"Big Food" is Telling us High Fructose Corn Syrup is Good Fo

metalpalace Posts: 576
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I know I'm preaching to the choir here but I'm going to share an article I wrote just the same because It's worthy for all of us to share with and teach as many others as we can.

Big Industry is Big Business. The latest and worst is Big Food and their advertising campaigns spreading their word that High Fructose Corn Syrup is good for us.

Big Food actually has an entire media campaign of commercial, radio, and internet ads telling us that High Fructose Corn Syrup is good for us all the while it's a major contributor to the 80% of all deaths in America stemming from chronic illness and disease ESPECIALLY Diabetes and a hundred other diseases. Diabetes specifically is on the rise even in our kids largely do to High Fructose Corn Syrup and sedentary life style.

Big Food is advertising an inexcusable lie.

Why would they do that? Thankfully there is a growing number of Americans, I'll be it still a very small minority in our nation, who are becoming a student of good nutrition. When you become a student of good nutrition and take a real active interest in living a good life you learn what high fructose corn syrup does to the body so naturally you stop buying foods that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup. Big Food probably grew worried at this growing trend so they responded with their inexcusable advertising campaigns telling us that High Fructose Corn Syrup is good for us.

Unfortunately the United States government has various subsidies that incentivises Big Food to keep producing more synthesized ingredients such as High Fructose Corn Syrup which none of our elected leaders are even talking about because WE the people aren't talking about it.

Our nations food supply is not doing it's job, that is, to keep us healthy. Instead it's literally killing us at an overwhelming 80% death rate. Is anyone else besides me and a few others not alarmed, embarrassed, and motivated to become a student of good nutrition?

The bulk majority of us do not speak out against it, we do not vote against it with our purchasing powers, our elected leaders don't even talk about how our food supply is not doing it's job to keep us healthy, and no one in large groups seems to be indifferent to a food supply that is killing 80% of it's own population. Are we really indifferent to that?

If the American people have spoken up at all about Big Food manufacturing synthesized ingredients we have said, "We're OK with it all". Apparently as a citizenry we are not offended or concerned that 80% of us, and for the first time in our history our kids to, are literally dying from it. If we really don't care then maybe tomorrow that percentage will rise to 90% so that only 1 out of every 10 Americans will die at an old age peacefully in their sleep after a full life of health and vitality. Unfortunately that 1 out of 10, just as today 2 out of 10, can not economically sustain the rest of the population who is destroying health care and the economy at large in terms of the enormous cost in resources and money they require from the minority to treat their illnesses and diseases.

Health care and the Economy is only sustainable if the majority are healthy and wealthy enough to take care of the minority who are not. Instead we have cultivated a health care system, an economy, and a people where the overwhelming bulk minority are taking care of the bulk majority and THAT is NOT sustainable. We are already seeing that it's not sustainable and we still continue to just rock right along. The Center for Disease and Control projects the financial burden of health care is going to QUADRUPLE within the next ten years unless we change our life style. The majority of us are digging our graves, making health care unaffordable, and sinking our own economy with our teeth in the food choices we make as well as our votes with our food purchasing dollars. Never mind the new age threat of terrorism. We are a greater threat to our culture and way of life than any terror network ever could be, period.

Fear not because the solution is simple!

We the people; the consumers are responsible not Big Food or the Government. With responsibility comes REAL power and control over our own destiny IF we harness that power. So why aren't we? If we want real power over our destiny then the majority of us has to own our mistakes and make some changes so we can change everything for our future. There is absolutely Nothing more POWERFUL and more LIBERATING than taking full responsibility so we can take control of our own destiny.

After taking FULL responsibility it starts with becoming a student of good nutrition and teaching it to others. Vote with your dollars for 100% all natural foods when you do your grocery shopping. Government and Big Food will follow the demand WE create because this is capitalism and in capitalism Demand will always win out.

My hope is that EVERYONE who reads this article Shares this with EVERYONE so it spreads virally; hopefully reaching most of America and wakes up enough people to begin a new revolution of Responsible people, Responsible Government, a new Food Supply that keeps its own people healthy, and a new brighter future that WE have real power over as a responsible and liberated people.

Wouldn't that be great? Spread the word and lets to this.


Learn about High Fructose Corn Syrup, over all become a student of good nutrition, and teach others. Ive cited three resources to help you get started:

1.) Diabetes Health, "The Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup" - http://www.diabeteshealth.com/read/2008/08/20/4274/the-dangers-of-high-fructose-corn-syrup/
2.) Organic Consumers Association, "How High Fructsoe Corn Syrup Damages Your body" - http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_6210.cfm
3.) Mary Glenda A Critical Care Nurse and author of various CookBooks, "Worse than Sugar" - http://www.noweightgaincookbooks.com/worse_than_sugar.htm


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Amen to this Tom! I have been preaching this for about 10 years now! That was when I found out about it!
  • rsalgado
    rsalgado Posts: 163 Member
    I just recently watch Food Inc. and started buying organics and am trying to avoid high fructose corn syrup. It is quite a bit more expensive, but my families health is worth it! Thanks for the info!
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    I've been seeing the ads too, how oh it's just from natural corn....
    Next they will tell us how partially and hydrogynated oils are good for us too.
    I try to avoid that lovely HFC at all cost. Agree, that more should be done. It's getting harder to find foods without it.
  • I very much hear the cries of it being more expensive and hard to find... That's why I'm preaching that we take our votes with our dollars seriously. In capitalism the demand WE create will always win out. Sadly right now the demand is more HFCS and the likes of. Spread the word, copy and paste, live it, teach it, share it, right now we are not a self sustainable society so one way or another changes will inevitably occur. I vote we take control and create our own destiny.
  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
  • The commercials actually say "It is fine in moderation" not that is just palin and simply good for you. Not that I agree I just wanted to clarify what the ads say about it.
  • My point is that HFCS, or any synthesized ingredient, is not good for you in any quantity. Un natural food's should not be part of our diet because it tears down our natural barriers that protects us from disease and sickness.
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