Anyone doing insanity?!

It's a great workout! I'm starting on my second run with the dvd!


  • I tried Insanity...I couldn't balance it with my running...I am going to try P90X Hoping it is not quite as intense of a workout so I can still do my running...
  • hehe, I'm new so I thought at first this was just an inquiry into my mental stability, I mean, I'm totally going neurotic, but not insanity, but I suspect my take on your statement wasn't what you were looking for... what's insanity?
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    I LOVE INSANITY!!!!!! totally helped with my running and overall fitness!
  • _mbrace
    _mbrace Posts: 48 Member
    I am doing insanity ive been doing it for 12 days i see a big improvement in how long i last when im doing the workout its a great workout. good luck
  • Its super hard! but I love the end results. I want to get back into running outside too!
  • UpBeatMaria
    UpBeatMaria Posts: 49 Member
    I am doing Insanity too!!! Please friend me and we can push each other together :) Love the program :)
  • I started phase 2 this week. Last year I lost 50 lbs with two rounds of insanity so I can say it really works, combined with a good diet you can get amazing results, you will see it with the fit test! DIG DEEPER!
  • smcwilliams516
    smcwilliams516 Posts: 15 Member
    On week 7, love the endurance I have built up. Amazing watching the inches melt away!!
  • kimberly3818
    kimberly3818 Posts: 16 Member
    I did the first video to see how I do and I did not do so well anthing I had to do on the floor was out of the picture. Oh well I will keep trying though.

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  • efarester
    efarester Posts: 135 Member
    I am starting it on Monday - really looking forward to it! I did the first month in the spring (then stopped to do the Ultimate Reset)....I can't wait to get through the entire 60 days!! :)
  • I'm excited everyone is doing this amazing workout!! Add me and we can motivate each other!!
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Love insanity. Did two full rounds and had some awesome results. Doing a mix of P90X and Insanity now.
  • I start phase 2 on Monday...I am very excited! I am having great result thus far.
  • I am starting Insanity on Monday... So excited!
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I'm on the last week of month 1 right now, then I have the "rest week" next week with core cardio and balance. I am loving it so far!
  • I'm planning to start Monday!
    How intense is this really? I'm not super out of shape but I don't have much stamina, so a bit worried!
  • I've did it for 5 weeks. I saw results after about 2 weeks. It is great!! it is intense though and the first week is hard because you are very sore. muscle you didn't even know you had are aching lol but it feels great. 6 days a week can get much, and sometimes you don't want to do certain DVDs but like I said its worth it. If you did insanity with healthy eating the results would be amazing I'm sure. I didn't eat very healthy when I did it and STILL saw results.
  • smcwilliams516
    smcwilliams516 Posts: 15 Member
    It's pretty intense. Just don't give up! It will seem at first like you can't keep up, do the moves, and are failing. You will be amazed at how you get better everyday, until you are doing better than some in the video :)
  • bliggitybloop
    bliggitybloop Posts: 1 Member
    I'm planning on starting October 1st! I've been doing Jillian Micheals 30 day shred and lost a few inches but not much weight. I feel so pudgy and sluggish and I'm ready to try something drastic. I carry all my weight in my stomach and am hoping Insanity will help me lose the pudge. I'm scared. I'm 5'9 and 169lbs. my heaviest. Any advice? Does this really work for people like me? I hate working out, not am I athletic really, but I try my best each workout and am committed to being there.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I just finished week three, and I'm LOVING it! I have lost four pounds so far, which doesn't sound like much, but my body is changing so much!

    By week two I was seeing abs and was down 11.4" over my body; I've lost 2 inches around my waist already. Always looking for more serious Insanity friends at any point in the program. :)