low carb

Hi I have been on MFP since Jan. and did well to start with and lost 14 or the 25 I wanted to lose. I have maintaned for the most part though the summer and want to kick start again and get to the goal by November. I came across my Coconut Diet book the other day so thinking of going back to low carb high protien for a couple of weeks. Even though the carbs I eat mostly are veggies and grains. I don't know! Advice would be helpful. I do run atleast 2 miles a day and started swiming and a couple times a week bike riding 30 minutes and would like to do a Triathlon next summer!


  • popzork
    popzork Posts: 78 Member
    I'm not a fan of any of the "fad" diets including low carb. The only diet that personally makes sense to me is clean eating. If you can't pronounce the ingredients, you probably shouldn't eat them. I think you will have the most success if you can lose the weight eating the same foods you plan to eat for the rest of your life. It won't feel like a "diet" that you have to go on and off of and lifetime success would be easier.

    On a personal note, I was thinking of doing a triathlon myself next summer! I'm almost 50, so I'm not sure how that would go over, but I run and recently started swimming, too.
  • That would be the better way to go the clean eating! I'll be 47 next summer and just really got in to running this past year. We so can do this and the owner of the store I work at did the Ontrio tri when he was 50!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm not a fan of any of the "fad" diets including low carb. The only diet that personally makes sense to me is clean eating.
    Oh, how I laughed. "Clean eating" is just another fad, surely ? Atkins was 40 years ago, Banting over a century so low carb is hardly a passing fad.
  • eric5150ii
    eric5150ii Posts: 53 Member
    If you want to cut some carbs, check the Paleo/Primal diets - that is pretty much what they preach. They will have you cut out your grains, which may or may not work for you.

    Google "Mark's Daily Apple" for a great intro site to the primal style of eating/working out.
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    I follow Paleo/Primal eating and lifestyle, which by it's nature means it is lower carb. But you can make it what you want. For me it is really higher fat/moderate protein and lower carb. The whole idea tends to get a little beaten up on the forums unfortunately. It is a very clean way to eat. And there is a Paleo/Primal group if you want recipe ideas or other info/support.

  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    We have a group called "Low Carber Daily Forum" where all varieties of low-carb intakes are more than welcomed to join in.

    It is definitely NOT a fad diet as there are many people out there who are medically advised to follow a lower carbohydrate intake, including diabetics so its definitely not a fad...

    Please consider coming over... we have lots of wonderful meal ideas, recipes, suggestions, etc. I would say about 90% of our group follows a nothing-but-real/clean food following. The fresher the better, and variety is just as important too.

  • I have heard of the paleo/primal and will check it out along with the Low Carber forum. I know when my meals are more protein, I feel satified and fuller longer. Love Avocodos and need to up my fat intake that might help also. Thank you for the advice and comments!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I have heard of the paleo/primal and will check it out along with the Low Carber forum. I know when my meals are more protein, I feel satified and fuller longer. Love Avocodos and need to up my fat intake that might help also. Thank you for the advice and comments!

    Whatever you do, dont let people's negativity make you think this is a fad because it most definitely is not a fad. Its been around in the medical community since the early 1920's and Diabetics are constantly educated (but dont always follow), on the types of carbohydrates and what the restriction is that they should follow. We have many patients who are seen by the physicians I work for who are medically advised (even if they are not predisposed with conditions) to follow a lower carb intake and concentrate on whole/fresh foods...and I work for over 300+ of them so, its not a fad...
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I'm not a fan of any of the "fad" diets including low carb.

    The only that about low carb being a fad diet is calling it a fad diet.
  • I have followed a "low-carb" diet, specifically South Beach, since April and I have never felt better or more like this is something I can follow for life. Low carb is definitely not a "fad" diet. As other posters have said, it's been around for many many years in the medical community as a remedy to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. I know many people who have switched to a low-carb lifestyle and their blood chemistry has drastically improved!

    I definitely eat carbs, but they are low glycemic carbs and when I eat bread, it's 100% whole wheat. And many low carb diets do promote eating clean. I eat tons of fresh vegetables, lean protein and low fat dairy. For me, low carb has been a total winner! :)

    I didn't know MFP had a low carb group...I'm definitely going to join!

    Good luck!
  • Deb2chef
    Deb2chef Posts: 43 Member
    All you need to do is find your own body carb tolerance level and then stay within it for example if you et 50g carb a day and still maintain weight ok, if you have 60 grm carb a day an gain weight then here is where you have overdone your body's carb tolerance keep checking till you find your personal amount then stick to it, Easy.


    Hi I have been on MFP since Jan. and did well to start with and lost 14 or the 25 I wanted to lose. I have maintaned for the most part though the summer and want to kick start again and get to the goal by November. I came across my Coconut Diet book the other day so thinking of going back to low carb high protien for a couple of weeks. Even though the carbs I eat mostly are veggies and grains. I don't know! Advice would be helpful. I do run atleast 2 miles a day and started swiming and a couple times a week bike riding 30 minutes and would like to do a Triathlon next summer!
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I'm not a fan of any of the "fad" diets including low carb. The only diet that personally makes sense to me is clean eating.
    Oh, how I laughed. "Clean eating" is just another fad, surely ? Atkins was 40 years ago, Banting over a century so low carb is hardly a passing fad.

    I fail to understand why people insist on calling the low carb diet a "fad" diet..... its' basically getting back to eating real foods,that our great great grandparents ate.... no over processed foods that our bodies don't know what to do with.... I eat "real" carbs every day... a small amount of potatoes or carrots to get my engine running, and mostly healthier veggies and cheese....and yes... lots and lots of meat....when will people stop listening to "diet companies" that promote their own high carb products which never seem to work for any sustained period and start educating themselves as to what there bodies actually need to lfunction on.....

    I've been low carbing for four years, my weight loss continues to go down, and as I'm nearing my goal I am adding more and more natural carbs into my diet to reach a maintenance diet..... Never again will I live on prepared foods full of empty calories and carbs that my body doesn't know what to do with and I feel healthier than ever.....