Returning, and in need of support. : )

Hi, I'm Karen! : )

I originally joined this website in October 2010 and I did lose some weight. But in February 2011, I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (bone marrow cancer). Then over the course of the next year, I dealt with chemo, the loss of my mother, and the decline of my father. I put the weight back on due to some emotional/stress eating and putting my needs on the back burner to take care of others.

I had abandoned MFP until last week when I stepped on the scale at the doctor's office and was horrified at the number: 250. I knew I needed to do something.. So here I am to give this another shot. This time, with the support of friends to help keep me accountable. I will not "just diet", I will make lifestyle changes so that I can fight against my cancer and be able to see my daughter get married one day and see my future grandchildren.

I'm looking for anyone who may have been down this road before and can help keep me motivated and accountable: Cancer, no cancer. Already lost the weight, still has weight to lose. Etc.

Anyway.. Thanks for at least taking the time to read my intro! : )


  • Jeff331
    Jeff331 Posts: 15 Member
    I think friends are the most important part of successful losing. You can add me if you like