Good one.

Hey, this is my first post. I've been using MFP for a little over a month and have lost 4 pounds so far but in the last week I've been slipping! It's mostly due to the fact that I'm moving away next week and have been going out with friends to eat and have a beer or two, nothing crazy. Tonight though I downed two bowls of gnocchi with veggie curry then like a quarter of a cheesecake and now I feel like an idiot. Oh and because I went out I skipped on my C25K run. Pretty much just looking for someone to remind me it isn't the end of the world and I'll get back on track. I'm tempted to skimp on calories a little tomorrow to make up for it but I feel like that could end in a bad habit? This guilty feeling about food is kinda foreign to me and it's the worst!

Oh yeah, I totally abandoned 30 Day shred after level 1 for some reason. Boredom maybe? I need to get it together!


  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    have you read or heard anything about Eat Stop Eat?
    I have started using a 24hour fast recently, only maybe once every 2 weeks,
    I fasted today because I went over on both wednesday and friday this week.
    I works for me.
    If you've never tried it before maybe this istn the perfect plan to fix a binge day - i tried it like 6 months ago and could not control myself eating soo much food the next day,
    but now that I'm more commited i find it easy.

    Either that or just move on, 1 day is not going to make a big difference, itll take a couple days to see the shift on the scales, but dw, you havent gained a million pounds just because you over-ate for one day.
    JRMGG Posts: 4 Member
    Haven't heard about Eat Soup Eat but I'll look into it. Thanks for the info!

    It's not so much about eating half the world today, it's mostly about my slipping track record as of late. I think I'm just gonna forget about it and focus tomorrow and go from there. I guess I haven't actually gained anything back yet so it's all good. I already feel better.