So I came to a mildly sad conclusion today

99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
I need to pick a new favorite pokemon.


Snorlax is my favorite pokemon.


When I chose him as my favorite, it was because he embodied everything that was me. From the pokemon wiki:
Snorlax spend the majority of their time sleeping, surviving on their stored fat. Many Snorlax only awaken once a month, spending their waking time finding more food. A hungry Snorlax is not satisfied until it consumes 900 pounds of food, and then it goes back to sleep.

Sadly, this is no more. Not quite sure which pokemon I am now. But not Snorlax. Not any longer.



  • chaamigo
    chaamigo Posts: 25 Member
    ha ha i am trying so hard to shake jiggly puff :D

    let me know who you pick