Needing some motivating peeps in my life!! :)

I have been HORRIBLE about actually logging my food for quite awhile now, and no dig at my current friends, cuz they are still awesome, but I feel they have lost faith in me (and rightfully so!). I only have a few that actually encourage and keep my chin up at this point (again...can't blame the rest of my friends as it is hard to motivate someone who doesn't appear to be doing anything!!)
So I want a fresh start....starting Monday 9/24 I am going back to logging ALL my food and exercise and go back at this full force!!
I would like some new and motivating friends to help me along the way! I was so successful in the beginning of MFP because of the motivation between my friends and I.

I am 5' " 34 yr old woman. I have lost about 25-30 lbs (haven't been getting on the scale lately because I am ashamed!!)
I would like to add people who are encouraging and motivational.

If you want to help me get back into things, that would be awesome!! :smile:


  • Farmerj2000
    Farmerj2000 Posts: 210 Member

    So I want a fresh start....starting Monday 9/24 I am going back to logging ALL my food and exercise and go back at this full force!!

    Why wait until Monday??? Start today!!!!!!

    I log everyday and try to post often. feel free to add me?
  • 1jlazymom
    1jlazymom Posts: 197 Member
    I hear you my diary is a train wreck and its because I just don't think before stuffing myself. I started this morning with pre logging and really thinking before eating. Everyday is a new day and the only person you have to please is yourself. We all fall down sometimes, you can be successful just remember you are worth the effort. Feel free to add me
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I log everyday...good or bad :) My diary is open. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member

    So I want a fresh start....starting Monday 9/24 I am going back to logging ALL my food and exercise and go back at this full force!!

    Why wait until Monday??? Start today!!!!!!

    I log everyday and try to post often. feel free to add me?

    I definatly agree! I pulled the whole "Mondays a new day" thing for a month - but mondays just a day. Everybody seems to thing that mondays a clean slate - but its the same as tuesday. Start today! Because you are going to mess up next week wednesday and think "oh i messed up, better start fresh monday!" and just put yourself more behind for what you really want.
  • amycb03
    amycb03 Posts: 68 Member

    So I want a fresh start....starting Monday 9/24 I am going back to logging ALL my food and exercise and go back at this full force!!

    Why wait until Monday??? Start today!!!!!!

    I log everyday and try to post often. feel free to add me?

    ^This! Yes. Waiting until Monday is just two more days lost...I log the good the bad and the really bad and have logged everything for a month now except for one day. I workout 6 days a week and am full of encouragement and support of others - feel free to add me if you'd like - I'm also 34yo and looking to lose a total of 40lbs..wtih 30lbs being my first goal by the end of the year. You are almost halfway there with your goal- you can do this!
  • turmsy1950
    I find that it is easier to log my foods right away while it is still on my mind and I'm already full. That seems to reinforce in me that it doesn't take a lot of food to get me full. You need to make sure that you have healthy foods in your refrigerator, both fruits and vegetables. I've been at this process for 4 months and I've lost 20 lbs but I have been very diligent about the foods and the exercise. I joined the local YMCA that has a pool and I faithfully attend their 60 minutes water aerobics class Mon-Fri. It's great exercise and I feel so much better and get lots of motivation from the group. I highly suggest it. I also indulge my 'sweet tooth' with one small container of sugar-free chocolate pudding cups. It's only 60 calories and I also get my chocolate fix at the same time! Good luck.:happy:
  • dianacrum

    So I want a fresh start....starting Monday 9/24 I am going back to logging ALL my food and exercise and go back at this full force!!

    Why wait until Monday??? Start today!!!!!!

    I log everyday and try to post often. feel free to add me?

    ^This! Yes. Waiting until Monday is just two more days lost...I log the good the bad and the really bad and have logged everything for a month now except for one day. I workout 6 days a week and am full of encouragement and support of others - feel free to add me if you'd like - I'm also 34yo and looking to lose a total of 40lbs..wtih 30lbs being my first goal by the end of the year. You are almost halfway there with your goal- you can do this!

    Thanks for the advice for starting today....what I said what that I was going to log it ALL starting Monday. My problem here is actually logging what I do (good or bad).
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member

    So I want a fresh start....starting Monday 9/24 I am going back to logging ALL my food and exercise and go back at this full force!!

    Why wait until Monday??? Start today!!!!!!

    I log everyday and try to post often. feel free to add me?

    ^This! Yes. Waiting until Monday is just two more days lost...I log the good the bad and the really bad and have logged everything for a month now except for one day. I workout 6 days a week and am full of encouragement and support of others - feel free to add me if you'd like - I'm also 34yo and looking to lose a total of 40lbs..wtih 30lbs being my first goal by the end of the year. You are almost halfway there with your goal- you can do this!

    Thanks for the advice for starting today....what I said what that I was going to log it ALL starting Monday. My problem here is actually logging what I do (good or bad).

    Start out slow to get back into it... take this weekend (starting today!!) and build up to everything every day :wink:
  • wmlpd6
    wmlpd6 Posts: 135
    Sounds like you are ready to get this thang back on track...great job. Friend request sent