What should I do/how many calories should I be eating?

Hi All,

I started using MFP nearly three weeks ago. For the first week I didn't weight myself, so I don't know what I weighed when I started, but at the end of the first week I weighed myself and I was 197. I want to loose 2lb a week and so I set my profile to loose 1lb (1570 calories a day) and figured I could loose the other through exercise. I work out 5/6 times a week and walk at least two miles a day.
At the end of the second week I weighed myself and I had gained four pounds which I don't think had anything to do with hormonal fluctuations. I've weighed myself a couple of times since then, and nothing seems to have changed (this was four days ago)
I'm wondering how I could possibly have gained this amount of weight without severely overeating.

My BMR is closer to 1700 a day and I'm wondering should I be eating this instead of the 1500ish that I was eating. Is it possible that I was undereating given that I do a lot of exercise?

Thoughts appreciated!


  • jamface11
    Is this new exercise? Some people gain a lot of water weight, when they start exercise/new routines, especially if you are trying to burn 3500 a week. Try take a couple days off and see if this helps?
  • connemarapony
    Some of the exercise is new, but most of it isn't. I've been running regularly for about a year now and I've run a couple of half marathons.
    I have shaken it up a little bit by doing more all round exercise as opposed to just running, but that's the only difference.