Not loosing after 1 mth, ANYONE?

I have been dieting for exactly one month today. Pre dieting i have fluctuated between 210-203 within a matter of a day or two. I know i tend to hold water. After a month of dieting, two weeks at three days a week with thirty day shred I am at 205 which has pretty much been my consistent weight pre dieting. THEREFORE I have lost NOTHING but water weight. I eat my 1200 cal a day and have one cheat day on the weekends for sanity. This day consists of no more than 1800 calories a day. I eat very clean during the week. Has anyone experienced this and had any success later on. Not sure if i should lower my carb limit or what. my carb limit right now is 150 i believe. I have always done so well on low carb diets but after kids i feel like it is so much more incredibly hard to loose. Please post if you have any motivational thoughts!


  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    If you open your diary, you'll get better feedback.
  • angel823
    angel823 Posts: 190 Member
    I was stuck at 205-200 for a month Now finally a good 197

    Patience and keep going at it

    Dont give up

    I do suggest working out more tho
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Definitely post your diary. Logging everything is eye opening. Exercise is key for physical and mental health in my opinion. Keep at it! I have four kids and if you want it you'll achieve it.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I have been dieting for exactly one month today. Pre dieting i have fluctuated between 210-203 within a matter of a day or two. I know i tend to hold water. After a month of dieting, two weeks at three days a week with thirty day shred I am at 205 which has pretty much been my consistent weight pre dieting. THEREFORE I have lost NOTHING but water weight. I eat my 1200 cal a day and have one cheat day on the weekends for sanity. This day consists of no more than 1800 calories a day. I eat very clean during the week. Has anyone experienced this and had any success later on. Not sure if i should lower my carb limit or what. my carb limit right now is 150 i believe. I have always done so well on low carb diets but after kids i feel like it is so much more incredibly hard to loose. Please post if you have any motivational thoughts!

    1200 is recommended minimum calorie level for sedentary lifestyle for safety reasons. Not because it's best for performance, longevity, or aesthetics, and certainly not when exercising.

    You are working out, so do you follow MFP method and keep your original deficit by eating back exercise calories?
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I have been dieting for exactly one month today. Pre dieting i have fluctuated between 210-203 within a matter of a day or two. I know i tend to hold water. After a month of dieting, two weeks at three days a week with thirty day shred I am at 205 which has pretty much been my consistent weight pre dieting. THEREFORE I have lost NOTHING but water weight. I eat my 1200 cal a day and have one cheat day on the weekends for sanity. This day consists of no more than 1800 calories a day. I eat very clean during the week. Has anyone experienced this and had any success later on. Not sure if i should lower my carb limit or what. my carb limit right now is 150 i believe. I have always done so well on low carb diets but after kids i feel like it is so much more incredibly hard to loose. Please post if you have any motivational thoughts!

    1200 is recommended minimum calorie level for sedentary lifestyle for safety reasons. Not because it's best for performance, longevity, or aesthetics, and certainly not when exercising.

    You are working out, so do you follow MFP method and keep your original deficit by eating back exercise calories?

    That isn't for everyone! Especially if you have more to lose.
  • rubix08
    rubix08 Posts: 33 Member
    I have been dieting for exactly one month today. Pre dieting i have fluctuated between 210-203 within a matter of a day or two. I know i tend to hold water. After a month of dieting, two weeks at three days a week with thirty day shred I am at 205 which has pretty much been my consistent weight pre dieting. THEREFORE I have lost NOTHING but water weight. I eat my 1200 cal a day and have one cheat day on the weekends for sanity. This day consists of no more than 1800 calories a day. I eat very clean during the week. Has anyone experienced this and had any success later on. Not sure if i should lower my carb limit or what. my carb limit right now is 150 i believe. I have always done so well on low carb diets but after kids i feel like it is so much more incredibly hard to loose. Please post if you have any motivational thoughts!

    1200 is recommended minimum calorie level for sedentary lifestyle for safety reasons. Not because it's best for performance, longevity, or aesthetics, and certainly not when exercising.

    You are working out, so do you follow MFP method and keep your original deficit by eating back exercise calories?

    I was thinking the same thing. Is the 1200 what MFP has suggested or is that your personal goal? I used to net around 1300-1400 everyday even though my limit at that time was closer to 1740 (1 pound a week) which meant I was eating way under and I wasn't really loosing anything for a while. Then I started eating more like 1600 on a low day and 1700 on a high day and the weight started dropping off again.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Losing please! Not loosing.

    Still not seeing a diary.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Yep more exercise. 3 days a week would kill me with lack of motivation. Try 6 days a week. I do 7 & have lost most of the weight I needed to lose in 7 months.
  • casseyann1987
    casseyann1987 Posts: 11 Member
    I have seen so much debate on deficit on here. Not sure what to believe at this point lol. I generally dont eat back my deficit. Posting my diary wouldn't really be of help because i generally get busy from fri- monday as its the onlywdays i see my huby but anywho i do still add up my calories on paper (yes i read the labels, even that darn 120 calories in a tbsp of evoo). I am not giving up (as my mom did after after two weeks ( which makes me mad) I generaly eat no snacks. yogurt, egg whites, egg white omlettes, or oatmeal for bfast, lunch is tuna with light mayo, and thomas lght emuffin, or salad, dinner is always protein and veggies thats IT LITTLERALLY! I am on here every night looking at success stories and its just discouraging. Im not looking for any words of discouragement. I am going to keep on keepen on but its so discouraging lol!
  • GypsysBloodRose26
    GypsysBloodRose26 Posts: 341 Member
    I would say try eating back your exercise calories for a couple weeks and see if that helps.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I know a lot of people see 1200 as the magic number to lose weight but for some people it just isn't enough. When I started I had it set to lose 2 lbs a week and MFP had me at 1450 calories. I changed some things (switched to 1 lb a week and realized my lifestyle was wrong and changed it) and it upped my daily to 1690, close to my then BMR of 1708 so I figured I'd try it. I've lost a steady 1.5-2 lbs a week eating within 100 of that figure (which is now 1644 since I've lose 19 lbs). I would try upping your calories some to see if that helps. You simply might not be getting enough fuel for your workouts.

  • casseyann1987
    casseyann1987 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am going to try eat my deficit and exercising at least 5 days. Waiting on the major cardio as I mildly sprained my ankle doing the tdshred like a dummy. Anyone know of any cardio that doesn't relate to putting pressure on the foot?
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I have seen so much debate on deficit on here. Not sure what to believe at this point lol. I generally dont eat back my deficit. Posting my diary wouldn't really be of help because i generally get busy from fri- monday as its the onlywdays i see my huby but anywho i do still add up my calories on paper (yes i read the labels, even that darn 120 calories in a tbsp of evoo). I am not giving up (as my mom did after after two weeks ( which makes me mad) I generaly eat no snacks. yogurt, egg whites, egg white omlettes, or oatmeal for bfast, lunch is tuna with light mayo, and thomas lght emuffin, or salad, dinner is always protein and veggies thats IT LITTLERALLY! I am on here every night looking at success stories and its just discouraging. Im not looking for any words of discouragement. I am going to keep on keepen on but its so discouraging lol!
    Stop depriving yourself of the things you love. That would be my first word of advice. Get moving more and eat in moderation. Screw paper, put it down here! That is what this site it for. A bit more work, yes, but do it!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I am def going to do this lol I mildly sprained my ankle doing the thirty day shred jumping jacks so I aml be doing all but the cardio for a week or so till this heals. know of any cardio that does not require your foot?

    Stop making excuses and do it! Cardio isn't the only exercise. Just move!
  • casseyann1987
    casseyann1987 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm sadden by your pessimism. I'm not making excuses. I have been doing the cardio, just not the extent to the buttkicks etc as i cannot physically do them until this ankle is better and i have been moving around. Even the jumping jacks im still doing one leg and both arms lol. Im making this happen, and it will, I was just asking people if they have seen an extreme slowness in their weight loss drop. Im used to losing fast with low carb but also fast gain as its TOO fast to loose.
  • casseyann1987
    casseyann1987 Posts: 11 Member
    ty I may try this! and I appreciate your honestly and optimism
  • lolowalt87
    lolowalt87 Posts: 1 Member
    I thought we were all here to support & motivate each other not bring other people down.. Take your b.s somewhere else maybe a sour losers group :)
  • anniebelle26
    anniebelle26 Posts: 43 Member
    umm...hopping?!! lol jk :laugh:
  • rubix08
    rubix08 Posts: 33 Member
    I've hit plateau's every now and then, some things that I have tried to do to get past are to switch up my work out routine. While I normally just walk or jog at night I will try and shake things up by adding some weightlifting in (free weights at home, I have no gym membership at the moment). Try doing a routine of strength training that has a moderate resistance for two, maybe three sets of 10-12 reps. I tend to try and do various biceps/legs/chest exercises on some days then do another routine of triceps/shoulders/squats on other days. As for food, something I have been doing lately is to mix up my net cal intake throughout the week. Right now my goal is set at about 1680 so one day I will net about 1630, then the next day I net about 1400, then 1550 the next and so on. That method seems to have gotten me through my recent plateau but I haven't been doing it for very long so I can't say what the results are for an extended period of time.

    I know being stuck in these moments where nothing you do seems to make any difference, don't give up. Just keep trying new methods until you find something that works for you.
  • MFP sets my intake at 1330 cal. I have been on for 5.5 weeks and have lost 5lbs. 3 in the first 2 weeks. Probably some water.
    I gained and lost 2lbs over the next two weeks and finally have been steady at 5 lbs loss for the last 1.5 weeks. Have not lost anything in the last 1.5 weeks but am glad for the stability. I walk a lot and set my exercise goal at 45 min of moderate walking per
    day. That is my minimum and am fortunate to be able to do this each day 7 days week.

    It seems that I will probably start to lose slowly if my maintain continues. As we get closer to our goals we will lose much slower.
    I set my loss at .5 per week, so I am still ahead :)

    Keep on hanging in there.