Your opinion?

I've been under my kcals all week, i've done 30 days shred for 6 days, I think i'm going to have tomorrow as an off day, not that i'm going to go out of my way to eat lots of crap but i'm going to my nans for dinner and shes cooking a roast and has made apple crumble and I jus wana have a nice meal with my family there. I'm thinking every Sunday is going to be weigh, rest and chill day. Me and my partner are both doing MFP & 30DS so we're thinking we will do it Mon-Sat, and then have sundays as whatever days.. As I said not eating junk jus not watching the kals as much and a day off exercising? Does anybody else do this?


  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    This is a lifestyle change, so you have to do something that is going to work for you. If you know Sundays are going to be a day that is harder for you to count calories, etc. then work it into your everyday plan. However, if you know you are going to indulge a little at dinner, you may want to go lighter on breakfast, snacks, etc. so you have a little more wiggle room. Just don't go crazy and you should be fine. Enjoy your day with family! :)
  • NiagaraCheryl
    NiagaraCheryl Posts: 56 Member
    Having a good meal with family makes life worth living. Enjoy it without guilt.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I sort of do this on Saturday. I still try to be reasonable with my choices. We usually have big BBQ's on Saturday so I will be reasonable with my food the beginning of the day, knowing a huge cal load is coming that night. If there are chips or whatever I try to only have a couple...things like that.
  • I think it is easy to say that everyone needs a free day. I look at it as what is your goal? If your goal is just to lose a few pounds, then the day off will just slow down your progress. If your goal is to change your lifestyle so that you never have to worry about what you eat, because you eat healthy, then there should be no free would be the equivalent to an alcoholic saying they are only going to drink on Sunday.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Days off are really important, but if I know I'm going to have a big calorie day I try to get some exercise in so I've got them in the bank
  • If you are eating clean for the week and where you need to be with your workout, then a once a week cheat day is perfect for the metabolism. I love my Sundays as well and find that my body responds very well to this once a week time with family and a great meal out of my normal routine. It's important to rest the body and will benefit you even more to spend that time with family and great friends. Enjoy yourself if you've worked hard for it.
  • imdaprincess
    imdaprincess Posts: 2 Member
    In my opinion, food is to be as much for enjoyment as it is nourishment. As long as you continue to make good choices more often than not, you are headed in the right direction. Try not to beat yourself up too much when you have an over-the-top calorie day. I don't even want to call it a "bad" day because it was more than likely filled with delicious things. Always remember that tomorrow is another day and with it, comes a fresh start. :smile:
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Look at your weekly deficit. You could not eat your exercise calories on Friday and Saturday and use them on Sundays, then your deficit stays the same. Or you could go over by 500 calories (or whatever) on Sunday and it's not going to hurt you (unless you have a really small deficit) and could actually help you to have a higher calorie day. Just look at your weekly deficit.
  • juliesjuke
    juliesjuke Posts: 93 Member
    Moderation.I eat a little of everything that i like,and find it to be satisfying.Good luck,and enjoy.:wink:
  • I've been under my kcals this week 1857 kcals under in total actually since monday. I'm 19st now I want to get to about 14st so it's a whole big change but I do think a rest and chill day a week does do the body good, I don't see it as being an alcoholic at all cos doesn't your body plato after a while? I'm not saying I'm going to go out and diliberately have take a ways or chocolate etc just don't think i'm going to kcal count for the day but obz still be cautious.