Low carb/paleo/fad diet....

Ive been trying this last month to just eat healthy, and reviewing my diet and looking back at old diaries i had when i was 40lbs lighter and ive come to the conclusion my body just doesnt handle carbs and sugar well, Even my fruit intake has to be very limited and i do remember for years i ate very little carbs and never really wanted them, I have gained 40lbs in 6 months and im not going over my calories often at all (and yes im tracking everything) the only difference is my sugar is much higher as are my carbs. So im planning to go back to it but i know myself and i know i do better with a plan such as south beach or atkins not because i really want fast results but because its easy for me and it works well i did it for 5 years and maintained...the only reason i stopped was everyone kept saying that i needed mroe carbs i needed to be less regimented but it worked for me to know i only ate every 4 hours and I rarely had treats even if they would be in my calorie goal...because im the type that wants more. Does anyone else do it this way and did it work for your weight loss...with any of these so called fad diets?


  • Courtney_7790
    Funny you posted this! I just replied to another post and mentioned my carb issue. This summer ive been trying to lose weight just watching calories and working out, if it fit in my calorie goal i ate it...I wasnt losing so i thought i wasnt tracking right so i joined MFP about a week ago and made sure i put everything in that i stuck in my mouth no matter how small, (dont get me wrong i had a terrible day and ate tons of junk however i was still a tad under my calorie goal) And nothing! Burning more then you eat= you lose weight, For me it doesnt work...im never out of my calorie goal and this summer i lost 2lbs, So today and yesterday i realized that and started cutting my carbs down again and im already feeling way better. Some bodies are different and i say go for it you know your body and fad diet to me is something you do just to lose weight quickly and dont intend to keep up, however if you intend to eat lower carb forever and its reasonable for you then go for it! Im with you on it Routine and Low carb works for me to! Good job realizing what works for you and paying attention
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    There are some conditions that can cause a person to gain weight even if they watch calories/doing a SAD diet. Such as PCOS/insulin resistance/hormone issues just to name a few. I have done so many diets and followed them to a T and lost no weight. I went to the doctor and found out I have PCOS and went on the diet my doctor suggested and I have lost 50Lbs in the last 4.5 months. I would suggest if you dont get any results or want to know whats going on going to the doctor is the best bet. They can suggest a diet that is tailored to your needes/condition if they find something :)
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    If you are carb sensetive and they cause you to gain weight then go low carb and see if it helps. You don't NEED carbs, your body will do just fine on very little carbs. But be sure to get lots of fresh low carb fruit and veggies, good protein and you may need to up your fat if you have been used to a low fat diet.

    Calories still count, so make sure you are eating the right amount of calories to lose weight and I am sure you will feel fine.

    Oh and edit: agree with above poster, it always worth checking with a doctor that there isn't underlying issues that are causing weight gain before embarking on any eating plan that cuts things out.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    If it worked / works for you then stick to it. The term "fad diet" is just a term of abuse by someone with a different viewpoint who needs to grow up. Atkins published his first book 40 years ago, Banting in the century before the last one, etc, so some passing fad !

    http://www.dietdoctor.com/ is a Swedish doctor so you could follow his blog and similar for reinforcing messages rather than listening to the local sugar burner's advice.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I think you should only consider a diet a 'fad' diet when it it backed up by pseudo-science. And that may be the case with Atkins, paleo, etc. but its the composition of the diet that matters and you can ignore all the bogus claims the promoters make about the diets.

    A diabetic on LC diet is certainly not following a fad diet, they are picking the optimal diet for their condition.

    I like the paleo diet as a good 'default' diet for people who are wary about grains, sugars, and processed foods in general. You probably don't need to follow it religiously, but those are your go-to healthy foods when you know you've had a bad eating day or just don't know what to eat when you're out somewhere.
  • stormsusmc
    stormsusmc Posts: 228 Member
    the thing is there is something to learn from all diets...good or bad...do your research and find out what works best for you..
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    I do much better on low carb as well. My dr. also said it is okay for me as a diabetic because it cuts out the sugar and stuff i shouldn't have. If you follow Atkins to the end you eventually reintroduce carbs til you find the amount that is right for you. I think it is like diabetes- not everyone is diabetic so not everyone needs to be on a diabetic diet. I believe some of us are also carb sensitive and if we have carbs it is like giving a cigarette to an ex-smoker- the cravings come back!!