Stretchmarks, they keep bugging me!



  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    I have them too and let me tell ya, they've never scared off a single soul! I've had 2 kids and have them on my chest, stomach, and thighs. You are perfect the way that you are. Confidence is sexy!! Love em!!

    Oh and this too!

    Ignore your marks and everyone else will too.

    Yes. As much as I've grimaced as my own stretch marks, I've never heard any of my friends (male or female) blow someone off for stretch marks. Either I have saintly friends (I KNOW that's not the case) or stretch marks don't grab others' attention as much as they grab our own.

    Personally, I've come to terms with my stretch marks. I got my breasts in the 3rd grade, so I've had them for awhile (the breasts and the stretch marks). It's the loose skin I fear!
  • I developed stretch marks on my stomach when I gained 30 pounds in nursing school. At 1st they were dark and I hates them. Now they are light and I kind of like the smooth feel of them. I also never minded the stretch marks on my breast. Don't worry, they will fade and will not bother you as much.
  • stretch-marks-are-tiger-stripes.jpg&w=300&h=200&a=c&zc=1&q=90
  • My son used Myderma cream and I was amazed at the results!! He is very happy. It's pricey (about $38 per tube at Walmart) but he was glad he used it. Might try it if the stretchmarks bug you.
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    Stretch marks can look awesome when you're really lean.
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    What can I add to so much great support! If I were in love with a guy and he had stretch marks....wouldn't matter a damn bit!


    Don't worry about a thing! They are a badge of honor!
  • Hey so I too have LOTS of stretch marks. They depend on lots of things such as your skin type and your genetics but I find most of all your age plays into effect.
    I was looking online for a solution myself and lots of people say BioOil and Cocoa Butter work (they don't).
    I finally found something that made total sense and I tried it. It works but very slowly.
    You will need:

    Pure Coconut Oil (find it at any health store or online) OR Extra Virgin Olive Oil if you can't find any Coconut Oil
    Coarse Dark Coffee Grounds
    Saran Wrap
    Heating Blanket (optional)

    Okay so you mix the coffee and oil together to make a thick paste (you can add vitamin E oil or lotion if you want) and rub it all over the parts where you have stretch marks. I have only done it on my stomach but you could do your arms or legs too. Then wrap the Saran Wrap around it really tight. I read that if you have a heating blanket to use that to heat the parts that are wrapped (ie. take a nap or just lay in bed or just lay down anywhere). I haven't tried with a heating blanket but apparently it helps it along faster. Keep the wrap on for about 30 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. The coffee helps to stimulate the skin and the coconut oil helps to improve the elasticity of the skin and even it out.

    I have done this once and I noticed #1 how smooth my skin was and #2 how the redness in my stretch marks was virtually gone. They had turned whiter. You are supposed to do this once a week.

    Hopefully this works for you. It does take time. Good luck!
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Wow, alot of replies :) Yesterday when i looked after 2 hours not a single reply and got bumped to the second page and now i check and so many replies, thanks.

    It probably has to do alot with insecurity, when i was a teen i was quite a populair guy(and i don't mean this in any bragging way) alot girls always liked me, that is probably also the reason i suck at hitting on someone because they always hit on me and now i suck at it.
    Now that i am getting a little bit older and after a couple very bad relationships i really find everything hard. In my country people are really really obcessed with looks, i know it's the time that people are way to obcessed with looks but over here they are even worse. I am a very loving person but if you read my profile with a very rough past.

    I just want to meet that special one you know but all i have in my mind is they so obcessed with looks and once they see the stretchmarks they might be like, disgusted or something. I know love is about more than looks but lately i am doubting if this is still the case because it sure doesn't seem like that.

    And when i see this thick wide and deep lines running under my skin and also bodywise not where i want to be yet right now, just makes me insecure i guess.

    At the moment a couple girls are attrackted to me, not for a relationship, they only want to be "friends with benefits" they see my face and they are like, cute//handsome face (again, not my words) but than in my thoughts they expecting a body to go with it and i am afraid to fail their expectations plus i dont know lately if i even want to have friends for just the benifits, i know, alot of guys already told me that i am crazy but i am just not like that anymore.
  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    I dated a guy who was super ripped, Imagine my surprise when I saw stretch marks! I asked him, he said he had been about 40 pounds heavier at one time. They didn't bother me a bit, I liked their location! Hee hee.....
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    my best friend complains about her stretch marks that are lighter than her skin, on her bum and barely ? I'm blessed with huge dark purple lines all around my hips, that get worse towards my back...therefore I'm going to have to bump this for tips

    (do try palmers scar serum! used it on chaffing scars on my thighs - but I hate the smell, and its so hard to spread so small areas like that its it stops the chaffing !)
  • My ex had a lot of stretch marks, because he had "maxed out his frame" when he was younger & then stopped working out. They never bothered me & I think your reason is better. Don't worry about it. More than likely the girl you are with will have some too & it will make her feel more comfortable not to be the only one. I do agree with a previous poster though about getting mederma. It has worked for me, you just have to be diligent & really rub the area.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I'm bumping for tips, too.

    I have them on my chest, stomach, hips, thighs, arms and calves. My arms and calves are the ones that bother me the most because I hope someday to be thin enough to wear shorts and sleeveless shirts.
  • no ones going to look at them once your ripped... and even if they do, all they will be able to say is "congratulations you must have lost some serious weight"
    This is awesome, never thought about it like that!
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    Rather have the stretch marks than the fat!... But I take CoQ10, you can read up on it, there's some evidence that it helps with them. And I use either Queen Helene or Palmers Cocoa Oil. You put it on at the end of your shower, it's a fast absorbing oil.
    And the last thing that I swear has been helping is Red Light Therapy. It's a perk of my gym membership.

    And keep drinking water, lots and lots of water.
  • RasheedaR
    RasheedaR Posts: 38 Member
    I tried everything to get rid of mine, cocoa butter, coconut oil, olive oil, biotin, mederma etc! What finally helped was when I used a wrap which helped to fade mine and tighten the area of that mommy shelf I had! It seriously worked, no gimics! There is also a stretch mark cream that rocks too! I did the loyal customer pricing so I got almost half off retail. Let me know if you need more info.

    Here is the link:

    Good luck!!
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Now that i am getting a little bit older and after a couple very bad relationships i really find everything hard. In my country people are really really obcessed with looks, i know it's the time that people are way to obcessed with looks but over here they are even worse.

    I'd suggest you might want to try some different places to look for your significant other. In my experience people in our country are less obsessed with looks than people in at least the UK and US. There are however some subcultures where looks are the main thing. Which is also the subculture where friends with benefits exist, as that is mainly about lust & looks, not love & personality.

    Not saying there's anything wrong with subcultures that focus on looks a lot more, but they generally not help you finding that significant other, or help you with your self esteem.

    Might want to try some online dating and use a picture of yourself of some time ago when you were at a higher weight than you are now. Anyone going on a date will be positively surprised by the change and you're sure they're not only talking to you for your looks.
  • They will get less and less noticeable over time - I promise. I had the scariest looking ones during my first pregnancy, as in - they looked like a wild animal had clawed my stomach, and it was bleeding. (No - not actually bleeding, but it looked like it was!!)

    Now I really have to look for them to notice them. Time really does improve them.

    Moisturizing helps, or so they say (I was too lazy to bother, LOL!)

    Me too! Moisturizing does help. Mine look like battle scars from a fight with a wild animal now. Very light but still visible. They bother me sometimes but not enough for me to be super worried all the time.