Hypothyroidism- Do you have it?

arasm Posts: 65
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Good morning to all! I recently (last Aug) found out I have Hypothyroidism. I am taking medication for it and feeling much better now BUT.....the weight loss is SOOOOO difficult! I watch everything I eat and workout 6 to 7 days a week. I get soooooo discouraged when I get on the scale every week. To loss one pound takes me weeks! Does anyone else have this problem? any ideas how to improve on the weight loss? Any advice or suggestions would be MUCH appreciated. Also, if you suffer from the same and would like to be friends, please feel free to friend me. I would love to have some friends with this common problem!


  • Girl, I'm in exactly the same situation. I eat well and run 25 miles per week in addition to strength training. I've been on Synthroid for about 18 months and though I am feeling better, the weight loss is very slow. I feel like I am working so hard just to lose one pound in about 3 weeks. According to my BMI, I am borderline between "normal" and "overweight". This seems like an awful lot of work and effort to be overweight.

    If you figure out some good references or get some tips on how to manage this, let me know! =)
  • ActSingMom
    ActSingMom Posts: 32 Member
    They never diagnose me with it, but I suspect I have Insulin Resistance, which can be glopped with menopause and hypothyroidism. Read Jonny Bowden's book, "The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer". His chapter on hypothyroidism, isulin and the adrenals is comprehensive and a great resource. Nutshell: consider breaking down the sugar protecting your fat cells from deflating by lowering the carbs, but not eliminating them. Jonny Bowden has also written a book called "Living Low Carb" which compares every diet imaginable. He's a very entertaining writer to read, too.

    Are you of Menopausal or peri-Menopausal age? That can affect everything.
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    I was diagnosed with Grave's Disease (hyperthyroidism) about 15 years ago. After my son was born I had iodine therapy, which killed my thyroid. I have struggled with my weight pretty much every since. Since starting MFP I have had my T levels checked every six weeks and my Dr. has been lowering my Synthroid dosage - every six weeks. My current dosage is .125. (On a side note, I personally believe there is a difference between Synthroid and the generic.)

    I have been true to counting every calorie - logging everything from a slice of lettuce to a piece of gum. Yes, It is a slow process.

    I would happily support you in your weight loss and welcome any advice from you!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    I have the same problem and I also take medication. I workout 7 days a week and monitor everything I put in my body. I will tell you that iceberg lettuce does slow the thyroid down and also if you are taking a multi vitamin take it 2 hours after the thyroid meds. because it effects the thyroid meds. according to my doctor. Cardio workouts are better for losing the weight but you will still need to do resistence training to tone the muscles. Do not drop your calories below 1200 because the body needs that to substain life. Also, if you go under for any lenght of time the body thinks it is in starvation mode and will hold on to the fat and not allow the proper burn. Will be more than happy to be your friend and help if I can. Drink lots of water and eat high fiber foods both these will keep you feeling full longer. God Bless, brenda
  • I am right with you on the Hypothyroidism…….. have taken Synthroid for about 5 years to control my condition called Hashimoto’s Disease. I also had two thyroid nodules on the right lobe. Last July 2009, I had surgery to remove the right half of my thyroid because over the years the nodules have grown. Praise be to God they were not cancerous. Yes, the weight creeps on slowly and before you know it you can’t see your hip bones, collar bones and developed back boobs. I have tried other diet plans but nothing has worked, probably because I just did not stick to them due to lack of support. So, new year and I want a new body. I have found 'my fitness pal', joined a gym and am on a mission to lose 40 pounds. My doctor told me that I put the weight on slowly and to expect it to come off slowly and not get discouraged. I am expecting to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week with calorie counting and exercise. Ladies, we can do this! Feel free to friend me.
  • I have had hypothyroidism for a little over 4 years now. My thyroid went wacky after my last pregnancy. i just couldn't lose any of my baby weight, went to the doctor and there you go. Taking thyroid medication isn't cure all for losing weight though ( I wish it was). Just make sure you are seperating your thyroid med and other meds/supplements since they interfere with absorbtion. I was told 4 hours. by my doctor.
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    I can't even remember how long ago I was diagnosed and started on the medication, at least 10 or 15 years. Anyway I can agree that losing weight is definitely in the slow and steady realm, but that is the best way to shed it anyway. Let's all just keep moving.

    Take care everyone,
  • arasm
    arasm Posts: 65
    Ladies!! Thank you!!!:smile: it is sooooooo nice to hear I am not alone here!! I guess I will just keep doing what I'm doing! Seems thats all I can do. Eat right and exercise! I can do it! as I know you all can as well :wink:

  • Hey,
    I have the same problem and I also take medication. I workout 7 days a week and monitor everything I put in my body. I will tell you that iceberg lettuce does slow the thyroid down and also if you are taking a multi vitamin take it 2 hours after the thyroid meds. because it effects the thyroid meds. according to my doctor. Cardio workouts are better for losing the weight but you will still need to do resistence training to tone the muscles. Do not drop your calories below 1200 because the body needs that to substain life. Also, if you go under for any lenght of time the body thinks it is in starvation mode and will hold on to the fat and not allow the proper burn. Will be more than happy to be your friend and help if I can. Drink lots of water and eat high fiber foods both these will keep you feeling full longer. God Bless, brenda
    Brenda, your transformation is amazing and a true inspiration!

    My mom has hypothyroidism for 25 years and has been on Synthroid that whole time. She has struggled with her weight since her 20's. My great grandma, grandma, mom, and aunt have all had thyroid problems (2 hypothyroidism, 2 thyroid cancer) and my doctor checks my thyroid levels every year.
    While I don't have hypothroidism, I understand your struggles ladies, keep up the good work!
    God bless,
  • misslibbyh
    misslibbyh Posts: 90 Member
    Ive been on Levothyroxin for a little over a year now. When I was diagnosed I got so excited thinking the weight would just fall off somehow. It didn't happen like that:noway: ... and it seems there are tricks to this weight loss business that take some getting used to which I'm just learning.

    I wish you the best of luck!:flowerforyou:

    I'm also looking for fellow Hypo friends. Nice to meet you.:smile:
  • Hey! So this October I was in a phy ed class and I was talking to my teacher about how i wanted to lose weight. She was ready to help me so I was excited! The first week I lost 3 pounds and weeks after that a pound or so a week, then one week I gained back 6 pounds, I was so confused, frusterated and everything else! So I called up my doctor, took in my food journal and we had a little visit. I was eating anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories today plus exercise, and getting full! Needless to say I was in starvation mode and was tested for hypothyroidism.
    The results came back and I had it. I guess I was happy in some ways as to it wasn't my fault for gaining those extra pounds but it really sucks! I work out everyday so hard and eat good now but only lose about 1 pound per week! Its a slow process but hopefully we all get there eventually! :) Anyways, I feel like im so young and to have to be on meds the rest of my life is kinda a drag, but thats life and its MY life and this WONT control me!! Just thought I would share my story!

    Now for questions! I have recently been reading up on the internet about it and what foods may cause medicine to not work.
    Like spinach, brocollii, pears, soy products? Does anyone know if this is true or not I loveee my greens so i hope not. I might talk to my doc. and get something set up with a nutritionist but if anyone has any suggestions of foods to eat or not to eat, or how you are dieting, id love to know!

    Thank you!!
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