Wraps. Do they actually work!?

So, I've seen many of my friends talking about the "It Works!" wraps, or even the Preparation H and saran wrap wraps, and how they've lost INCHES in days. Just from the wraps!!!
I just wanna know. Does that ACTUALLY work!? It seems silly to me. To walk around all day with saran wrap on, and smelling like Preparation H....
But, if it DOES work, let me know. And I will try it out, and then blog to ya'll about how it worked. I just don't want to try it if I KNOW it's not going to work.

Dazed and Confused
About Cling Wrap


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Ask yourself this.....

    If this actually worked for fat loss why aren't fitness models/body builders and athletes, all of whom are usually ahead of the game when It comes to weight loss and whose careers depend on looking and performing at their best all the time using them regularly...........
  • kacieluzier
    kacieluzier Posts: 18 Member
    That's what I was thinking!
    I know the phrase "work smarter, not harder" comes into play with my friends. And they think wraps are smarter, and easier. BUT if the effects wear off in a day, then that's not the case.
    I would rather continue on with my fitness model training, and KNOW that I worked my *kitten* off to get a smoking body. For my husbands sake. (wink)
    Thanks Hendrix7 :)