving around!" etc. No one thinks it's unprofessional!

    But in addition to my yoga ball, I go up and down stairs a lot. Before I go to the bathroom, I make sure to drink all my water so I can take the bottle with me and fill it up from the tap. Makes me have to pee a lot, so I am getting up and walking around, up and down the stair many times a day. I also have to get up a few times a day to stretch a little, and sometimes to dance a little, depending on what's on my pandora and if it makes me feel like I need to dance. I've read about doing squats, lunges, jumping jacks, and desk push ups as well, but I've never actually done it myself. Well, I tried the desk push ups.
  • Hi,
    To begin with I wish you all the best with your weightloss journey! It is great that you are actually working hard for it despite your job demands! Congrats!
    Now, one thing that can be accommodated in any formal setting is 'smart food choices'. Personally, I have been exercising regularly for a while, but if I do not make healthy food choices, I do not lose weight. Exercise can only do so much. On the other hand, veggies can do a lot. (+I also try staying away from food with weird unknown ingredients.)
    All the best for your journey once again!

    I agree with Gargi---Drink lots of water too! I usually eat a little snack or two throughout the day so I'm not starved by the time dinner comes around :) I work at a bank so I do a lot of sitting at my job too. I've heard of people taking bathroom breaks so they can do jumping jacks and stuff to keep their blood flowing too.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I drink a lot of water at work. So I make a lot of trips to the water cooler and a lot of trips to the bathroom. I go to the bathroom that is farthest from my office. My building is a big "maze" so I'll sometimes just leave my office and walk around the maze a couple times.
    Yep. Yep. Yep.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I'm a dentist so a chair without wheels is not an option.

    Used to stand - 30 years of it - backache, neck ache = I'm sitting this one out.
  • I am in cube city at my job; however, I do some exercises. When I'm on the phone and don't need to type, I do squats or calf raises. I also do some lunges on the way to the copier - it looks a little weird, but I really don't care. You can do kegel type clenches for the abdominal muscles while sitting. and lots of arm stretches to keep the blood flowing. Get creative.

    ummmm aren't kegel exercises for the va-jay-jay? O_o
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I have a swivel chair at my desk.. I swivel...a lot! Keep your chest lined up with the desk and only move your lower half. I imagine this to be good for the waist line as it mimics one of the machines at the gym. I also keeps me from dozing off.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    I am in cube city at my job; however, I do some exercises. When I'm on the phone and don't need to type, I do squats or calf raises. I also do some lunges on the way to the copier - it looks a little weird, but I really don't care. You can do kegel type clenches for the abdominal muscles while sitting. and lots of arm stretches to keep the blood flowing. Get creative.

    ummmm aren't kegel exercises for the va-jay-jay? O_o

    lol. Yes, they can be but good for core too. Even men can do them (clench your pelvic floor muscles).
  • Fat2Fit4Life
    Fat2Fit4Life Posts: 599 Member is a fun little site & app.

    I have P90X band hooked under my chair and when I feel the urge pump out a couple of reps. :glasses: