Who else needs to lose a baby gut?

So, funny how the baby is birthed, yet the padding remains. I'm on my journey to lose the padding and I hope I'm not alone in doing so! Any advice or helpful hints on targeting the leftover weight would be very welcome! Feel free to add me if y'all want. :)


  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Congrats on the baby and welcome. You're in the right place.

    --mom of 4
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    No real hints other than just keep focused and don't give up. Don't expect anything over night. Slow and steady, you know.

    2 kiddos (c-sections)
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    baby gut..hmmm...isnt that really baby fat? :p
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I'm currently working on the same.. though at this point it's more of a pooch. At least that's what I tell myself. ;-)
  • jaxcull
    jaxcull Posts: 2 Member
    The pooch! So ridiculous, I know! I've lost 20lbs to date, just trying to lose another 15. I've just never had to lose so much weight off my "gut region" before! New challenge, I guess! :) Thanks for all the advice, ladies!
  • sherbear2678
    sherbear2678 Posts: 60 Member
    seems like the last place I lose the weight - I want to just tighten up my abs a bit! guess I can't blame the kids since they are 13 and 12 lol ;)
  • 86rollyb
    86rollyb Posts: 72 Member
    Me!!! I'm down 30 lbs from the day I delivered but still have 17 to go to pre-pregnancy! My little one is 8 wks & I also have a 3 year old. Feel free to add me! (goes for any of you!!)
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Yep, stupid thing is my son is 19..... YEARS old. I'm only NOW just losing it.
  • Gamergirl9
    My daughter is 6 months old and I am doing the same battle, plus some. I gained a lot while pregnant I've lost most of it but have 15 more lbs till i am pre-pregnancy weight. Then to work on what I had before hand.
  • Ashlee2421
    Ashlee2421 Posts: 58 Member
    Me me me! My son turned 1 in July, and I'm just now getting to where I was pre-pregnancy. I did the first months Insanity work out which helped with my stamina so much, now I'm jogging for the first time in my life. I'm trying to shed some pounds by jogging and eating well, then thinking about doing the full two months of Insanity. Might be a little easier when I'm not a tuba-lard lol
  • jacquel13
    jacquel13 Posts: 37 Member
    me me me!

    I have 5 kids, my baby is 9 months old. I totally carry my weight in my stomach. Blech. I'm also breastfeeding, and my metabolism seems so.dang.slow.

    Good thing those babies are so cute!

  • Xamybrynx
    I have a toddler gut lol from having twins but I think it will always be here gd luck on ya journey x
  • monicamcisaac
    monicamcisaac Posts: 35 Member
    Hey. I've added you. Breastfeeding helps I've found but I hear ya, I've lost 10kg (22 lbs) but still have a gross flabby tummy! Apparently weight training helps, I've been doing weights for 2 weeks so I'll keep you posted...
    good luck!
  • superkel317
    Mom of 4, my youngest is 6 years old now & I'm finally losing the weight. You can't target where the weight comes off, but you can tone the muscles so when the weight does finally come off, you'll have a nice, tone tummy! Be patient & keep working hard & you'll see the results you're looking for! :)
  • HopetoFaith
    not one but two from me :( after first pregnancy i almost got back to my pre-pregnancy weight and guess what? my partner was so exited about having baby and maybe now get married when everything settle down but no he made my pregnant again uhhhh, now my little princess is 6 week old and i want my body back and tha'ts not all i want more that that i want to be fit first time in my life, but things not going so easy for us im breastfeeding and i need to eat well to produce milk , is there anyone eals in a same position?
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    ME! Except my 'babies' are now 8 and 6 years old :embarassed:
    Its never too late though right? :bigsmile:
  • yvnursechick
    yvnursechick Posts: 94 Member
    workin on the same. just had a baby a few weeks ago.