Insanity first day

So I started the Insanity program two days ago - I have been wanting to start it for some time now, and I finally got up the nerve to get going on it. Anyhow, the fit test was a bear for me, so I knew going in that I would be struggling with the workout, but I never thought it would be as bad as it was. I had difficulty getting through the first 20 minutes of the first day of workouts, so what is the rest of the 2 month program going to be like for me? Has anyone else struggled like this? The disclaimer at the front end of it states that this isn't necessarily for everyone, so I am just wondering if I should keep at it or if I should try something else instead.


  • Stefanny91
    Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
    I was looking in to insanity the other day, To be honest it doesn't matter if you do everything and if you struggle all you can do is try, the exercise is still gunna be great for you whether or not you do the whole thing.

    the workouts look pretty insane, I want to give it ago but I know that I am nowhere near fit enough to do it and I'll just end up giving up because I will find it too hard. My aim is to start it on January 1st (well maybe the second ;) depending on the hangover) but that way I can work on my fitness before hand.
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    You are doing fine.

    Helpful Tip: If you can't do the exercise or can't do it for the duration - do something else - but do something. You will be amazed at your progress within 2 weeks. It took me two weeks to be able to do the warm-ups without recovering in the fetal position!

    Also - I had to do it in the evenings and ended up doing it only about every other day - took twice as long to complete - but it still produced excellent results.

    Helpful Tip: When Shaun T tells you to must get your pulse down about 30 bpm from your exercise level bpm. This may require you to hit the pause button until you get in better shape. This is HUGE - do this! Things will go much better for you.
  • Boobookittyfq
    Boobookittyfq Posts: 454 Member
    Just go at your own pace... You will eventually keep up, just keep going and dont give up your body will be in pain the first week after the second week you'll start dont have to finish the whole video as long as you do what you can... before you know it you'll be able to keep up...the 2nd month is a bit intimidating because the time gets longer ... Goodluck wish you the best!
    I start my 2nd time on insanity next week.. you can do it!!!!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I just started this week too and am totally loving it. The schedule is 6 workouts and 1 rest day, but I added in an extra rest day between days 3 and 4 and found that helped me a lot. Just do what you can and keep moving even if you aren't doing the exact exercise.
  • JodiCole
    Just do what you can, I am on week 3 and still sometimes hit the pause button but I finish. Just do it and stick with it!!!
  • sdpf507
    I could not do some of the jumping and plyometrics....need a better bra. LOL But I just keep moving so my heart rate stays up....I figure it beats what I was doing before. (NOTHING). We shall see how it turns out......I really want to lose 20 lbs.
  • quebee79
    let me know how you get on after the period
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    i looked at it the other day too see what all the fuss was about. Can't do it myself because of my disability, but it does look interesting and people seem to get results. Maybe give it another go and if your still not comfortable after a week or so it probably isn't for you
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    I feel you!

    I did a cheeky practice run of the fit test yesterday, ahead of the 'real' thing on Monday and spent most of the time on the floor panting like a dirty sex pest!

    Keep going, love......just do what you can!
  • mzmcole08
    mzmcole08 Posts: 3 Member
    I appreciate everything you have all said - just needed to know more than anything else that I wasn't the only one who was getting beat down by a dvd...
  • sugarplumfairy72
    sugarplumfairy72 Posts: 11 Member
    If Insanity is your starting point you are very ambitious. There are other programs on that would be easier to start and give you great results. Check out Turbofire if the Insanity is just too much right now. Turbofire is a 5 Month High Intensity Interval Training program and has a really motivating and easy to follow instructor named Chalean. This program will get you ready for Shaun T. Either way hang in there and just give it your best-Don't give up-your worth the results no matter how long it takes!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    EVERYONE (myself included) starts off doing the fit test and thinking they're going to die! I couldn't even imagine making it through 1 week let alone 1 month! I start my 2nd round on Monday and I am amazed at how far I have come.

    A couple of things to keep in mind...

    1. Don't watch the screen for longer than you need to understand the move you're supposed to doing. The folks in the videos have been doing Insanity for multiple rounds... none of them are beginners. You will not be able to keep up so don't even try. Go at your own pace and do what you can.

    2. Take as many breaks as you need to get through the workout. Shaun will give you some but you will need more (at least in the beginning). Drink tons of water throughout. You will be laying in a puddle of sweat at the end of each workout so you need to stay hydrated.

    3. Don't worry about completing the program in exactly 63 days. It doesn't matter how long it takes you to get through as long as you keep going. Repeat days, weeks, whatever if it makes you feel better. Take 2 days off instead of 1 in the beginning if necessary.

    4. Don't give up!!! Keep trying and I promise it will get better the longer you do Insanity.

    Please friend me if you want extra support! Good luck!
  • xdieselx
    xdieselx Posts: 64 Member
    Like the others said, just pause when you need it and do what you can.

    I did complete insanity and i completely sucked when i started, i couldnt even go through the warmup without pausing. As the weeks went on, i kept improving, i was noticing my numbers increasing during my fit tests, i didnt need to pause anymore during warmups.

    I still couldnt complete the whole workouts without taking extra breaks even until i finished the program. But i still completed it and got good results.

    Month 2 is harder because it is longer but the warmup isnt as crazy as month 1's.

    Give everything you can, pause when you need it and you will improve. Just to motivate you, just look at Akele (a black guy) in the videos, he has a freaking awesome body (athletic and muscular) and he is always one of the first ones to stop to catch his breath in many of the exercises. My motivation was to last longer than him :P All people in the videos have great bodies and they have to pause to catch their breath too so that is very motivating!
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    I want to give it ago but I know that I am nowhere near fit enough to do it and I'll just end up giving up because I will find it too hard.

    Same here...if you've actually bought it or had someone give/lend it to you, you're a better person than I am.
    My aim is to start it on January 1st (well maybe the second ;) depending on the hangover
    :laugh: :drinker: